Red sand dust

Chapter 714 Bring a message

After suturing the last wound and checking Gaara who had not yet recovered from the effects of the super large dose of anesthetic, Daimaru nodded happily.

"Very good, very successful!"

After putting away a blood-stained "scalpel", Daimaru walked to Xiang Rin, who was lying sprawled on the bench, and patted his shoulder.

"Be restrained and pay attention to your appearance. As a lady, such a manner is really rude!"

This red-haired little girl is really not a simple thing. Ever since she realized that Daimaru and Gaara really didn't have any ill intentions and had become familiar with each other, they began to test the acceptable limits step by step.

Xianglin, who was too tired to move, waved her hands indifferently, and said vaguely with the corners of her mouth moving:

"That's enough. I can't do anything. Even breathing is so troublesome..."

"You are so young and defenseless in front of a strange man. Your moral values ​​and sense of shame are too shameful..."

"Who do you think caused this?"

Xianglin struggled to sit up, looked at Gaara who had not yet woken up, smelled the lingering smell of blood in the room, and frowned and asked:

"Is this a success?"

"If you still have some energy left, you can come and help..."

"It's better not to give it up, for fear of losing my life!"

Under normal circumstances, there are no side effects from using bloodline secrets and physical healing, but it is not always a good thing to overdraw too much vitality in a short period of time.

While checking the circulation status of the cut tissues and organs, he put a tube of serum into the culture medium, and then used the sealing technique to fill it with large pills. He took out a few pills and threw them to Xianglin.

"Take it after meals, don't eat too much at one time..."

"Is this a compensatory supplement?"

"Behave better next time, and maybe I'll reward you with some nutrition money!"

Xianglin said a little unconvinced:

"It's not that I don't work hard, this kind of surgery consumes too much chakra and life force..."

Seeing Daimaru remove Gaara's important organs step by step, replacing them with the external circulatory system, and then connecting the cut tissues and using magical sealing techniques to maintain their activity, the well-informed Xiang Rin was eye-opening.

"Lord Orochimaru and my Sasuke have never been so luxurious..."

"Your Sasuke?"

Daimaru smiled and did not continue to mock,

"Your old master studied biotechnology, and I am a puppet master. I am separated by mountains. It is normal for you to feel different..."

As he spoke, Daimaru waved his hand and released a large purple-black mist, "stroking" the entire operating room. The blood stains scattered everywhere and even the smell of blood in the air were all gone!

"This is a 'Ukon brand' vacuum cleaner and air freshener, the effect is not bad..."

Ignoring Daimaru's boasting, Xianglin thought for a while and said:

"Your surgical method is incredibly reckless. Although the theory is extremely feasible, if you gather all the necessary conditions and start the execution with a little experimentation, you are really not afraid of death..."

"Artists are bold!"

Xianglin shook his head:

"I don't think so! You should have a safer secret strategy. For some reason, you use this crude method..."

Daimaru, who was busy, suddenly raised his head and took a deep look at Xianglin:

"The intuition brought to you by Kagura's Heart Eye is really powerful! However, this is not a secret that you should know. If you want to retain the chance to leave Sunagakure Village after completing the operation, it is best not to know too much..."


Xianglin stuck out her tongue playfully, knowing that she had touched an area that she shouldn't know, and retreated decisively.

"You can live long if you know how to advance and retreat! There are only three people in the Uzumaki clan, so you'd better not commit suicide at will..."


Apart from himself and Uzumaki Naruto, Xiang Rin wisely did not ask who the third person was, but changed the topic.

"Those routine training and pharmaceutical assistance have made me feel that my physical fitness has improved a lot, but can this really make me stronger?"

"Only by laying a solid foundation can we move more steadily in the future..."

Daimaru answered patiently,

"I have something to meet with Uchiha Sasuke in a while. What do you want to say to him?"

The sudden benefit made Xianglin stunned for a moment, then he smiled and shook his head:

"No need! Except when he is seriously injured and needs my help to treat him, he will not think of me!"

Xiang Rin knew very well how deep the bond between him and Uchiha Sasuke was. The indifferent greetings from others would not deepen his impression on Uchiha Sasuke.

"There will still be some time, you can think it through before you answer!"

Daimaru said leisurely,

"The ninja world is so big, and we are now on the eve of a storm. Things like fate can be broken at any time..."

"No, my belief is not that superficial..."

“When I say goodbye, I don’t realize it at the time, but it may take years to say goodbye, or it may become forever…”

Daimaru accidentally poured cold water on him without mercy,

"The reunion you are looking forward to may never come!"

"No way!"

Xiang Rin was shocked by Daimaru's words.

"It's only a few months, it shouldn't be..."

Halfway through, the red-haired girl, who was a little unsure, couldn't help but lower her voice.

"It would have been nice if I hadn't left without saying goodbye..."

"You blame me?"

Daimaru shrugged.

"Don't expect me to feel guilty or take special care of you. It's just a simple matter of passing on a few greetings. If it's too troublesome, don't even think about it..."


After hesitating for a moment, Xianglin made up his mind.

"Tell him I'm safe..."


Xiang Rin's little mind is still clear, no matter how much she talks, it won't help, as long as she mentions it in front of Uchiha Sasuke, it's enough not to let him forget about herself.

While the two were talking, Gaara, who was not far away, finally woke up.

Gaara, whose skin was originally very white, showed no signs of excessive blood loss, but the tired look on his face and the weakness in his eyes were too obvious.

"This operation seems to take more time..."

"The difficulty is different. I have prepared so much plasma for you that I almost used it all..."

Daimaru stepped forward and gave Gaara the buff state of "White Zetsu Clone Possession".

"Don't practice too intensely within three days. The new organs are too delicate and require a period of adaptation..."

"Am I getting weaker?"

"That's not true!"

Daimaru explained,

"The human body's built-in repair mechanism is very impressive. As long as the vitality is strong, it will usually be over-repaired, just like the calluses on the hands and feet after hard training are tougher than the original skin..."

The more frustrated you become, the more courage you get, which is the miracle of life.


Excessive repair of internal organs is different from the development of calluses. It is not a good thing if important organs undergo mutations due to overgrowth.

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