Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 117: Advancement in Taoism

"This," the old turtle suddenly changed his mind when he heard the question. The texture of the turtle shell on his back was stained with shadows. He opened his big eyes and did not answer directly, but said: "My lord, if you want to sit firmly in the stone bay river god's throne, You must visit Jinghe Water Palace.”

In the Jinghe River, in order to truly control a body of water, you often need to receive an edict before you can be enthroned as a god.

Traditionally speaking, edicts mainly come from the Dragon Palace, Immortal Sect, and those left by gods in the past.

Among them, there is no doubt that those from the Dragon Palace, that is, in the hands of Hebo of Jinghe River, hold the most decrees to confer gods.

Now, even if Zhou Qing takes the throne, he kills the previous river god and becomes the de facto ruler of Luanshiwan Water Mansion. But if you really want to become a river god and rule Luanshiwan with the authority of a river god, you must receive the edict of the Jing River Hebo, then hold a god-making ceremony and ascend to the throne.

Zhou Qing's eyes were filled with coldness, and as he activated his energy, the high platform was dyed with a layer of extremely cold ice blue, giving it a strange color.

He didn't speak, and just ran the "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Diagram" to continue condensing the Dragon Transformation Qi and let the opened spiritual aperture breathe.

He practiced the "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Picture" from Biyou Palace, and he didn't care about becoming a god. However, if you want to practice this mysterious skill, you will definitely not be able to rely solely on the waters of Luanshiwan. Sooner or later, you will have to deal with Hebo of Jinghe River.

It is quite appropriate to meet Jinghe Hebo on the birthday of Jinghe Hebo.


Zhou Qing thought of something and his eyes became dark.

There are many tributaries of the Jinghe River, which are similar to the former Luanshiwan, showing a separatist situation. Some tributaries obey the orders of the Jinghe River Water Palace, while others simply ignore them and establish themselves as kings.

Luanshiwan obeys the orders of Jinghe Water Mansion. The previous river god of Luanshiwan Water Mansion has been actively moving closer to Jinghe Hebo.

When he killed the previous river god, he took advantage of the fact that the Jinghe River Bodhisattva was unable to escape due to the god's birth, so he decisively took action.

If they meet, Jinghe Hebo's malice is inevitable.

"That's fine."

In Zhou Qing's Taoist body, the spiritual orifice is inhaling and surging with sounds. To break through the third small realm of concentration in the realm of Qi refining, it is useless to just "farm" in Rock Rock Bay. There must be an opportunity for promotion.

This opportunity should come from Jinghe River and Hebo of Jinghe River.

"I know." Zhou Qing remembered this in his heart, his eyes flickered, fell on the old turtle, and said: "Another thing?"

"Lord River God." Hearing Zhou Qing, who was sitting upright, mention this, the old turtle stretched his neck, an angry look appeared on his face, and said: "I don't know where a river demon came from. It's very vicious. Recently. , has been causing trouble.”

"If it weren't for the water army of Shui Mansion fighting desperately to contend with it, I'm afraid it would have caused even greater trouble."

"Even so, the casualties suffered by the water army in Shui Mansion were not small."

"The ferocious water monster, killing the water army of Shui Mansion, is causing trouble in Rock Rock Bay?" Zhou Qing listened quietly, his eyes filled with ice.

At this time, there is no surprise.

Unsurprisingly, the waters of Tongbaizhou are extremely complicated, and there are many ferocious water monsters wandering around. It was expected that they would just come to Rock Rock Bay.

Surprisingly, he didn't come earlier or later. He just happened to be a member of the Zhenzhen sect. When he was not in Shuifu, he came to Luanshiwan to cause chaos.

"Give me the information about this water demon."

"Yes." Old Turtle agreed, took out what he had prepared and raised it high above his head.

Zhou Qing moved his hand and captured it in his palm. Then he glanced at Lao Gui and Zhang Qiaoyun and said, "You two have done well recently. Keep going."

Lao Gui and Zhang Qiaoyun were both overjoyed. They looked at each other and retreated without saying anything. It was not until outside the door that this turtle girl straightened her body, exhaled a long breath, and a smile appeared on her face.

The two of them now have unprecedented power in the Luanshiwan Water Mansion. They are truly inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, so they cherish it very much.

Zhou Qing waited for the two to leave, and sat quietly on the high platform alone. In the Taoist body, he breathed in the Dragon Transformation Qi and the Lingjin Qi. The gold and black colors rubbed together, making a clanging sound.

He unfolded the materials provided by Old Turtle, landed on them, and quickly read them all.

Sure enough, there is a certain reason why this water monster just happened to come and wreak havoc like this.

"Someone in Shuifu Mansion has tipped off the news."

Zhou Qing raised his eyebrows, half-smiling, not long after he took control of the Luanshiwan Water Mansion, there must be "remnants" of the previous River God in the Water Mansion.

I left in a hurry last time and didn't have time to clean up. Since I jumped out this time, I just happened to clean up together.

Zhou Qing was about to stand up when suddenly he sensed something and sat down again. The spiritual orifice that was opened for half a week vibrated, and the cold water inside kept spinning. Every time it turned, an awe-inspiring cold air overflowed, and the A cold glow.

It's time for a breakthrough in the art of Yin Erosion Cold Water.


Zhou Qing muttered words, and under the operation of the method, the water droplets of the cold water that were originally rotating in the spiritual orifice rotated at a higher speed, bringing up a series of afterimages.

When the water droplet rotates faster and faster, faster and faster, and reaches its peak, suddenly, the water droplet becomes still and motionless.

The next moment, the water drop suddenly split, split into two, split into four..., and continued to rotate, sending out a chill in the spiritual orifice.

"Taoist promotion."

Zhou Qing looked inside himself and looked at the water droplets of cold water stopped in the spiritual orifice. This time, there were already thirty-six drops.

In the beginning, to cultivate Yinxie Hanshui, not only the formula is needed, but also the appropriate natural treasures. But once it is condensed, it no longer needs natural treasures. The road to promotion is the road of division.

When it is divided into 365 drops, each drop is hidden in a spiritual orifice opened in the Taoist body, and the Taoist art of Yinxie Hanshui has reached the perfect level.

The current Yinxie Hanshui is still far from the perfection of 365 drops, but 36 drops are already one-tenth of the Zhoutian. After this Taoist art is promoted, it will be much more powerful than before.

Zhou Qing looked at the 36 drops of Yinxie Hanshui and nodded with satisfaction. He used the method of Yinxie Hanshui in the Yuanhuang Hualongtu about the Taoist art of Yinxie Hanshui, extracted the power from the Hualong Zhenqi, and integrated it into the new 36 drops of Yinxie Hanshui.

Although Yinxie Hanshui has been promoted and increased to 36 drops at once, at the same time, each drop is equivalent to being temporarily in a weak period, and it needs to be sacrificed and refined to restore it to normal.

So next, Zhou Qing temporarily stopped the other mysterious skills and magic weapons, and concentrated on practicing the Taoist Yin Xie Han Shui.

Time passed quickly, and the drops of Yin Xie Han Shui in the spiritual orifices became larger and larger, and the aura on them became stronger and stronger.

On this day, with a slight sound, thirty-six drops of Yin Xie Han Shui were scattered in thirty-six spiritual orifices, swallowing and exhaling the true qi of the dragon, each drop was crystal clear and perfect.

At this moment, the Taoist Yin Xie Han Shui was considered to have completed the promotion for the first time!

"Let's go."

Seeing this, Zhou Qing decisively got off the high platform. He left this hall and came to a hall behind.

Compared with the hall where Zhou Qing practiced, this hall is slightly smaller, but because there is only one stone pillar supporting the dome, and there are no tables, chairs or benches, it looks empty and deep.

In the entire hall, there is only a fist-sized gem hanging, and on the gem, fine and dense textures are interwoven, seeping into the water waves, rippling back and forth.

At this time, a straight wisp of smoke emerged from the sky above the orb, and then spread out like a fan, turning into a geomancy map.

The mighty waves spread out in it, and it can be vaguely seen that the nodes in the main river and the major tributaries are hidden, and the water vapor circulates to form a large cycle, back and forth, back and forth, and it seems to never stop.

It is the geomancy map of the waters of Luanshi Bay, which is displayed in the main hall to view the situation of the entire Luanshi Bay.

"It would be great if there is a geomancy map that the real Luanshi Bay River God has."

Zhou Qing's eyes flashed. Not to mention other aspects of the gods, the ability to communicate with the gods and check the eight directions with divine power is absolutely amazing.

Zhou Qing looked carefully. Compared with the geomancy map of the gods, this map is a little rough, but it can also be presented in general.

Zhou Qing just watched and waited quietly.

The water monster that can cause trouble in Luanshi Bay and make the navy in Luanshi Bay powerless is not simple, it is powerful enough. Unless such a water monster has its own magic or special blood that can hide its qi, otherwise, as long as it moves, it will cause changes in the water vapor around it.

Once the change occurs, it will naturally appear on the geomancy map.

Zhou Qing did not wait long, and the geomancy map in the hall began to change.

At the beginning, it was like a breeze, blowing gently, without any waves. After a moment, the wind gradually grew stronger, blowing waves and waves, layered forward, and the sound of water could be heard faintly. In the end, it seemed that a strong wind was blowing, making a humming sound. On the water surface, there were also waves one after another, huge and swallowing everything.

In such a stormy sea, any ship and person would be overturned.

"What a water monster."

Zhou Qing looked at the changes on the geomancy map, and a strange light shot out of his eyes. When this water monster moved, the qi around it was so great that it was beyond his imagination.

It can be imagined that this water monster that broke into the Rocky Bay is absolutely powerful.

"Maybe he is as good as the last river god?"

Zhou Qing gave a general judgment, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

At that time, he did kill the last river god of Luanshiwan, but he won more by surprise, and there was no crushing in strength.

This time, he has made progress in cultivation, Taoism, and magic weapons compared to before.

Now is the right time, give it a try.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qing smiled lightly, turned around, left the hall, and then moved his true energy, and the vast energy rushed to the sky and headed straight for Huangsha River.

It is a coincidence that this water monster appeared in Huangsha River this time.

Huangsha River was arranged by Zhou Qing and his demon soldiers and demon generals, dredging the water veins and circulating the water. The water network laid by Luanshiwan Water Palace in Huangsha River is more detailed and complete than other places.

So when the big water monster that has been causing trouble in the waters of Luanshiwan recently moves in Huangsha River, his traces are more obvious than in other places.

After Zhou Qing discovered it, he followed the aura and rushed straight ahead.

From a distance, a terrifying long shadow rushed out from the water palace of Luanshiwan, as slender as a dragon and snake, carrying an unstoppable demonic aura, dyeing the surroundings with a layer of ice blue, crossing the main river and heading straight for the Huangsha River.

It must be said that this "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" of the Biyou Palace is indeed incredible.

When it was outside, the fairy aura was everywhere, deep and simple, and it was obviously the authentic Xuanmen. But once it reached the bottom of the water, it changed its mind, just like the ancient demon scripture, and when it moved, the demonic aura was cold and cold.

Anyone who saw it would think it was an unscrupulous big demon, and would not find that Zhou Qing was a disciple of Xuanmen.

Zhou Qing kept running the "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Diagram". The Dragon Transformation Qi overflowed from his body and spread to the left and right, attracting water vapor from all directions. It was like the push of countless palms, making him escape under the water so fast. To a point that is jaw-dropping.

It can be said that even if they do not specifically practice the escape method, but just control the true energy to move forward under the water, most monks will not be able to catch up even if they specialize in the escape method.

In the final analysis, "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Tu" is a method that favors water attributes. Only in waters can it exert its greatest power.

Zhou Qing walked all the way and reached the Huangsha River. As he got closer, he could feel the evil spirit in the depths of the Huangsha River.

The great demons in the waters usually do not restrain their energy. On the one hand, their cultivation methods are related and they are not good at hiding Qi. On the other hand, this is also an underwater tradition, where powerful water monsters declare their power and make others fear and obey.

As he got closer and closer, Zhou Qing sensed that the opponent's Qi was getting clearer and clearer. The Dragon Transformation Qi in his body was constantly turning, memorizing the opponent's Qi and making it difficult for him to escape.


As Zhou Qing moved forward, he still had enough energy to think about.

Such qi machine traction has limitations and is easy to disconnect. If you can cultivate to the third smaller realm of Qi refining, and truly develop your spiritual consciousness, you can use your divine consciousness to lock in and make the opponent unable to escape.

The role of spiritual consciousness is so great that in many cases, it cannot be replaced by true energy.

At the same time, he followed Zhou Qing to the Huangsha River, getting closer and closer, and finally alerted the big water demon in the Huangsha River.

I saw a faint demon-like figure in the river, more than two feet tall, with scales covering its body. There were dark and twisted textures on it. The demonic aura was swirling, and it was showing its teeth and claws. While he was spitting out ideas in the water, the texture on it seemed to come alive, and his claws stretched out and clawed back and forth.

As I got closer, I seemed to be able to hear the sound of chewing for a while.

Sensing Zhou Qing's overwhelming Qi from far and near, especially the coldness that penetrated the sky, the demonic figure shook and shrunk at an extremely fast speed to a height of ten feet. He was covered with a black robe, revealing his body. The pupils outside were shining with blood.

The big water demon stepped on the water under his feet and stood in the depths of the water. He stood motionless. He raised his head and watched the icy cold air in the distance getting closer and closer. As far as his eyes could see, it was already an icy blue. With just one look, he was stunned. People seem to have a chill in their bodies.

"The River God of Stone Bay, is he back?"

Seeing the striking icy blue, which seemed to be suppressed out of thin air and dyed the surrounding area with a frightening blue light, the water demon in black robe took a deep breath.

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