Red Soviet Union

Chapter 15: takeoff volley

When the EP-3 made an emergency landing at the Sokolovka base yesterday, the base entered the first-level combat readiness. All fighter jets that could take off in the base had completed all preparations before takeoff and could be intercepted at any time.

Now, hearing the alarm sound, Andre closed the canopy, and immediately signaled the ground crew to check the locked state of the canopy, remove the ladder, and then drag the MiG-25 fighter out of the hangar.

At this time, the two MiG-25s on standby on the runway were already aligned with the runway, and Andre, who was connected to the radio, heard the voice of Commander Kozhdubu in the earphone: "The whole regiment takes off, get ready. Meet the enemy!"

Through the automated air defense system, the long-range radar has discovered that a large number of fighter planes have taken off from the island country, which are flying from the southeast and have already flown over the center line of the Sea of ​​Japan!

Judging from the targets intercepted on the radar, the other party has taken off twenty fighter jets. In this case, we should also go all out to meet the enemy. This is the mission of the Sokolovka base!

The 513 Aviation Regiment has a total of 24 MiG-25 fighters. Except for those that are being maintained and repaired, there are only 18 that can be dispatched. They are still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Therefore, they must all meet the enemy!

In the Cold War, this kind of air confrontation is quite dangerous, but you must show your ability! Americans are so aggressive, they must not show weakness! Last night, Moscow had issued an order! If we can win glory for the country this time, we can establish a group first-class merit, and Kozhdubu can be promoted and transferred to Moscow.

Meet the enemy!

The tail of the MiG-25 fighter jets spurted hot flames, propelling the fighter jets, rolling on the runway, taking off, one after another. Since the establishment of this base, this is the first time that almost the entire aviation regiment has taken off to meet the enemy. !

In fact, the entire Primorye Territory is responsible for the front-line combat missions against the US military stationed in Japan. The aviation force is not only located at the Sokolovka base. In the southern military town of Vladivostok, there is an important Soviet air force in the Far East. The base in Nakhodka, where the elite 47th regiment of the Soviet Union was stationed, all used MiG-23 fighter jets.

In the Soviet Union, the division of the military is somewhat different from that of Western countries. It is not the Air Force that is flying into the sky, but also the Air Defense Air Force.

The main tasks of the Soviet Air Force are to seize air supremacy, assault enemy land and naval groups, destroy important enemy military industries and transportation targets, destroy enemy war potential, attack enemy command and communication agencies and facilities, support land and naval operations, airborne, airlift, airborne Scouting, etc. This is the same purpose as the air force of other countries, which is to throw a powerful fist at the outside world.

The Air Defense Force appeared after World War II. The successful strategic bombing of the German and Japanese mainland by the Allied bombers during World War II shocked the Soviet leaders greatly. After World War II, the two sides entered the Cold War. The U.S. Air Force was equipped with a large number of airborne nuclear weapons and long-range strategic bombers, which made important targets in the depths of the Soviet Union under serious air threats. As a result, the Soviet Union established an independent air defense air force in the late 1950s, and a three-dimensional homeland air defense combat system was formed by radar troops, air defense missile troops, various specialized arms and specialized air defense interceptors. The main task is to defend against long-range reconnaissance planes and long-range bombers from Western countries. Due to the vast territory of the Soviet Union, professional interceptors need to arrive quickly and use their own special missiles to complete the task, and do not need the same excellent fighting ability as fighter jets.

To put it simply, the main task of the Soviet Air Force is to attack foreign countries, which is offensive. The main task of the Air Defense Air Force is to protect the vast land of the Soviet Union from air strikes by enemy countries, and it is defensive.

And now, it was discovered that the island country took off a large number of planes, and the air defense was the first to accept the task! The MiG-25 has the advantage of fast sprinting and can reach the interception position at the first time. At the same time, it also has high-power radar and medium-range missiles, which can intercept at a long distance. At this time, the Soviet Union has completed the deployment of the automated air defense system, and the MiG-25 fighter can actively engage the enemy under the CGI guidance of the automated air defense system.

At this time, the air force base in Vladivostok is also busy, ready to join the battle at any time.

Wearing a flying helmet that almost covered his entire head and wearing a high-altitude compensation suit, Andre flipped various switches on the panel with his gloved hands.

The two R-15BD-300 engines at the rear started quickly and made a huge roar. This turbojet engine with the largest volume can even accommodate ground crew directly into the tail nozzle, and the afterburner thrust is as high as 112 kN , is already a high-thrust engine in this era, and with the aerodynamic shape of the fighter plane for high-altitude sprints, it can beat more than Mach 3.

Released the brakes and slid to the runway. Andrei glanced aside. I was the lead pilot, and Captain Belenko was not there.

Belenko's landline is faulty and is still being repaired. For at least a week, he will not be able to fly the plane back to the blue sky. Thinking of Belenko, UU Reading Andre is a little uneasy , he shook his head, letting himself forget how to deal with the traitor, and feel at ease for this volley flight.

"Sokolovka, 032 requests takeoff." Andrei shouted over the radio.

"Take off immediately, follow the second brigade, the No. 14 area at sea."

"Yes." Andre replied calmly, turning on the afterburner at the same time.

Hot flames erupted from the tail, and the two engines exploded with maximum thrust. The MiG-25 rolled quickly on the runway, and then pointed to the blue sky.

The fighter planes of later generations, such as the J-11 piloted by Andre, have a thrust-to-weight ratio that has long exceeded 1. After takeoff, they can climb upwards with a large angle of attack.

But now, although the engine of this MiG-25 is powerful, the body is heavier. Now, the MiG-25 filled with fuel has a total weight of 36 tons! If you want a high angle of attack takeoff, then don't dream. However, the overall design of the fighter is still good, which is reflected in the minimum ground speed of the aircraft, which is only more than 300 kilometers per hour.

Through the narrow window of the flight helmet, Andre looked at the horizon and quickly retreated. Then, he pulled up the control lever, the front wheel was raised, and after continuing to roll for two seconds, the fighter suddenly lightened and left the runway.

The airflow ejected from the tail drew a line in the sky, followed by the airflow of the second brigade in front, and Andre accelerated as he climbed.

This improved fighter was equipped with a larger engine than the MiG-25P at the same time. It can be found that the climbing ability has been improved to a certain extent compared with the prototype. Although it was the last takeoff, Andrei quickly caught up with the second brigade in front. , joined the formation.

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