Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 191 The Forgetful Goddess, a True Prodigy

Further away, there was a startling rainbow, falling from the sky, half of its color entered the water, and a circle of colorful ripples appeared, like a treasure wheel, shining brightly.

A girl stood on it, she was tall, beautiful, wearing a long skirt with a tail like a flame, a strand of black hair hanging in front of her body, tied with a gem, the fresh green color was mysterious.

Above the girl's top door, the true energy was like smoke and clouds, behind her was an ancient Taoist official, the door of the temple was closed, no sound was heard, only the copper ring on the door, with the patina of time, from time to time falling spiritual texts, telling a deep mystery.

The girl's eyes were shining, reflecting the scene of the rooftop.

In her mind, the woman from Doumu Palace who came out of the treasure ship stood up pretty and naturally derived a strange magnetic field. There were palm-sized fairies flying around and singing continuously. There was a clearness after the rain in the empty mountains, a beauty of the return of the swallows that seemed familiar, and a joy of boating in Shuangxi in spring, which made the people around her immerse in it and fall for it.

Anyway, as soon as she appeared, she was the well-deserved center of the scene. All people and all things were chasing the beauty of her every move.

"The Forget Worry Goddess Strategy of Doumu Palace." Zhou Hongzhuang, who was standing on the treasure wheel, saw this and slowly exhaled. There was something inexplicable in her voice, saying: "Zhu Lin who came here actually practiced the Forget Worry Goddess Strategy."

"The Forget Worry Goddess Strategy" is a well-known true and mysterious skill in the Doumu Palace of Shangxuanmen. Even if many people in the cultivation world don't know it, they have heard of it.

However, as a direct descendant of the Hengnan Zhou family and a disciple of the Laojun Temple, which is considered the best in the Zhongxuan Sect, Zhou Hongzhuang knows that the threshold for practicing "Forget Worry Goddess Strategy" is extremely high. Even among the true disciples of the Shangxuan Sect, such as Doumu Palace, there are not many who can practice this skill.

However, once the "Forget Worry Goddess Strategy" is successfully practiced, it will be amazingly powerful. If there is a chance to condense the Great Soft Spiritual Goddess Body in the future, let alone the Nascent Soul Realm, even the Cave Heaven level is not a luxury.

In the Shangxuan Sect of Doumu Palace, the proportion of Cave Heaven Immortals who practice "Forget Worry Goddess Strategy" is surprisingly high.


Zhou Hongzhuang frowned, looking very unhappy.

Originally, she returned to the clan from Laojun Temple to carry out activities, and everything went smoothly, but when Zhu Lin and Zhou Luoyun from Doumu Palace came, twists and turns immediately occurred.

On the one hand, her branch in Luochuan Zhou's power was weaker than Zhou Luoyun's branch. On the other hand, even though Laojun Temple was now very powerful and had the momentum to stand out in Zhongxuanmen, it was still far behind the old-fashioned Shangxuanmen Doumu Palace in terms of power and fame.

"We can't just let it go."

Zhou Hongzhuang gritted her teeth secretly, and the rings on her dress were blown by the wind, colliding with each other, ding-donging, and containing a trace of coldness.

She had good talent, otherwise, she would not have been selected by Laojun Temple at the Jingchen Dharma Assembly and accepted as a disciple.

But when she really entered the sect, Zhou Hongzhuang found that there were many people who could be on par with her or even surpass her in the sect. Her talent and ability could not support her to pass all the way, change from the inner sect to the true sect, and even climb to a higher position in the sect.

If she wanted to stand out in the same generation in Laojun Temple, her own hard work and cultivation were indispensable, but she also needed "East Wind".

Where is the "East Wind"?

It is the destination of her trip, the Hengnan Zhou Clan.

Although the Hengnan Zhou Clan cannot be compared with a large sect, it has a history of more than a thousand years, and various forces are intertwined in the open and in the dark, and it has a deep foundation.

If the Hengnan Zhou Clan is won over, or more accurately, if the Hengnan Zhou Clan is won over as many forces as possible to the Laojun Temple, the power and influence of the Laojun Temple will be increased.

For the disciples of the Laojun Temple, it is definitely a great achievement.

With such "merit", it will definitely be seen and remembered by the senior leaders of the Laojun Temple, and "Jian is in the heart of the emperor", and it is not a problem to rise to prominence in the future.

Zhou Hongzhuang turned her thoughts and kept thinking. Although part of the reason for doing this is that she wants to make progress, it is also for the good of the Hengnan Zhou Clan.

It is true that the Hengnan Zhou Clan has been passed down for thousands of years, but in recent years, the major Xuanmen have become more and more powerful, squeezing the development space of the major cultivation families. The strategy of focusing on self and playing both sides may not be able to adapt to the current situation. The family should break the shackles of the past and deepen the connection and integration with the Xuanmen sect.

In Zhou Hongzhuang's mind, the future of the Hengnan Zhou family should be the same as that of the Guanhu Song family in the sect. The ancestors have been rooted in Laojun Temple for generations, and the children of the family can enter Laojun Temple and contribute to the sect. At the same time, under the protection of Laojun Temple, the family continues to multiply and improve, step by step.

The family and the sect are in me, I am in you, and we rise and fall together, share the same fate, and are inseparable.

Generation after generation, maybe, if you are lucky, one day you can become the top family in the sect. At that time, the sect can become the "claws" of the family!

Of course, this is a long-term plan and there is no need to mention it for the time being. In the short term, it is still necessary to cultivate as many forces as possible in the Hengnan Zhou family that are close to Laojun Temple.

"Maybe I should contact Zhou Chengyao."

In Zhou Hongzhuang's beautiful eyes, there emerged a woman who liked to wear a red skirt and ride a crane. She entered Laojun Temple earlier than herself, and now her development in the sect has also encountered a bottleneck, and she urgently needs a way to break the deadlock.

Although the other party and Zhou Luoyun belong to the same clan and seem to have a closer blood relationship, it is related to their own interests and the development of the sect. Zhou Hongzhuang believes that Zhou Chengyao will make his own choice.

On the rooftop, Zhou Luoyun, who was wearing a crown, was extremely tall and as calm as a mountain. He glanced at the tribesmen who seemed to be intimidated by the temperament of his fellow sect. With his eyebrows raised, he spoke steadily and said to Zhou Qian. : "Uncle."

The sound was not loud, but it had a leisurely feeling of moonlight shining on the bright wall, echoing everywhere.

Zhou Gan shook his head and woke up from his inexplicable immersion. He first looked at the woman with a wonderful voice not far away, and then looked at his nephew. He took a deep breath and said, "Luoyun, since you participated in Jingchen It’s the first time I’ve returned to my clan after the Dharma conference.”

Looking at Feng Shen's more handsome nephew, Zhou Qian had a sigh of relief in his tone that was too strong to get rid of.

During that Jingchen Dharma Assembly, five people from the clan went to Jingchen Mountain. As a result, three of them were spotted by the sect and accepted under the sect, becoming Xuanmen's inner disciples.

But since then, the three of them have gone directly to the mountain gate of the sect they voted for and have never come back.

Although there was communication between them and their family during this period, communication was not easy due to such a long distance, sometimes not even once a year.

When we meet again, things have changed a lot.

Zhou Luoyun smiled, introduced the disciples around him to Zhou Qian, and said: "This is Senior Sister Zhu, the last true disciple of Doumu Palace. This time she came out mainly to find the medicine for condensing pills and prepare to attack the realm of pill transformation." ”

"It turns out that Qi refining is complete and ready to form pills."

Zhou Qian thought again as he looked at the woman with a pair of gauze-covered eyes as dreamy as stars hanging in the sky.

Even though he is an alchemy cultivator, he is not on the same level as the other person who is a true disciple of Xuanmen.

Even in a battle of wits, I'm afraid he won't be an opponent.

What's more, as the other party's true successor, as long as the pill condensation is successful this time, he will definitely reach a higher level after returning to Doumu Palace.

A true disciple like Doumu Gong, who has reached the level of Xuanmen Alchemy, is definitely not a small figure in the world.

If the other party comes to the clan with the realm of alchemy, Zhou Qian may not be qualified to receive him by then. At the very least, a real Nascent Soul from the Zhou family in Hengnan would have to come forward. At most, he would wait on the side and smile when others joked.

Zhu Lin seemed not to notice the change in Zhou Qian's attitude. Her wonderful eyes moved and she spoke, her voice was clear and sweet, filled with the fragrance of osmanthus hanging in autumn, and said: "I really went out to look for the elixir, and I haven't got a clue yet. Junior Brother Luoyun is going back to his clan, so I will follow him and take a look together."

She paused for a moment before continuing: "I have heard about the name of the Zhou family in Hengnan, and I have long wanted to come. I hope I am not presumptuous."

"If Fairy Zhu can come, it will make Pengpi shine."

Zhou Qian felt happy when he heard the other party complimenting his family and laughed loudly.

"This is not the place to talk." Zhou Qian said a few more words, then led the crowd and said, "Let's go inside and talk."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Zhou Zhenzhen.

No matter how unwilling Zhou Zhenzhen was, he had to step forward at this time, forced a smile, and said: "Our Hualan Xiangshe in the clan has been cleaned to welcome the distinguished guests."

Hualan Xiangshe is a peak specially used by the Hengnan Zhou clan to receive guests. In normal times, it is closed. Only guests who come, and important guests, will open it and make arrangements.

The Hualan Xiangshe was used to receive a group of people from Doumu Palace. With such a standard, I am afraid that this is the only treatment that ordinary real people would receive when visiting the Zhou family in Hengnan.

Seeing Zhou Zhenzhen, the smile on Zhou Luoyun's face disappeared. He just said "hmm" and looked cold.

A family of cultivators like the Zhou family in Hengnan has been passed down for thousands of years. Although many members of the family are still surnamed Zhou, they are no longer within the Five Blessings, and their blood relationship has become extremely distant.

Zhou Zhenzhen and the group behind Zhou Zhenzhen are not closely related to Zhou Luoyun and his group. More importantly, the relationship between them is bad.

Not to mention other things, Zhou Luoyun clearly remembered that when Zhou Qing was able to participate in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, in addition to Zhou Qing's nine-point immortal bone that shocked the world, it was also because of the forces behind Zhou Zhenzhen and others who pushed him to compete with himself and others. result.

Without the strong support of Zhou Zhenzhen and the forces behind them, Zhou Qing may not be able to participate in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly. If Zhou Qing can't participate in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, he can't steal his opportunity to enter the Zhenyi Sect!

Thinking of this, a little gloom appeared on Zhou Luoyun's face, like a shadow appearing under the bright sunlight.

He is indeed talented and powerful. Even after entering the Doumu Palace, he has flourished in this Xuanmen, and he can be called the number one male cultivator in their generation. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a true disciple like Zhu Lin to return to the Hengnan Zhou clan with him.

But at the same time, Zhou Luoyun also really felt the difficulty of being a man in Doumu Palace.

In Doumu Palace, where female fairies are respected, it is very difficult for men to make progress and break the ceiling.

In a Shangxuan sect like Zhenyi Sect, there should be no such oppression.

Zhu Lin observed the words and expressions and noticed the change in Zhou Luoyun's attitude. What a smart woman she was. He immediately knew that the woman he was talking to now had nothing to do with Zhou Luoyun.

With this judgment, Zhu Lin's attitude immediately calmed down, and he just nodded slightly and said: "I came with Junior Brother Luoyun, no matter how you arrange it, it will be fine."


Zhou Zhenzhen was so angry when she encountered such a soft nail, but she couldn't have an attack yet.

After all, it was the decision of the higher-ups in the clan to let her and Zhou Qian come together to greet the people of Doumu Palace. If he doesn't do it well and allows the other party to take the opportunity to have an attack, among other things, the forces behind Zhou Qian will definitely use this matter to cause trouble.

"I can only endure it."

Zhou Zhenzhen lowered his eyelids and clenched his fists in his sleeves.

Speaking of which, the upper-level power of their team is not bad, and there is also the Yuanying Master in charge, but the younger generation is inactive and has no successors.

From Zhou Luoyun's Jingchen Dharma Assembly to now, not only has no one of their young disciples been able to stand out at the Jingchen Dharma Assembly and join the sect, but none of them are even good enough to stay in the clan.

In contrast, the forces behind Zhou Qian have sprung up one after another since Zhou Luoyun's death.

As a result, their force was in a difficult situation within the Hengnan Zhou clan and was obviously at a disadvantage.

Otherwise, how could she be dispatched as an alchemy monk to greet Zhou Luoyun and the others?

Seeing Zhou Zhenzhen deflated, Zhou Qian felt happy. He glanced at Zhou Luoyun and realized that based on what happened today, he had not loved his nephew in vain before.

He looked at Zhou Zhenzhen, coughed, and with a straight face, deliberately said in a bossy tone: "Zhou Zhenzhen, why don't you lead the way?"

"You're a smug little man!"

Zhou Zhenzhen scolded Zhou Gan a hundred times in her heart, but she still couldn't get angry. According to what he said, she led the way to Hualan Xiangshe.

The smile on Zhou Gan's face continued. He looked at Zhou Luoyun and said: "A few days ago, Zhou Hongzhuang also came back from Laojun Temple and is still living in the clan. In addition to her, there are more than a dozen people who have joined the clan. Those who have gone to Xuanmen are also in the clan. After you have rested, the clan will arrange a meeting for you to keep in touch with each other. After all, we are all in Xuanmen and we will deal with you in the future.

"Especially Zhou Hongzhuang. I heard that she is the real successor of Laojun Guan. She is very active after she comes back. You must meet her."

"Zhou Hongzhuang."

Zhou Luoyun's thoughts stirred. A total of five people from the Hengnan Zhou clan of his generation participated in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly. A total of three people were selected by the sect and all developed well.

Needless to say, he entered the Shangxuanmen Doumu Palace. Although the Laojun view that Zhou Hongzhuang entered is only Zhongxuanmen, the Laojun view is not simple, and its rise is very strong.

This time we all return to the clan and we must meet him.

Looking at it this way, only Zhou Qing was left.

"Zhou Qing."

Zhou Luoyun had not thought of these two words for a while, but now that he suddenly thought about it, he still felt uncomfortable.

He suppressed the strangeness in his heart and said to Zhou Qian: "Yes, let's meet together."


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise, and a gap suddenly fell in the sky. Large areas of auspicious clouds poured out, and a flying palace slowly drove out from behind.

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