Red sand dust

Chapter 685 Join

"It's not over yet. Do you think this is enough..."

Seeing that the massive attack had no effect, Koyamabuki's smile couldn't help but froze. After estimating the chakra reserves of the puppet Spider Crab, he immediately made up his mind.

"You're such a nasty guy with a shark face full of wrinkles. I'll deal with you first..."

Although the poker-faced Uchiha Itachi didn't make many moves, he didn't look like he would be easy to deal with, so it would be better to pinch him first.

He controlled the puppet to open its big mouth and spit out a ball of white gel. After falling into the water, it turned into endless tentacles and spread rapidly in the direction of Kisame Kisame.

The tentacles looked inconspicuous under the water, but they couldn't be hidden in front of the waiting Kisaki Kisame. Just as he was about to leap back, he saw a group of crystals rising from the water and wrapping his legs.

"This is...not good!"

Koyamabuki, who speeded up and let the tentacles take the opportunity to tie up the shark's face, looked at Guren who suddenly intervened from behind.

"Sister, don't you like these guys too?"

"We have been preparing for a long time, and we are finally somewhat sure of catching the tailed beast. How can we let a guy who suddenly appears take away the loot?"

"This big turtle is mine..."

Koyamabuki immediately stressed vigilantly.

"The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend!" 』

Honglian waved his hand:

"We'll talk about this later. Drive away these bandits first, big turtle... No, we will discuss the ownership of the tailed beast later..."


The somewhat pretty woman in front of her, although not as good-looking as her mother, was still more pleasing to the eye than the shark-faced one opposite and the pink-eyed patient who controlled the "big red puppet".

After the discussion was complete, Koyamabuki controlled the tentacles to sink into Kisame's body, controlled his backhand to chop, and cut Susanoo open a large gash with the sword's muscle cutting.

A large amount of chakra was absorbed, causing the red giant to shake.

"Are you being controlled?"

Uchiha Itachi, who instantly judged the situation, took two steps back and waved the long sword in his right hand. With great power, he cut off the tentacles, and the eyes of the originally mentally ignorant Kisaki Kisame became much clearer.

"Are you awake?"

"Well! It's refreshing and refreshing like never before, and it makes people feel extremely comfortable..."

Kisame chuckled lightly, his chakra gathered at the soles of his feet, he kicked off suddenly, and flew up, approaching the core of Susanoo, and then wielded his big sword Samehada to slash with all his strength, the weapon's ability to absorb chakra was fully exerted. To the extreme, in conjunction with the secret technique of Chakra Devouring, a large piece of Susanoo was directly cut off, and the large sword, Samehada, penetrated deeply, and its tip was less than half a meter away from Uchiha Itachi's forehead.

"This is……"

Uchiha Itachi finally showed a look of surprise on his face after being hit by a backhand blow that almost hit his vitals.

"It's not just those tentacles that control you, there are other things..."

The Sharingan Magatama spins rapidly, using the power of genjutsu to penetrate into the depths of Kisame's soul.

The genjutsu Sharingan instantly revealed the reality. In Uchiha Itachi's observation, the shadow of Kisame Kisaki lay motionless on the ground, and a little girl with silver hair and red eyes with black wings behind her was floating in the air.

"Is this your true body, the cursed soul doll..."

"He discovered the truth so quickly. He is really a sharp guy!"

Yamabuki's proud face showed a smile of success,

"You must be the enemy that my contractor will never forget. Let me see your strength..."

Uchiha Itachi said calmly:

"You still have a chance to escape outside. Nothing here can escape the observation of the Sharingan..."

As he finished speaking, he saw a blood moon rising in the black mist-filled sky. No, that was not the moon, but the open Sharingan.

Kisame's mental space was dyed red by the scarlet Sharingan.

"Is this the Sharingan?"

The sudden change made Koyamabuki couldn't help but wonder if it would be too reckless to compete with the famous Sharingan in mystical skills.

Kisame Kisaki, who was originally unconscious, was trembling and seemed to be waking up.

"It looks bad, but it doesn't scare me..."

The little guy who was about to retreat after saying a few harsh words suddenly stopped. It seemed that he had received some news. Yamabuki, who was communicating with someone, quickly showed a smile.

"Do you want to help? It's not impossible, but what's the benefit to me?"

After a few seconds, Koyamabuki nodded happily,

"As generous as you are, you are indeed worthy of being my contractor..."

Just like Daimaru's habit, he rubbed his hands happily and after letting go of certain restrictions, the expressionless Uchiha Sasuke appeared in this mental space that didn't seem crowded.

"You two brothers are communicating with each other, so I won't get involved. Young man, see you later..."

Koyamabuki patted Uchiha Sasuke's shoulder proudly and simply disappeared behind the scenes.

Outside, Kisame's body was trembling due to the fighting of many people. He held the sword and Samehada and still slashed at Susanoo's body from time to time, cutting off a piece of chakra.

Seeing the opportunity, Guren used Crystal Escape to imprison Susanoo, while Kaoru used the King Kong Blockade to drag Sanbi Isato away from the center of the battle for the first time in a long time.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate and maintaining a fragile balance, the blond Deidara fell from the sky and landed on the puppet Spider Crab.


"It's me, don't do anything, we're on our own!"

"Eh? This mental fluctuation must be father!"

Putting down what he was doing, he pushed open the cockpit door of the puppet Spider Crab, and happily flew out. Koyamabuki circled around the blond boy and asked doubtfully:

"How did you become such an ugly person?"

"This place is too far from the village, so I can only temporarily borrow this body..."

"That's good!"

Next, Koyamabuki happily recounted what happened when he encountered a strange big turtle and wanted to catch it back, but was prevented from doing so.

"It's that big red guy who is not only annoying, but also broke my 'harpoon'..."

"These are all small things. I'll help you fix them when you get back!"

It is not surprising that the puppet can perform ninjutsu and use ninja tools, because its body is equipped with circuits that imitate the meridians in the human body.

Of course, this cannot cultivate internal strength, and it is not the same thing as a mysterious magic circuit. It only allows you to perform preset ninjutsu, and its energy must be prepared in advance and must be replenished when used up.

The limitations of Yamabuki's body are too great, and he can barely maintain the low-intensity battle of the puppet Spider Crab. With multi-line attacks like this, the remaining chakra cannot last long.

While they were talking, the winner of the Uchiha brothers was quickly decided. Uchiha Sasuke covered his eyes and half-knelt on the water, shaking, while Uchiha Itachi easily released Kisame's control...

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