Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 130 Successfully Obtaining Medicine and Returning to the Mountain Gate

The decree of conferring gods obtained from the Jinghe River Palace has a "secret door" set up by He Bo on it.

On that day, Zhou Qing killed the previous Luanshiwan River God Bijie, taking advantage of the fact that Jinghe River God was asleep before the birthday of the God.

Because with the magical power of Jinghe River God, he can release power through the "secret door" of the decree of conferring gods in Bijie's body.

In that case, there will definitely be more trouble.

Zhou Qing held the decree in his hand and saw it emitting golden light and water sound in his palm. If you look carefully, the power from Jinghe River God is hidden deep inside. That touch of golden light is like the eyes of He Bo, looking down from above, looking down inside and outside.

Ordinary water monsters will definitely not be as insightful as himself. They will only realize it after they really become gods through this.

However, most river gods don't care.

On the one hand, this "secret door" is both interference and protection. Once something bad happens, they can ask He Bo for help. On the other hand, the power in the decree is not static.

If the river god has been operating in his own waters for a long time and can be in harmony with the will of the river, he can also slowly wash away the power of He Bo in the decree of deification, leaving only the imprint of the Dragon Palace of Taiting Lake.

Of course, it is very difficult to do this. Only a few can succeed.

If you don't want to be influenced by the so-called "superior god" like He Bo, or if you can't get the decree of deification from the superior god, you can only choose to condense your true seed and get the decree of deification from heaven and earth to walk the path of deification in Jinghe River, just like Zhu Su.

But so far, Zhou Qing has never heard of anyone who can walk this way and become a water god in Jinghe River.

Not to mention how difficult it is for Yin spirits to give birth to spiritual wisdom, understand the law, and enjoy incense, just the tendency to condense the true seed will anger Jinghe River Bo. How can Yin spirits who cannot become gods resist the thunderbolt of Jinghe Water Palace?

That is to say, Zhu Su, who is strong in forging iron and has the support of Taixiao Sect to resist the River God of Jinghe, is the "wild god" in Jinghe who has the most hope of taking this road. It can be said that he has all the advantages of time, place and people. But he was unlucky to meet Zhou Qing, and Zhou Qing destroyed the ceremony of becoming a god, and he did not succeed.

"Secret door." Zhou Qing looked at the decree of conferring gods in his palm. Above the top of the door, the true energy of dragon transformation surged out and drooped down, like a dragon head lightly opened, holding a pearl and jade, and put away the decree of conferring gods.

The next moment, as he operated the secret technique recorded in the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu", a series of water lines entered the decree of conferring gods, constantly shuttling, and finally wrapped up the power of Taiting Lake Dragon Palace and River God of Jinghe in the decree.

From a distance, it was filled with light, and the two strange powers seemed to be wrapped in amber that had gone through thousands of years, and it was difficult to move.

As one of the true skills of the Biyou Palace, the Yuanhuang Hualongtu has made the East Sea Dragon Palace hate it. A big part of it is that this skill targets the aquatic creatures, which is unmatched by other mysterious skills.

In response to the Fengshen Edict issued by the Dragon Palace, there is a special secret technique in the Yuanhuang Hualongtu. Zhou Qing is now refining the Fengshen Edict as a magic weapon through secret techniques.

Once the refining is completed, not only can the alien power in the edict be blocked, but Zhou Qing can also use the mystery of the Fengshen Edict to control the waters of Luanshiwan like the real Luanshiwan River God.

"Refining requires a process." Zhou Qing is not in a hurry about this. He only needs to perform the initial sacrifice.

Because after the initial sacrifice, he can extract the "secret medicine" needed to impact the soul condensation level from the Fengshen Edict.

At this moment, Zhou Qing's expression moved, and he waved his sleeves, and a token flew out and hung in the hall.

The token floated in the air, silently, and after a moment, it began to emit fine and dense light. After a while, the light gathered more and more, turning into a high-raised purple canopy, with colorful and swaying fragrance, and stars surrounding it, constantly flashing.

Under the canopy, the figure of a woman was outlined by a magic pen, her skirt swaying, and as soon as she appeared, a dreamlike magnetic field appeared around her, making the surroundings colorful.

The demon girl of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, Shao Xiaoyun.

After she appeared, she sat in the void and looked at Zhou Qing, watching the circles of divine light rising above his head, chanting, and smiling on her jade face, saying: "It is really a joy to be able to destroy Zhu Su's deification ceremony and get the deification decree from the hands of Jinghe River Lord, haha."

Hearing this charming laughter, the demon girl of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect was happy from the bottom of her heart.

The so-called Black Snake Mansion Master she favored successfully obtained the Decree of Conferred God and became the real God of Luanshiwan River. He will have the opportunity to change the situation in Jinghe River in the future. In addition, he also destroyed the layout of Taixiao Sect in Jinghe River.

Kill two birds with one stone, good things come in pairs.

Zhou Qing looked at the other party with a smile on his face. Above the top of his head, the water spirit was dense and white, clear and bright. He said: "The trip to Leping River is thanks to the treasure given by the girl, otherwise it would not be successful."

Although he was confident that he could destroy Zhu Su's god-making ceremony in Leping River even without the Ghost Heaven Yin Order, there is no doubt that with the Ghost Heaven Yin Order, he saved a lot of trouble.

It is always good to hide some means as much as possible within the scope of Jinghe River.

"You are still powerful." Shao Xiaoyun looked up and down at Zhou Qing sitting on the high platform with a pair of beautiful eyes, unable to hide her surprise.

Due to various reasons, it was impossible for her to go to the Leping River at that time, so she did not see with her own eyes how Zhou Qing on the high platform, under the protection of Wu Ma Shi, a disciple of Taixiao Sect, destroyed Zhu Su's deification ceremony.

But afterward, she still found out that there were two disciples of Taixiao Sect in Leping River at that time, and one of them, Wu Ma Shi, had even passed the soul condensation level, and his strength was extremely astonishing.

In the face of such Taixiao Sect's protection, he could still succeed. The Lord of the Stone Bay Water Mansion on the high platform, the upcoming River God of the Stone Bay, was much more powerful than he had imagined.

Seeing that Zhou Qing didn't take the initiative to talk, Shao Xiaoyun didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, no matter how the person on the high platform possesses such power, at this time, the stronger he is and the greater his ability, the easier it is to shake the power of Jinghe Hebo in Jinghe, which will be beneficial to the Wanmo Sect's power in Jinghe layout.

When the Ten Thousand Demons Sect completes its layout, the other party will be of no use, and he will no longer be able to control it. No matter how mysterious and weird he is, he will never be able to make waves in the hands of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

As a disciple of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect in the realm of alchemy, she has such confidence.

After saying a few more words, Shao Xiaoyun mentioned the purpose of her visit. The smile on her beautiful face faded little by little, and she said, "You ruined Zhu Su's affairs. The people behind Zhu Su will not let you be safe." Become a river god in Stone Bay."

As a disciple of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect who was still at a disadvantage in the overt and covert battles with the Xuanmen, Shao Xiaoyun was particularly aware of the tyranny of Taixiao Sect and the Xuanmen. They suffered such a big loss this time and will definitely come back with revenge.

"Indeed." Zhou Qing nodded vigorously. As a disciple of the Shangxuanmen Zhenyi Sect, he was more familiar with the Taixiao Sect's style of conduct. After all, among all the Shangxuan sects, Taixiao Sect's domineering behavior is extremely outstanding.

If Jinghe Hebo and Jinghe Shuifu come forward to protect Luanshiwan Shuifu, the strong dragon will not suppress the local snake, and Taixiao Sect will have no choice but to return with hatred.

But in fact, instead of stopping Jinghe Hebo, he turned a blind eye and allowed Taixiao Sect to take action.

In this way, Taixiao Sect's revenge will be very violent.

"You don't have to worry too much." Shao Xiaoyun saw that Zhou Qing on the high platform seemed to have an overly solemn expression, so he laughed and said: "They want to attack you in Rocks Bay or even Rocks Bay Water Mansion, I won't ignore them."

In the Jinghe Water Mansion and the Leping River, Shao Xiaoyun did not dare to act easily for fear of showing his flaws, being discovered, and ruining the plan of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. But in the Rocks Bay, it would be different if there was the Rocks Bay River God on the high platform to cover it.

Anyway, in a home court like Rock Bay, Shao Xiaoyun and other members of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect can help.

Zhou Qing didn't care much about Taixiao Sect's so-called revenge. He had already obtained the God-consecrating Order of the River God of Luanshiwan given by He Bo of Jinghe River, and he would soon be able to extract the "secret medicine" from it, and Attack the third level of Qi Refining Realm to condense the soul.

Moreover, he can return to Zhenyi Sect at any time. Once he reaches the mountain gate, can people who don't believe in Taixiao Sect still follow him?

However, Zhou Qing would definitely not tell the truth to the demon girl of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect below. His thoughts were turning, thinking about the two sects of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and the Taixiao Sect, and thinking about what he could do, but his face remained calm. , talking to Shao Xiaoyun.

After a while, Shao Xiaoyun's projection dissipated, the light on the token disappeared, and it returned to calm, hanging in the air, motionless.

Zhou Qing took a move and put the token away again. He sat on the high platform, closed his eyes, and concentrated on refining the God's Order.

Even if there are secret techniques recorded in the "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Picture", it is not easy to perform preliminary sacrifices to the Divine Order as a magic weapon. However, Zhou Qing was born with two spirits, which can be replaced one after another, and the sweet rain in the green pond of creation can replenish the surging vitality of the Sanluo Dao body, so the speed of sacrifice is much faster than that of the disciples of Biyou Palace.

On this day, I heard the Divine Order hanging above Zhou Qingding's door jump and let out a long roar, like a dragon's roar. Wherever it went, the divine light flourished, and thousands of divine inscriptions jumped out. Keep permuting and combining.

If you look closely, you will see that there are lines invisible to the naked eye intertwined within the Order of the Gods, and they are like veins, running through the top and bottom. The Dragon Transformation Qi moves along the lines in a mysterious and incredible trajectory, slowly and firmly mobilizing the deepest and most essential power of the edict.

The preliminary sacrificial refining has been completed.

Zhou Qing had an idea and issued the God's Order. With a flick of his eye, an invisible halo spread out in all directions with him as the center.

At this moment, he seemed to be the center of the Rock Bay, and wisps of water-borne inspiration came over him, faster and more than before.

In it, under the circles of light, the main river and major tributaries of Rockstone Bay emerge from it. Although it is blurry, there is already a feeling.

Zhou Qing observed Rock Rock Bay from his unique perspective, feeling it was clearer than ever before.

This kind of clarity is far from perfect, but if there is any big movement in the main river and tributaries, it will be felt. And the closer the distance to him, the clearer his perception.

It's very good to be able to do this.

Zhou Qing practiced Biyou Palace's true skill "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Picture". The secret technique of refining the God's Order as a magic weapon is indeed no small matter. Just the initial ritual training is probably no less than the average river god who studies for ten or eight years after receiving the order to become a god.

More importantly, Luanshi Bay has been unified. Whether it is the main river or its tributaries, the demon soldiers and demon generals of Shuifu will find the water veins and dredge them. The entire Rock Bay is covered by all the tributaries of the main river, and there are no dead ends.

Only with such arrangement and coverage can the effect of the God's Order be magnified.

The Edict of the Gods has been initially refined. Next, it is time to extract the "secret medicine" needed to practice the "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Picture" to the state of concentration.

Zhou Qing adjusted his condition, and after half an hour, he began to "take the medicine" from the preliminary sacrifice of the God's Order.

The key to extracting the secret medicine is precision and consistency.

Anyway, there are detailed records in the "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Tu". Zhou Qing concentrated on "getting the medicine" according to what was written above.

Half a day later, in Zhou Qing's sea of ​​consciousness, a slightly tired spirit sank, while another spirit floated up and continued.

At this moment, under the lights in the palace, you can see that there are thousands of fine threads intertwined in his hands, mixed into three colors. One of the colors is as bright as the sun, vast and powerful; one of the colors is as red as dye, with rouge close to the water; one of the colors has white air curling up, condensing and not dispersing.

Among the three colors, bright gold and red are the brightest, which looks like the finishing touch. The most abundant thing is the white air that keeps gathering.

"Hey." Zhou Qing finally spit out a mantra, and a mantra fell and entered the three-color thin line. In just a moment, the three-color thin threads shrank with an indescribable mystery and were wrapped together to form a round, flawless and translucent three-color elixir.

It is exactly what is recorded in the "Picture of Yuanhuang Transforming into a Dragon", the secret medicine needed to break through the soul condensation level.

Sancai Longzhe Jade.

Zhou Qing held the Sancai Longzhe Jade that he had just extracted. Three colors reflected in his pupils were constantly changing.

Only the Divine Order in the Dragon Palace can extract such a secret medicine. Because the three most important components of this wonderful medicine are the power of Dragon Palace, the power of He Bo, and the power of River God.

Only by uprightly obtaining the position of River God can one obtain the order of the God and obtain the medicine Three Talents Dragon Zhe Jade.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing thought of the scene when he killed the previous Luanshiwanhe Shenbi Festival that day.

After the other party fell, all the divine seals and orders on his body disappeared. Otherwise, wouldn't it be possible to save a lot of effort by directly taking the God's Order?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as beauty.

But now that the secret medicine Sancai Longzhe Jade, which hits the soul-condensing level of "Yuanhuang Transformation Picture", is the biggest good thing, it is the greatest good thing. Next, when the Tao body is adjusted to the best condition, he can pass the level and be promoted.

"Go back to the sect." Zhou Qing stood up. Whether it was Taixiao Sect's revenge or the Jinghe Water Mansion's conspiracy, he was not in the Water Mansion. It would be up to him to see what they would do.

Zhou Qing went outside, called Lao Gui, and told him that he had something to do before leaving Rock Bay.

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