"Xueyao, don't..."

Before Wang Bufan finished speaking, Zhang Xueyao used her magic power to stop him from speaking.

Zhang Xueyao carried Wang Bufan on her back and headed towards the direction of Cangmang Mountain.

One step, one step, slowly and firmly.

Facing the siege of many cultivators, Zhang Xueyao refused to take a step back!

A sword should be like this!

Sharp, firm, cold, and never retreat.

Zhang Xueyao suddenly understood what the sword path is.

The sword is the heart, the thought, the intention, and my body!

With every step, the divine sword intention on Zhang Xueyao's body became stronger.

Her magic power was burning, her soul was burning, her blood was burning, and her body was burning.

She poured everything in her into the divine purple sword in her hand.

The divine purple sword was arrogant and trembling at this time.

The divine purple sword was originally a ruthless sword, and the divine sword intention was originally the intention of extinction.

But at this moment, the Purple Sword of Divine Heaven felt Zhang Xueyao's heart and mind, and the flames in her heart were about to turn into ruthless thoughts.

With this thought, the sword light soared into the sky, and led the Purple Lightning of Divine Heaven in the sky to descend.

Use ruthlessness to protect the friendship in your heart!

"Nine Heavens and Nine Netherworlds, the glorious heavens, with my body, soul and mind, the Purple Lightning of Divine Heaven, lead it with the sword!"

Zhang Xueyao recited the Purple Sword of Divine Heaven, her black hair danced, the purple light moved, and her white clothes were stained with blood.

Just like walking without looking back, the group of cultivators kept retreating, and no one was willing to step forward.

Even those cultivators in the Concentrated Spirit Realm were unwilling to step forward to try the power of the Purple Sword of Divine Heaven.

The Lady of the Spirit Snake was always cautious, and she had been standing back. Seeing Zhang Xueyao like this, she secretly said in her heart: "This woman's sword heart is already formed. If she doesn't die today, she must be a generation of sword immortals, and reproduce the power of the Purple Sword of Divine Heaven!"

The Lady of the Spirit Snake immediately had the intention to retreat, and she was very decisive.

The divine mind moved quietly, and together with the axe, it retreated silently to a distance.

The remaining Guan Xingzi and the other three cultivators in the Concentration Realm were extremely angry.

She was forced to retreat by a female cultivator in the Contemplation Realm. Even though she was a sword cultivator, she felt very ashamed.

"Put down your sword, it is not impossible to spare your life and that boy's life."

"If you are so stubborn, today will be your death."

Zhang Xueyao turned a deaf ear to him, just carrying Wang Bufan on her back, holding the Shenxiao Purple Sword, and walked forward step by step.

Guan Xingzi and several cultivators in the Concentration Realm looked at each other and said, "Hurry up, otherwise when the sword in her hand really attracts the Shenxiao Purple Lightning to come, no one will be able to get it!"

They each used their magical powers and attacked Zhang Xueyao separately.

They not only wanted to kill Zhang Xueyao and Wang Bufan, but also to snatch the Shenxiao Purple Sword from Zhang Xueyao.

If they were hit by their magical powers, Zhang Xueyao and Wang Bufan would definitely die.

Even if they were protected by the Purple Sword of the Divine Sky, Zhang Xueyao had burned everything and would sooner or later be exhausted. How long could she hold on?

The magical power was about to fall, and the world was silent, and everything seemed to be coming to an end.

Suddenly, a five-colored light appeared between heaven and earth, and it stirred the falling magical powers, and those magical powers disappeared.

"Who is it!"

Guan Xingzi and others were terrified, and suddenly they felt a pain in their necks, and they felt their bodies and souls sink.

They didn't know when a worm appeared on their necks, biting them hard.

In an instant, Guan Xingzi and others were cold all over, as if they had fallen into the underworld.

A faint smoke filled the air.

A Taoist master walked out of it, holding a white bone magic pot in his hand, and a blood bead rose up and down in the magic pot.

When Zhang Xueyao saw Chen Ming, blood flowed out of her cracked lips.

She could no longer hold on, her body was shaky, but she used the magic sword as a crutch to support herself from falling down, and to prevent Wang Bufan on her back from falling to the ground.

"The real person is here. You usually protect me, and today I will protect you too. You will definitely survive." Zhang Xueyao said to the seriously injured Wang Bufan.

She raised her head, looked at Chen Ming, and said, "Please save him, real person."

In Chen Ming's hand, a green jade talisman appeared.

The magic power turned, and a stream of wood energy flew out from it, turning into vitality, and fell on Zhang Xueyao and Wang Bufan.

Their injuries were almost healed in an instant, and the lost magic power gradually recovered.

Zhang Xueyao recovered a little, holding the Shenxiao Purple Sword in her hand, and presented it to Chen Ming, saying: "Xueyao knows that her strength is insufficient, please accept this sword!"

After hearing Zhang Xueyao's words, Chen Ming's face gradually turned cold: "You and Wang Bufan, although reincarnated in one life, you are my disciples after all."

"The Shenxiao Sword Dao you practiced and the Purple Light Soul Trapping Technique he practiced were all passed on to you by me. How could you not know that the Shenxiao Purple Sword is in the Shanjing Lake?"

"When the Shenxiao Sect was destroyed, I was there, and the Dao was obtained by me. If I wanted the Shenxiao Purple Sword, how could I pass on the Shenxiao Dharma to you two?"

"You are a sword cultivator, how can you be without a sword? Don't act like a child, I don't like it!"

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he asked Zhang Xueyao and Wang Bufan to leave.

Turning around, he waved his hand and took back the Purple Light Star Chain that Guan Xingzi had taken away, and it fell into Wang Bufan's hands.

"Whose death is today? Are you able to provoke my disciples?" Chen Ming shouted coldly.

Guan Xingzi and the other cultivators in the Concentrated Spirit Realm were eaten by the insects released by Chen Ming, and their bodies were already infected with the poisonous smoke of karma.

At this time, they sat cross-legged, their magic power was running obscurely, and they didn't care about anything else, suppressing the outbreak of the poisonous smoke of karma.

The Lady Spirit Snake and her puppet, the Mountain-Splitting Axe, retreated far away without being hit.

She watched Chen Ming coming and defeated several cultivators in the Condensation Realm with one move, and was shocked.

"The strength of these Xuanmingzi has improved so quickly, I am afraid they are already in the middle stage of the Condensation Realm."

"Guan Xingzi and others are no match for him at all. Fortunately, I still have a good relationship with him. Today, I retreated far away and did not offend him. There is still room for turning back."

Lady Spirit Snake was scared for a while, and she wanted to take the Mountain-Splitting Ghost Axe and quietly retreat.

However, Chen Ming had already seen her.

"Madam Spirit Snake, you are here too? The Mountain-Splitting Ghost Axe is also here. Are you two going to snatch the magic sword from my disciple?" Chen Ming said with a smile.

Madam Lingshe was startled and hurried forward and said, "How could it be? I just sensed the movement of Jinghu Fairy Mountain and rushed here. I was fortunate to see the birth of the Divine Purple Sky Sword. I am already too old, what use is there for that sword?"

Madam Lingshe finished speaking, and she used her mind to control the Mountain-Splitting Ghost Axe to come up with another set of words.

Chen Ming interrupted directly and said, "Madam Lingshe said it once, don't repeat it again."

After these words came out, Madam Lingshe was startled again, and a thought flashed through her mind, and she secretly said, "This Xuanmingzi is really scary. I'm afraid he has already seen through the details of the Mountain-Splitting Ghost Axe and knows that he is my puppet. This person's methods are weird and cruel, and he must not be provoked."

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