Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2096: revenge

Pleasure Gate is stronger than expected, and it controls nine planets. Of course, Kaiyang Star is not in this list.

So why did Gongxiao set up the gate of Zongyang in Kaiyang Star?

I'm afraid it is related to his ambition, and wants to annex Yang Xing.

The fact is not so easy, Kai Yangxing is not so weak.

Fang Bai has no interest in this for the time being. To be precise, his strength is not enough. To expand, at least he must first protect himself.

The rule is that between the strong and the weak, there is a growing disparity between strength and weakness, and you must continue to work hard!

The matter of Pleasure Gate was temporarily handed over to them. When the trouble of Gongxiao was solved, Fang Bai had other plans.

The news that Kuaiyimen changed the ground is tightly sealed. Except for a few high-level personnel, no one knows that Kuaiyimen has changed the ground.

Kai Yangxing calmed down, Fang Bai retreat again.

In case the Xiaoxiao attacked suddenly, Fang Bai gathered everyone to practice together.

As the crystals of each rule dissipate, and the crystals of each inferior rule condense into high-quality products, the speed does not increase but decreases, because there are Qingfengzi, Ning Wuqiu, Tang Yimu, Jian Jingtian, and Zhong Zhongli sharing.

After Tang Yimu's law appeared on the court, his strength improved steadily, much faster than expected.

Swords are shocking, Zhong Zhong is at the critical moment, and maybe it won't take long to make a breakthrough.

Mu Tuo continued to refine the remaining Badings, and Yu Muyu realized her rules.

After consuming a large number of crystals of the rule and one of the demons Nedan who has become a strong one, Fang Ling finally realized the law of fire.

Although it was just realized, the power was very unusual.

Fang Bai was very satisfied, and did not hesitate to kill that monster tribe with Thor.

Everything is moving in a good direction, and it is going very smoothly. The only thing that keeps Fang Baiji in mind is the flood, but now is not the time to go back.

At that time, King Yu Yu once said, ‘If I were Jiuyang, I would be waiting for you outside the flood. ”Thinking of this, Fang Baiwei temporarily put down and continued to condense the crystals of the law.

Gongxiao stayed at Kaiyang Xing, found a place to hide and heal, the flame of hatred was burning in the heart, unable to let go!

Especially the betrayal of the charming lady, whether from the heart or cultivation, the blow to him is devastating.

It is not easy to train a charming lady, and it costs a lot of money. Before you can find a suitable replacement, you have to stop practicing.

Whenever I think about it, Gongxiao's hatred grows deeper, "Slut!"

There was a violent curse, and a tear-like pain in the lower abdomen came, followed by a curse, "Little bastard!"

Gongxiao suddenly thought of something. Fang Bai appeared too abruptly. He didn't know who he was or where he came from.

In case he left with his mother-in-law and mother-in-law, he didn't know who to go for revenge.


Thinking of this, Gongxiao speeded up the speed of healing, but unfortunately it did not work.

This time, he was very badly injured, and Dan Tian shattered completely without saying. The timing of Mei Ni's hand was clever. He took a photo before he did not work out, and hurt the foundation.

Otherwise, there will be no resistance in front of Fang Bai.

Then Fang Bai's crushing made Gongxiao more scarred and completely recovered, it will take a long time!

The facts are longer than Gongxiao expected.

In 318, Gongxiao never thought that it would take so long. The injury recovered, and he could not wait to kill Kuaiyimen.

Gongxiao calmed down as he approached the Pleasure Gate.

Fang Bai fought twice before and after, only a hundred years later, Fang Bai's powerful strength left a deep impression on him!

I could n’t keep it in the first war, and naturally I could n’t keep it later. Now?

With this in mind, Gongxiao glanced in the direction of Pleasure Gate and turned away.


Remove Fang Bai, Mei Niang, mother and son to count revenge, not to regain the pleasure door!

Therefore, Gongxiao realized that he needed a helper, and it was not enough to defeat Fang Bai on his own strength.

Gongxiao was right, but his judgment was wrong.

After a period of 318 years, Fang Bai has become too powerful. There are only 457 crystals of inferior quality in the body, and 743 in Chinese quality!

This can definitely be called a strong one among the small and strong ones. After all, to a certain degree, you can break through the God King!

In other words, some strong people who have just broken through the **** king may have more crystals than Fang Bai, but the rules may not be Fang Baiqiang!

Of course, strength is different, after all, it is the gap between the **** king and the gods.

Mu Tuo refining Jiuding thoroughly, and its strength has grown by leaps and bounds!

Fang's law of fire entered the court, and his strength rose.

The sword is shocking, and the rule of staying close to the clock is infinitely close.

Only to win Mu Yu can't comprehend the rules, Fang Bai realized that this is not the way to go, and she can't be comprehended for tens of thousands of years.

After that, we must find another way.

A rare and peaceful day, he didn't want to break it, and he was still waiting for the arrival of the Xiaoxiao.

A flash was over three hundred years ago, and Gongxiao didn't show up late, but made Fang Bai somewhat uncomfortable.

"Did he hurt him so badly?"

Fang Bai forgot one thing, not everyone has a perverted body like him, and it doesn't recover so quickly.

Wu Xiaoqiu took a move across Hong Huang that year and recovered only decades later. Gongxiao was more injured, and because of the exercises, he recovered more slowly.

The longer the time, the better, the greater the grasp!

Gongxiao didn't want to wait any longer, and after returning from customs for more than a year, he and the two returned to Kaiyang Xing.

At this level of cultivation, the only thing that can make them tempted is the crystal of law.

Gongxiao promised Zhong Nuo, and after beheading Fang Bai and Mei Niang, he took no money!

Didn't you know that the charming lady had left more than 300 years ago.

Dividing up a crystal of the rule of the small into the strong, such a temptation cannot be rejected, it is difficult to obtain the crystal of the rule, and it is even more difficult to obtain the crystal of the rule of Chinese goods.

Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Brother Meng, Brother Xu, come with me!" Gong Xiao said, taking the lead in the direction of Pleasure Gate, excited.

With these two people helping Fang Bai, it is easy!

When approaching the Pleasure Gate, Gongxiao converged, and this war will kill Fang Bai.

When Fang Bai closed the retreat, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he did not choose the Pleasure Gate.

Gongxiao rushed away and asked someone to find out, without any news from Fang Bai and Mei Mei.

"Did they leave?"

With this in mind, Gongxiao hates sky-high hatred in the bottom of his heart, and the stars are vast. Where can I find them in the future?

There was no further fear, and the divine thoughts spread unrestrainedly. At the same time, the strong men rushed to the door, and the news spread.

Fang Bai did not change the structure of the Pleasure Gate. Except for the seven people, he did not show up in front of anyone, and everything was arranged properly.

While practicing, Fang Bai frowned lightly when he received the news that Gong Xiao returned.

At this time, there was no hesitation in the face of the heyday of the heyday, and he was hesitant to be the two of them, who must be the ruler and the stronger.

Can be invited by the public Xiao, the strength must be good!

"Will you just leave when you leave?"

Fang Bai hesitated in no time. If the rules of the wind broke into the room, there would be no scruples, but now the situation is different and there seems to be no need to take risks.

Just as Fang Bai sent the crowd to Dingnai and was about to leave, there was a majestic thought coming from him.

Divine thoughts are strange and powerful, not from Gongxiao.

"Good strength!" Fang Bai frowned lightly, and probably guessed based on the divine mind, this person is very strong!

Fang Bai rose into the air and had to give up his intentions and let go of the matter of opening Yang Xing temporarily.

Immediately after being emptied, divine thoughts swept in, and then two majestic thoughts swept in order, and one of them was Gongxiao.

"Leave it to my husband!" Gong Xiao yelled.


Fang Bai laughed and said, "Your courage is getting smaller and smaller, and you still need someone to help you?" The effort of speaking left, and she did not entangle him.

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At this moment, the metamorphosis was abrupt, and there was a rushing weather approaching quickly.

"So fast!"

Fang Bai was taken aback, and the secret way was not good. This man is faster than him, and must be a strong man who understands the rules of the wind!

It turned out that the Xiaoxiao had been prepared to invite people to focus on Fang Bai's speed.

Fang Bai just rushed out of the atmosphere, a figure followed, and the purple wings vibrated the starry sky, turning out to be the strongest of the Yu race!

"It's you?"

The strong Yu tribe saw Fang Bai, and his eyes were violent, and he did not expect to encounter Fang Bai here.

Gongxiao only said that he was dealing with a man with a small rule, but he didn't know who it was, it would be Fang Bai!


Fang Bai's brows were tightly frowned. I never expected that Gong Xiao would be invited by the Yu tribe. He became more and more determined to kill in his heart.

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