Da Ri Shen Guang said this, but he was avoiding the main point.

In fact, he also felt that Moonlight God Emperor was too merciful.

He felt that what Xinghui God Emperor said was in line with the current situation!

Moonlight God Emperor's face was gloomy, but it could only be so!

Although she pitied the creatures in the world, she also knew that she was alone and weak and could not resist the trend at all.

She could only encounter it and save it.

In the dark void, Chen Ming also felt the murderous aura born in the world.

"The killing calamity of heaven and earth has begun. Only in this way can the world be perfect!"

With a sigh, Chen Ming called Jin Shi and Ling Yu over and ordered:

"Go, ring the bell at the gate of the Taoist Palace to lead the way for those who are destined!"

"After ringing the bell, you two should welcome guests at the door. There are many benefits!"

Jin Shi and Ling Yu received the imperial order and arrived at the door happily.




Jinshi and Lingyu rang the bell together, and rang it seven times.

The sound of the bell echoed in the void, pointing the direction for the creatures that were desperately searching for the world.

"Jinshi, the master said that if we wait here, there will be benefits!"

"I don't know what the benefits are?" Lingyu asked, pulling Jinshi's sleeve.

Jinshi pretended to be mature and said, "You will know when the time comes!"

Lingyu curled her lips and said, "I think you just don't know!"

"I guess someone must have brought us delicious food. I used my magic before, but I saw someone roasting meat on the ground below, and there were a lot of fruits!"

Jinshi swallowed his saliva and said, "That's nothing. I also saw that in the divine palace in the sky, they were scrambling for the water in the jade bottle, and they fell asleep after drinking it!"

"Do you know what that is?"

Jinshi kept it a secret and looked at Lingyu proudly.

Sure enough, Lingyu's eyes lit up, and she asked eagerly, "What is it? Tell me quickly, is it that delicious?"

Jinshi then slowly said, "The water in the jade bottle is called wine!"

The two Taoist boys were talking about this and that, and suddenly three rays of light fell.

Three Taoists appeared.

"We are finally here!"

"If it weren't for the guidance of the bell, we don't know how long we would have to search in the void!"

"The Taoist Palace is right in front of us, but we can't get close to it!"

"The Taoist Master Xuanming is really powerful. I wonder how he compares to the teacher!"

The three Taoists secretly communicated and arrived at the door of the Xuanming Taoist Palace.

Seeing the two Taoist boys, Jinshi and Lingyu, they couldn't see through their cultivation.

In the sense, the two Taoist boys were mediocre.

But being able to guard the Taoist Palace, how could it be ordinary?

The three of them did not dare to underestimate them. They bowed to Jinshi and Lingyu and asked:

"My two little Taoist friends, is the Taoist Xuanming in the Taoist Palace?"

Jinshi and Lingyu replied: "The master is inside, you can go in!"

"Thank you!" After thanking them, the three of them walked straight forward.

Lingyu whispered: "Jinshi, they didn't give us any benefits!"

Jinshi said in a muffled voice: "The master is right, maybe there will be some later!"

As he was talking, two more rays of light fell.

It was a man and a woman.

The man had a mark on his forehead, like a vertical eye.

The woman was holding a stringed instrument in her arms.

It was Mu Tianxie and Youlian.

The two also went forward to ask for directions.

After walking a few steps forward, Youlian suddenly turned around and went back.

Youlian walked in front of Lingyu, spread her palm, and a beautiful jade hairpin emerged, which was tied in Lingyu's hair.

Then, with a wave of her hand, a mirror appeared, reflecting Lingyu's face.

"Look, isn't it beautiful!"

Lingyu looked at herself in the scene, looking left and right, very happy.

"Is it for me?" Lingyu asked cautiously.

She liked it very much, but she was afraid that it was not for herself, so she was reluctant to give it away.

Youlian smiled softly and said, "Of course it's for you. This jade hairpin is just right for you!"

"Great!" Lingyu said happily.

Youlian waved her hand, and went to the Taoist Palace with Mu Tianxie.

Lingyu turned around and said to Jinshi, "Jinshi, do you think my jade hairpin looks good?"

Jinshi looked at Lingyu's face and said woodenly, "Yes, it looks good!"

After that, he turned around and stopped looking at Lingyu.

Lingyu was very happy, and from time to time she touched the jade hairpin on her head, and treasured it very much.

Then, many more creatures came one after another.

There were many people who were very thoughtful, and they gave Jinshi and Lingyu a lot of small toys, but they were all treasures with great inspiration.

But Jinshi seemed a little absent-minded, and Lingyu was not so eager.

The "Three Pure Ones" Taoist priests arrived at the Taoist Palace first.

There was nothing on the top, only a piece of green branches, placed there.

There were also seven purple cushions on the ground.

The purple cushions were made of materials that could not be seen, and they did not seem to be magical.

The three Taoist priests thought about it and sat on the three cushions in the middle.

After they sat down, someone else came soon.

It was Mu Tianxie and Youlian.

They knew the "Three Pure Ones" Taoist priests.

But after entering the Taoist Palace, it was also fate, so they nodded to each other and exchanged names.

Youlian and Mu Tianxie chose the two cushions on the left and sat down.

Next, creatures entered the Tao Palace one after another.

The Three Emperors of the Sun, Moon and Star arrived after Youlian and Mu Tianxie.

But there were only two futons left, and there were three of them, but there wasn't enough room to sit on them.

"You two sit down, I'm doing the same thing on the side!" Upon seeing this, the Starlight God Emperor took the initiative to say.

Riguang and Xinghui, in front of so many people, couldn't sit down directly and became humble.

Just when they were humble, two ragged creatures quietly entered the Taoist palace.

"The futon is there, maybe it's some chance!"

"Since they are so humble, it's time for us to sit down!"

The two agreed, took advantage of the gap, quickly walked through, and sat on the remaining two futons without saying a word.

"What are you two!"

"You dare to steal our seats!"

The Xinghui God Emperor suddenly became angry, and a glow condensed in his hand, and he was about to take action.

The two men in ragged clothes suddenly showed miserable expressions on their faces, and they looked miserable:

"The three God Emperors are famous powers in the world. The two of us were born in a poor place on the edge of the world!"

"I have suffered countless hardships along the way and suffered serious internal injuries!"

"Sitting on this futon is good for healing!"

"What's more, there's no name written on this futon. Who can sit on it?"

The Star Emperor was even more angry, and the glow in his hand was about to be released.

But the Moonlight God Emperor held her down and said: "Forget it, it's just a futon. The distance between us here and that futon is the same. There is no difference. Why bother to be angry!"

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