Chapter 0173 – Abdication!!

From where the mayor conspired to leave, Dom was in a particularly good mood.

Van der Linde has become a foregone conclusion that everyone will take root in St. Denis, and it only takes to solve the mad dog-like Detective Pinkerton and Levy Tix Cornwall, and Dom can be completely at ease.

Back at the house, Diana, who was attentive, approached the mayor to discuss the purchase of the ranch and the construction of the winery. (In the middle, Diana completed the mayor’s commission 2 times instead of Dom, of course, in the end, under Dom’s instructions, she did not get rid of Jean Mark, who ‘knew too much’, but let him go)

Dom changed into comfortable clothes and rushed back to Camp Shedi Belle.

The time gradually came to the evening, and the whole camp was bustling with active preparations for the upcoming banquet.

Ducky also left the house with Hosea and Arthur.

Gathering everyone together, Ducky said with a proud face, “Everyone, listen to me.” We had a hard time during this time and have been running around. We fled Blackwater, lost Jenny, David, and Mike, and spent a difficult time in the village of Coulters deep in the snowy mountains, then we came to the Horseshoe Lookout in the Heart of the Earth, were discovered by the people of Cornwall and came to Clemmons, and then were chased by the Pinkertons to what is now Shedi Belle. We have been living in a fixed place, there is no way to live in one place for a long time… Now, our dear Dom is actively charting a way for us all to settle in the great city of St. Denis, oh, it is a huge city, bigger and more prosperous than we have ever been, it is the truly civilized world. However, it is not easy to settle here, damn Angelo Brontë provoked us for no reason, not only kidnapped Little Jack, but also caused us to be run around the city like dogs by the police all over the city… But he also paid the price, just last night, we killed Angelo Brontë, removed the biggest stumbling block in the way of our settlement on the road to St. Denis, everybody, we will have a home in no time…”

Daqi’s words, everyone listened carefully, recalling everyone’s experience during this time, loss, pain, nostalgia, anger, excitement and other expressions kept changing on everyone’s faces.

Hearing Ducky’s last words that he would have a home immediately, everyone fell silent. Yes, home, what a heavy topic for outlaws like them.

All people are flesh-and-blood and emotional people, not cold-blooded animals, and they supported each other to form Van der Linde to help this big family get to the present, but at that time, the family was not a home…

Everyone’s hearts are now unconcealably excited, especially the daughter and the elderly in the camp, the dream that has always been unattainable is now in front of everyone’s eyes and is about to come true.

Ducky took in everyone’s expressions, and then continued, “All of this, we have one person to thank, Dom Evans, such a wonderful guy, without him I dare not imagine what our life would be like during this time. Dom, comeon, come to me…”

Dom was also a little embarrassed to see Ducky praising himself so much, and in the midst of everyone’s booing, Dom came to Ducky’s side.

Ducky patted Dom on the shoulder, his appreciation overflowing, “Taking advantage of such a good opportunity, I want to announce something to everyone here.” This is also my decision after consulting with most people… That is, from now on, Dom Evans is our new boss! ”

Dom was stunned in place all of a sudden, and Ducky’s hand caught him off guard, and he didn’t think that Ducky could have the idea of abdicating to make way for Hyun…

Everyone was also confused, except for those main cadres who participated in the discussion…

Dom quickly shook his head and refused, “Ducky, what are you doing?” I never wanted to be the boss, Van der Linde Gang without you, is it still Vanderlinder Gang? I…”

“Okay, Dom, okay 0…”

Ducky interrupted

Dom refused, “I didn’t decide on my own, but I asked for everyone’s consent.” ”

Dom looked at everyone, Hosea, Arthur, John, Bill, Charles, Javier, Aunt Susan, everyone had encouraging eyes, and not a single one was unconvinced.

Dom still asked puzzled, “Why me?” I am the junior of these people, like Hosea and Arthur, but the old man who was there when the gang was founded. ”

Hosia, “Dom, I’m already old, can you bear to toss me this old fellow?” And none of the gang leaders are old guys… As for Arthur, it’s okay to let him fake, everyone else is in a similar situation… Dom, no one is 0.9 better than you. ”

Ducky continued, “From the time you returned to camp this morning until now that we have all gathered, we have been observing you. You train Sadie, help Pearson chop wood and cook, help Kieran feed the horses, play with Little Jack, play poker with everyone, you can see that you really like everyone and are a very hardworking young man. Besides, I’m getting old…”

Dom, “Ducky, stop kidding, you actually admit that you’re old?” ”

Ducky, “Haha… If I didn’t admit it before, but now with such reliable you, I can enjoy my retirement sooner. I can also spend time with Molly and our children. ”

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