Refining Demons to Become a Taoist: Refining 108,000 Insects at the Beginning

Chapter 85 Fishing on the island, guarding the gate in front of the domain

If Yuan Zang is forced into the Demon Suppressing Tower, the outcome can be imagined.

As Monk Yuanzhi gave the order, two Vajra protectors came out from behind him and pierced Yuanzang's pipa bones with Buddha's light, preventing him from using his magic power. They carried him to the Demon Suppression Tower.

After such an incident occurred, the Blue Lotus Monk restrained his Blue Lotus Bliss and escaped disaster.

The Yuanzhi Divine Monk suddenly said to Blue Lotus Monk: "Yuanzang is very cunning. He is only escorted by the Vajra Protector. I'm afraid something might happen. Please go along with me, just in case!"

Blue Lotus Monk felt something strange, so he could only respond, and escort Yuan Zang away along with the Vajra Protector.

Divine Monk Yuanzhi said to Fairy Chiyan again: "Now in the Lotus Temple, everyone in the Pure Land of Ningshen Realm has searched through it, and it is true that there is no breath of Ming Yunzi."

"I'm afraid this matter is a method used by Wanfa Cult to sow discord between Lotus Temple and Biyuntian Palace!"

"However, this time it allowed me to find a nail, which can be regarded as an unexpected gain!"

Fairy Chi Yan vaguely felt that something was wrong, but Divine Monk Yuanzhi had already reached this point and said everything.

If Fairy Chi Yan continues to pester her, it means she is ignorant, and it would be a mistake to spread the word.

"Thank you, holy monk, it seems that it is the work of Wanfa Sect!"

"Then I'll say goodbye!"

Although it was not Fairy Chiyan’s original intention to disrupt the Lotus Temple.

But the current situation of Lotus Temple was indeed caused by her, and Fairy Chiyan felt inexplicably like she was being plotted against.

She mentioned the octagonal palace lantern, said a few perfunctory words, refused to stay for a moment longer, and left gracefully.

Fairy Chiyan left the Lotus Temple and had the idea in her mind to go to the sea.

As soon as her thoughts came up, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Spirit Flame in the octagonal palace lantern began to beat, giving off a warning sign.

Fairy Scarlet Flame noticed something unusual and stopped. Suddenly, her confusion disappeared and she broke out in a cold sweat.

"How did I get into trouble? Who is plotting against me?"

"Fortunately, this treasure woke me up, otherwise my body would have been dead in the sea!"

Fireworks erupted under the Red Flame Fairy's feet and disappeared without a trace, no longer stubbornly heading towards the sea.

In that sea area, on a small island shrouded in mist, there is an altar.

On the altar, Immortal Aunt Yuanli held a twisted breath in her hand and murmured: "Heng Xuzi has not mastered the magical power, and the breath he turned was turned into a bait by me, and he failed to lure the monks from the Biyun Palace. What a pity!”

"If I had known better, I would have borrowed the second sister's bell, and now let the fish run away!"

While she was murmuring, Fairy Yuan Zhen appeared next to her.

Yuan Li said: "I just asked you, second sister, and you came!"

Immortal Aunt Yuan Zhen said softly: "Yuan Li, don't mess around. The eldest sister has reached a critical moment. She must break through the realm and achieve success in Guiyuan.

She specifically told me to keep an eye on you. If you cause trouble, my eldest sister is in seclusion, so I won’t be able to save you! "

Yuan Li curled his lips and said: "Second sister, any dangers in the sea are all disciples of Wanfa Sect."

"With my current strength, as long as I don't take action in the Guiyuan realm, who can be my opponent!"

Yuan Zhen was not good at words and just said: "I know you are powerful, and the eldest sister is also worried about you. If you are more honest, you can make the eldest sister feel at ease and break through, right?"

"Okay, I understand. Second sister, can you lend me your bell?" Yuan Li said.

Immortal Aunt Yuan Zhen frowned and said, "What are you going to do, and what other naughty thoughts do you have?"

Yuan Li said with a smile: "Good second sister, just lend me your help. I promise not to do anything bad!"

After all, Fairy Yuan Zhen doted on her younger sister, but she couldn't defeat Yuan Li. In the end, Yuan Li still got the bell in his hand.

Let’s not talk about the Wanfa Teaching Yuanmeng Fairy being in seclusion for the time being and trying to break through to the Guiyuan Realm.

In the Eastern Territory, Chen Ming took Bai Ling'er all the way north, stopping and stopping.

After searching for many spiritual objects and putting them into the bag, coupled with Mrs. Spirit Snake's years of accumulation, it was enough to set up the "Five Emperors Canopy Array".

At this time, Chen Ming had arrived to the north of the Eastern Earth Territory, not far from the Arctic Demon Territory.

This world is divided into five domains, and each domain is separated by a land of nothingness.

If you want to go through that land of nothingness and go to other realms, it will take a lot of effort.

Like the Ten Thousand Dharma Teachings, there are many means deployed in the void leading to the sea.

If you want to reach the sea safely, you must take a treasure ship specially refined by the Wanfa Sect to pass through the void.

Between the Eastern Earth Territory and the Arctic Demonic Territory, in the void, there is a large formation for identifying bloodlines.

Only demon clan or demon clan bloodline can be accepted by that large lineup, otherwise they cannot travel to the Arctic Demon Realm at all.

"Makoto, are we there yet?"

A small white snake emerged from Chen Ming's sleeve and yawned.

Ever since Bai Ling'er turned into a spirit snake and got into Chen Ming's sleeve, she often fell asleep, and it wasn't until this moment that she woke up again.

Chen Ming was also afraid that she would get bored, so he released Bai Ling'er.

The little white snake shimmered with light and transformed into a girl.

Chen Ming said: "In another three days' journey, we should be there."

Bai Ling'er smiled lightly and said, "Thank you, Master, for sending me all the way. My mother taught me that I must repay favors received."

"When I arrive in the Arctic Demon Realm and return to my clan, I will definitely repay the favor!"

Hearing this, Chen Ming smiled and said, "There's no need for this, Madam Ling She has already paid me."

Bai Ling'er said seriously: "That's different. Ling'er will definitely not forget it when the time comes!"

Seeing her so serious, Chen Ming couldn't bear to break Bai Ling'er's innocent nature, and said: "Okay, let's talk about it later."

Bai Ling'er was happy and said: "This is the promise, isn't the promise in the storybook the same as what we just said!"

Bai Ling'er has been on the Spirit Snake Mountain and rarely interacts with people. When she is bored, she reads some storybooks.

She only had a brief contact with Chen Ming, but she trusted Chen Ming very much, gradually became familiar with him, and was not afraid of strangers.

"I guess so!" Chen Ming responded.

Bai Ling'er's magic power could no longer be maintained, and she turned into a spirit snake again and got into Chen Ming's sleeve.

Chen Ming no longer collected spiritual objects, and his speed was much faster.

The void land leading to the Arctic Demon Realm can already be seen at a glance.

The void land is full of ice and snow, and it is unknown whether it is naturally formed or created by humans later.

But before entering the portal of the void land, there is a monk standing.

The monk was wearing thin clothes and his body was covered with a lot of ice and snow, but he did not move.

It was not until Chen Ming came to him that the monk moved slightly and shook off the snow on his body.

The monk chanted a Buddhist name and said, "I have been waiting here for a long time."

Chen Ming knew that he was not a good person when he heard him speak, and the white bone magic pot in his hand rose up.

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