Light comes out through the body.

For a moment, even the sky outside was covered.

Beside Zhou Qing, at some point, a large area of ​​pure green color filled the air, shining on the smooth ground. The light reflected the branches and branches. Then, wisps of golden energy emerged, like branches sprouting, scattered around, and continued to grow, with green stems covering one area.

Faintly, there is another voice, springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain, full of vitality.

Zhou Qing lowered his head and looked at everything in front of him, with a strange look on his face.

In fact, this is the real immortal bone, wipe away all the "pretended" immortal bones.

Originally, the immortal bones "hidden themselves" and looked just like ordinary bones. Only when the monks found them and refined them with the method of marrow cleansing, could the original light of the immortal bones truly shine through.

"Wood Immortal Bone."

Zhou Qing looked at the Qingyi surrounding him, which was slowly converging, like a fan, and restrained it at his feet, and nodded slightly.

Immortal bones combine the two qi of yin and yang, gather the talents of the five elements, and are born according to the creation of heaven and earth. Therefore, the immortal bones have seven lives: metal life, wood life, water life, fire life, earth life, sun life, and lunar life.

And now, Zhou Qing discovered that the piece of immortal bone in his body is the Immortal Bone of Wood Life, an immortal bone that contains the innate power of Wood Elements.

With the Immortal Bone of Wood Life, once the foundation is successfully established and the Qi is drawn, the Wood Spirit Qi from heaven and earth can be drawn into the body, and then transformed into the Wood Spirit Qi through exercises.

For example, after building the foundation, a monk does not have the Immortal Bone of Wood Life in his body, but insists on practicing the Wood Walking Technique. It is not impossible, but he will get twice the result with half the effort, and the process will be extremely slow.

Zhou Qing thought about things and continued to use the method to guide the power of the immortal bone and integrate it into the skin, flesh, bones and blood of the whole body. The transformation unfolded quietly, including the inside and outside.

After a long while, the cyan color around Zhou Qing disappeared piece by piece. At the same time, the light coming out of Zhou Qing's body gradually faded, and he looked back to normal.

From the outside, the gleaming color of the immortal bones can no longer be seen, and the light shines everywhere.

This is not that the immortal bone "obstructs itself" again, but that Zhou Qing has refined this immortal bone and formally integrated it into his body. The innate power contained in it seeps out, making the foundation of his physical body more and more solid.

This piece of immortal bone transforms the physical body once!

Zhou Qing stood up, pushed the door open and went out.

He walked in the courtyard and looked at the cold waves in the pool not far away. There was a leaf floating on it, most of it withered, but it was still full of life.

While admiring the scenery, he felt his own improvement.

Immortal bones are immortal bones, far beyond what mortal bones can compare to. Immortal bones contain amazing innate power.

Even though Immortal Bone has just been discovered, and it is limited to realm cultivation, the power it can channel is extremely limited, but its transformation of the physical body is still incredible.

Before discovering the Immortal Bones, Zhou Qing had already preliminarily refined and purified the bone marrow in many bones in the body, greatly enhancing its functions of energizing blood, strengthening bones, and enhancing physical fitness. But compared with the transformation of this Immortal Bone of Wood Life, it is still inferior.

"I don't have only one immortal bone."

Zhou Qing felt that he was almost recovered, so he went back indoors, sat down on the futon again, and started using the marrow cleansing method.

I don't know how long it took, but the ashes that fell from the incense burner on the table had already covered a layer, and light suddenly came out of Zhou Qing's body.

After this light appeared, sparkling silver suddenly appeared around him, tangible but insubstantial, a pure white without any variegated colors. If you look closely, you will see that there are countless sword lights in the silver, which are constantly colliding and hitting each other, and then there are pleasant sounds.

Although this voice sounded pleasant, it conveyed an indestructible sharpness, leaving a chill and dazzling effect wherever it touched.

"Another piece of immortal bone."

Zhou Qing followed the same method and refined this Golden Life Immortal Bone just like he refined the first Immortal Bone.

However, although they are both immortal bones, they are different from the thriving vitality when refining the wooden immortal bones. When refining the golden immortal bones, the power channeled is sharp, making Zhou Qing's face reflect a cold look. Feel a pain.

The power coming out of the Golden Life Immortal Bone is silver-white, pure, and brilliant, illuminating every detail of the flesh and blood meridians.

This kind of power together makes the body covered with a layer of frost.

Zhou Qing endured this kind of torture like torture with swords and body, and concentrated on refining this golden life immortal bone.

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer silver-white visions outside, but his physical body became stronger and stronger, and from time to time, the sound of swords could be heard.

Under the light of the room, you can see Zhou Qing sitting firmly on the futon, with jade muscles and bones, gold and iron wound like a net, showing a kind of tenacity.

After refining this golden life immortal bone, Zhou Qing's foundation has improved to another level.

There are four small realms in the great realm of entering the Tao: internal refining, channel opening, marrow cleansing, and induction.

Internal refining and channel-opening mainly focus on refining internal Qi, unblocking meridians, and laying the foundation. Once it comes to marrow cleansing, there will be a qualitative change immediately, and the foundation of the physical body will undergo earth-shaking changes.

No wonder in the aristocratic family, not many people care about those who enter the first and second realms of Taoism, but once they are promoted to the marrow cleansing realm, it will be different immediately.

Although there is only a small realm difference between the two, the real gap is so huge that they are not on the same level at all.


Zhou Qing opened his eyes and pressed his hand between his eyebrows, feeling a slight tingling sensation.

Since returning, he devoted himself to cultivation. Not only did he preliminarily cleanse the marrow in many bones, but he also refined one part of the Immortal Bone of Wood and the other part of Immortal Bone of Metal, constantly using the marrow-cleansing method of Watching the Moon and Shaking Scales.

Even if he was gifted and born with two spirits, it would be impossible for him to maintain his excellent condition with such full concentration.

But the problem now is that time is running out and he wants to improve himself as much as possible.

"The Green Pond of Good Fortune."

Zhou Qing's thoughts turned, and the Green Pond of Good Fortune emerged in his sea of ​​consciousness. Every moment, something inexplicably fell from the void into the pond and turned into sweet rain.

Such sources are very rare, but the advantage is perseverance, every day without interruption. Especially since it has not been used for a period of time, a layer of pool water has accumulated in the Green Pond.

The pool water is light and the fragrance is overwhelming.

"Let's wait a while."

Zhou Qing originally wanted to use the water of the Green Pond of Good Fortune, but after thinking about it, he put it away.

Although his physical body has improved and his physical fitness has improved by leaps and bounds, if he uses it again, he may need much more pool water than before to achieve the same degree of improvement as before. There is more pool water now than before, but it is still not enough if he really needs to use it.

Moreover, the sweet rain of the Green Pond of Creation has a great effect. In the past, if you want to improve your physical fitness, you have no choice but to use it all.

Now that you have the conditions, it is better to save it in case of an emergency.

"By the way."

Zhou Qing's eyes moved, and he remembered something. He stood up, took out a gourd of elixirs, unplugged the bottle, and the fragrant elixir wafted out.

"Xuanyu Shouzheng Pill."

This is the elixir sent by Qingyun Layman Zhou Xian. It is a top-grade product for washing marrow and strengthening bones. After Zhou Qing swallowed a pill, he immediately found that the internal energy in his body became more active, and the control was smooth and smooth.

Originally, it took ten points of strength to clean the bone marrow with internal energy. Now, after getting Xuanyu Shouzheng Pill, it only takes six or seven points, which greatly reduces the burden.

And Xuanyu Shouzheng Pill is not only that, the power of the elixir can also penetrate into the bone marrow that has been initially cleansed, making the hematopoiesis and bone strengthening of the bone marrow more solid.

Zhou Qing practiced again with Xuanyu Shouzheng Pill.

This time, it didn't take long before his body emitted light again, immersing the entire room.

This was another immortal bone, and judging by the strange phenomenon, it was different from the previous wood immortal bone and gold immortal bone.

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