Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2064: Sneak attack

"Fang Bai, have you forgotten what the King said?"

Seeing Fang Bai's killing into the army of the monster clan, a strong protoss of the tribe cried out. Now the only way to stop Fang Bai is to lift out the **** king.


Fang Bai laughed: "Of course I will not forget, so rest assured, I will never shoot at you. But the demons are not in this group, let alone they shot at me first."

The words fell, rushing to kill in the army of the monster race, cherishing time.

"Fang Bai!"

The Protoss roared again, "Do you really want the King of God to chase you?"

Fang Bai laughed and said, "You can't ask for it, as long as your protoss have the courage."

It's easy to say, and it's another matter to do it. With Fang Bai's special status in the human race, the protoss dare not take it easy.

Once the Protoss sends the **** king to chase down Fang Bai, the human race will never have any fear, unless all the protoss hide, it must be a massacre.

In the end, if the Protoss and the Terran are all united to death, what's the point? Only the God King is alive.

Moreover, this matter only involves the demons. As long as Fang Bai does not take action against the protoss, I believe that the protoss will not do anything.

Bang Bang!

The body flew by like lightning, flesh and blood flew, terrible. I don't know how many demons died, and all the demons were sent into Fang Baiqiankun's ring.

The Protoss and Yu tribe were furious, but they were helpless. They couldn't always do it themselves. Wasn't it an excuse for Fang Bai to do it?

At this moment, a figure broke away from the law and entered the battlefield of the strong, sweeping towards the largest planet not far away.

The Protoss was noticed and roared, "What do you want to do?"

The sound was drowned by earth-shattering roar, but it also attracted the attention of some people, there were protoss and some tribe.


Suddenly there was a violent storm, and there were more than three hundred figures around him from the air, and the lightning burst toward the huge planet.

"God King!"

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The protoss powerfuls were horrified. I do n’t know why there would be more than 300 **** kings, and how could they rush to the sky star?

Fang Bai, who was in the army of the demon clan, did not know what was happening. He saw no movement of the protoss and let go of his hands and feet to slaughter.

At this moment, where can the Protoss take care of Fang Bai, hurriedly spread the news back, at the same time gathered the army, slowly back.

Celestial star is the foundation of the Protoss. Is it okay to rush into more than three hundred **** kings?


The earth-shattering roar sounded, the sky star rose to the sky, and it instantly became a purple planet.

Sudden changes have shocked everyone and looked back.

I saw three hundred figures smashing wildly towards the purple light curtain, tearing into pieces instantly, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Kill kill!

The morale of the human race has skyrocketed. What could be more exciting than the King of God?

The Protoss had no intention of fighting and kept back, and the Yus had to follow suit.

Looking at the demons, it seems that they have been abandoned, and they are at a loss. If they want to retreat, Fang Bai is entangled and can only retreat slowly.

At this moment, Fang Bai finally knew what was happening and said loudly: "Don't bother them, clean up the herds of animals first."

It is hateful to help you as an abuser!

When the Terran Army heard Fang Bai's voice, they turned around and killed them, besieging the Demons.

After the last war, Fang Bai gained fame and popularity among the people. Besides, it is better to face the demons than to face the protoss, especially the monsters who fled.

The monster army suddenly fell into a siege and chaotically formed, and the protoss and feathers seemed to abandon them regardless of their care.

Originally, the strength was weak, and morale fell into a trough in an instant, and the army of the monster tribe completely crashed, fleeing in all directions.


How can such a good opportunity be missed, and the morale of the Terran Army has soared, and a massacre has begun.

At this moment, who else is going to pay attention to any rules, no matter what the opponent's behavior is, let go of the slaughter.

When the rule enters the room, the strong will take the shot. Where can the ordinary demon tribe resist, the brilliance flashes, the piece disappears, it becomes flesh and blood, and it drops the stars.

In less than a dozen breaths, more than 20,000 monsters died tragically!

Of course, almost all the dead are demon gods without awakening talent.

Even so, it is still an unbearable loss.

Nearly 100,000 troops ambushed out and did nothing, but damaged nearly 30,000. What a pity!

More importantly, all this is just the beginning!

Kill kill!

The Terran Army vented all its anger on the demons. If things hadn't changed, they would have been surrounded by a lot of hatred against the demons.

Where can the demon clans who have no intention of fighting can resist, now they only care about their own escape, and don't think about other things at all.

The powerful people of the human race comprehended the unscrupulous massacre, venting their anger, and the demons disappeared.

Fang Baishen Nian always paid attention to the distant movements, the speed unfolded, and the dense wind blades swept across, flesh and blood flew, screams came one after another, and the evil spirits were sent into Qiankun Ring.

Boom boom!

There was a horrendous killing in the distant starry sky. No one paid attention to them, and went straight to the tianmang star. The torrential weather gathered toward the tianmang star. I don't know how many **** kings gathered.

Fang Bai wanted to know what was going on inside, but he didn't want to die. He curiosity and continued slaughtering the demons.


The monstrous demon came from a volley, Fang Bai realized that it was not good, and some demon clan must have killed it. He could not wait to see it, and turned sharply to fly away.

A big red bird flew across the starry sky, and the huge wings spread for dozens of miles. The wings vibrated, and the turbulent flames surged like a tide. The army of human races screamed, and how many people were swallowed by the flames.

"Animals, how dare you!"

The icy voice sounded, a sword stalk passed, the flames dissipated instantly, and those who were swallowed by the flames disappeared.

A figure fell in front of the big red bird, and the rule of the sword was 凛冽, it was Zuo Danqing!

It turned out that Zuo Danqing didn't worry about the white below. He didn't rush to the sky star, but killed him here.

With such an interruption, the demon remnants will finally escape, losing nearly 40,000 before and after, terrible, terrible!

The army of human races gathered, and when they saw that the situation was not good, the divine thoughts swept away, and the figure disappeared, and only a thousand people remained after a short while.


The earth-shattering roar came from the celestial star, and despite the unknown distance of thousands of miles, the fierce battle was still felt.

Battle of God Kings!

The red eyes of the red bird looked bloody, and they seemed to be thinking about it. They glanced back at the miserable appearance of the demons, and the flames became more turbulent.

Zuo Dan said indifferently: "Flat-hair beasts, the old man advised you better to endure, don't find your own way!"


The big red bird hummed coldly, and the raging flames swept the starry sky, but it didn't mean to do anything. It seemed to be afraid of Zuo Danqing's strength.


The distant roads flowed at speed, apparently the rule was that Xiaochengqiang received the news and returned.

Now their battle is worthless, it depends on the battle of God King, whoever wins or loses!


The earth-shattering roar rang through the starry sky, and all eyes gathered on the sky star. Some people's eyes were full of expectation, others were full of hatred!

Fang Bai frowned slightly. If things went well, it should end soon. So, things must have gone wrong.

Things went well, but it was not that simple.

At this moment, the sky is empty and the sky is full of power. The ground is already in ruins.

The dazzling sky, with the torrential weather rising, no sound can be seen.

"Despicable human race, get out of the sky star, this is not where you should come!" The roar sounded loudly, and it was the protoss purple-haired man.


Captain Beiming laughed and said, "I heard that the Protoss have the power of gods, and come here to visit. Why are you so stingy? Everyone, please God!"

Boom boom!

The sound of blasting rose from every corner, and Daodao's figure radiated in all directions, it was a strong king of personal tribe.

The purpose of this trip to Astral Star is very simple. Find the deity and kill it!

"Dare you!" The white-haired old man burned in anger, and said, "If anyone dares to offend His Holiness, the old man swears here and kills every human race in the Starfield!"

The sound sounded in everyone's ears, but where can the human **** king take care of so much?

If you do not remove the deity, once you let him rise again, the human race will be enslaved by the **** race, and it is better to die!


Captain Beiming chuckled coldly: "Since you want to die together, the old man has no opinion."

Protoss can annihilate human races, and humans can also annihilate protoss races. This kind of threat is not very useful, unless you are willing to risk the same.

The human race is compelled to die, and the deity must die, no matter what the cost, it must bear!

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