Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 198: Sun and Moon Compete for Glory, Attacking Shangxuanmen

Before Feigong entered the palace, he suddenly saw a colorful rainbow light bursting from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a treasure boat arrived surrounded by large auspicious clouds.

In the center of the treasure boat, a high platform of gold and jade has been raised, about ten feet long, with a half-rolled curtain. A copper stove is placed on the sapphire table. The smoke is curling up. There is a woman sitting upright with her bun hanging down, her face covered with gauze, but her eyes seem to have infinite energy. of clarity. Not far away from her, Zhou Luoyun was dressed in a brand-new brocade robe, embroidering mountains and rivers on the top, lakes and rivers on the bottom, sword-shaped brows on the pavilion, motionless, above the top door, among the dense clouds of true energy, like mist-like treasure clouds, shining brightly.

Behind them, there were dozens of disciples, many women and some men, all wearing the robes of Doumu Palace. They were full of energy, and the true energy on their bodies spread out to the left and right, like a fan shape, shining brightly.

A group of people were riding on a treasure boat. There were figures in the colorful flowers, and they looked so impressive that people couldn't take their eyes away.

The woman wearing a veil on the high platform saw Fei Gong Zhou Qing. Her eyes changed and she did not get up. Instead, she continued to sit on the golden and jade high platform. She spoke with luck, with a fresh and natural sound of new rain falling in the bamboo forest, and said: " I was in a hurry, but I didn't expect that I was one step behind fellow Taoist."

When she said this, she paused and said in a serious tone, "But Fellow Daoist Zhou, it's not necessarily good if you rush too hard. You still have to be steady."

There is deep meaning in the words.

It seems to be mentioning Zhou Qing's bravery and diligence in cultivation, and it seems to be accusing Zhou Qing of being too reckless and anxious among the Zhou clan in Hengnan.

"Haha." Zhou Qing heard this and laughed loudly. The spirit gold energy behind him was like a startling rainbow, hanging upside down. Even if he was alone, facing the group of Doumu Palace, he was not at all inferior. He said proudly: "Friend Zhu, you I am a guest from afar, so I naturally have to arrive early to show my hospitality.”

Upon hearing this, Zhu Lin's smile turned cold.

What the other party said was tantamount to pointing his finger in the face and saying that he was an outsider and was not qualified to point fingers at the Hengnan Zhou family.

This Zhou Qing is really sharp-tongued!

Zhou Luoyun looked at Zhou Qing with a cold face and said, "Can a descendant of the Zhou family in Luochuan speak so brazenly here?"

In his opinion, Senior Sister Zhu Lin, a true disciple of the Doumu Palace, is certainly an outsider in the Zhou clan in Hengnan, but the hateful guy in front of him who thinks he is the master is actually a member of the Zhou clan in Luochuan, and he has no Qualifications are here to dictate.

Zhou Qing glanced at Zhou Luoyun and said nothing, but his expression of disdain was palpable.

Whether it is the Hengnan Zhou family or the Luochuan Zhou family, such a spiritual family is a force formed by blood relations as a bond. Among the forces, there are indispensable direct descendants, collateral descendants, surrogate sons-in-law, and so on. People like Zhou Qing are also included.

What's more, the fact that Zhou Qing can be invited to give lectures and "pass on scriptures and send treasures" is naturally recognized by the top leaders of the Hengnan Zhou family.

How can Zhou Luoyun be swayed by his gentle words?

So Zhou Qing just stared at Zhu Lin, waved his sleeves, Fei Gong behind him shook slightly, Ruicai shook his head, and said loudly: "Fellow Daoist Zhu, the time is almost up, let's stop talking and enter the venue."

Zhu Lin did not speak, but wisps of arc light flowed on the treasure boat beneath him, like thousands of flowers falling, and began to rise.

Just hearing a "bang", Feigong and Baozhou jumped up almost at the same time, appeared above the platform, and squeezed the flying cloud platforms outside. They were in the center, one on the left and one on the right. The weather is soaring into the sky and unstoppable.

Both the flying palace and the treasure boat are first-class flying magic weapons. They are by no means comparable to the cloud platforms arranged by the Zhou family in Hengnan. They just float there quietly, naturally standing out from the crowd.


On the platform below, Zhou Yuanyuan exclaimed. In her beautiful eyes, the flying palace and the treasure boat were reflected. There was a figure sitting on each of them, a man and a woman. On top of the door, there was a true energy rising, attracting people from all directions. The Qi machine derives different phases.

At this moment, Feigong and Baozhou were like the sun and moon in the sky, while the disciples of Zhongxuanmen and Xiaxuanmen who arrived first were surrounding them like stars guarding them.

When the sun and moon do not rise, the stars are bright and shining, but when the sun and moon rise, the stars retreat and suddenly become the background.

"Go to Xuanmen."

Zhou Yuanyuan's eyes wanted to shine. She stared at Feigong and Baozhou, and at the figures above. She had forgotten about Zhou Hongzhuang, who had just imagined taking their place.

"Doumu Palace and Zhenyi Sect."

Zhou Zhao sat up straight and looked into the air, his thoughts spinning around.

At first glance, the treasure boat in Doumu Palace is the most eye-catching. After all, the treasure boat is originally decorated with colorful flowers and blooming colors. There is also a group of people standing on the high platform on the boat. The vessel is majestic and the momentum is so great that it can be called the whole audience. The most.

Just like the scorching sun, it is dazzling and exudes powerful momentum everywhere.

But after watching it for a while, he discovered that there was only one person on the flying palace, but it was really like the bright moon in the sky. The more he looked at it, the brighter it became, and the more extraordinary it became.

Each side takes sides and fights in separate courts without distinction.

"This Feigong."

Zhou Zhao couldn't help but look up and down at the Jade Lingbao Palace, and gradually came to the conclusion that the quality of this flying palace was definitely higher than that of the treasure boat and flower boat that looked quite big.

It is precisely in this way that Zhou Qingcai, alone, can compete with the strength of the Doumu Palace in terms of aura.


Zhou Zhao looked at Zhou Qing, who was sitting in the Fei Palace, and his thoughts kept spinning. Apart from anything else, just looking at this flying magic weapon, is it possible that Zhou Qing's position of power in the Zhenyi Sect is higher than that of Zhu Lin, the Zhenzhuan disciple, in Doumu Palace?

At this moment, first there was a soft cry on the treasure boat, and then countless flying flowers and treasure leaves poured out from both sides of the boat, colorful and colorful. It blooms from bottom to top, like a continuous sea of ​​flowers, passing across the sky and covering half of the sky.

After the sea of ​​flowers appeared, it slowly moved down. After sensing the Qi of the disciples of the Zhou family in Hengnan on the platform, amidst the crisp and sweet vocal music, flying flowers fell and fell into their arms.

No one has more, no one has less, everyone has a share.

Zhou Zhao felt the feeling of the flying flowers falling into his body. Like the others in Zhongxuan Sect just now, the flying flowers contained the essence of energy, which cleansed the body and made it very comfortable. Just looking at the effect, it is more than ten times stronger than before.

As soon as Doumu Palace took action, it showed that Shangxuanmen was more powerful than Zhongxuanmen. The two sects were not at the same level, and the disciples of the same realm were not at the same level.

As soon as the treasure boat of Doumu Palace moved, Zhou Qing's Yuling Baozhen Palace followed closely behind. An auspicious cloud flew out, and with only a slight turn, it suddenly expanded and covered Zhou Za. Then, there was a sound in the clouds, like thunder, roaring. Then, the sweet rain fell and spread freely.

Just like the previous one, despite the rain in the sky, the young people of the Zhou family in Hengnan who fell on the platform were not too much and not too little. The main focus was average.

Above the sky, there is a cloud of air, which is as bright as frost and spotless. Further up, there is a half-fan-shaped auspicious color, and wisps of air are pouring over. After gathering together, the surrounding area is dyed with a kind of sheep. The color of fat and beautiful jade.

From the outside, this place is as beautiful as a jade pot, with no earthly smoke and smoke, only the elegance of dust.

A real person from the Zhou family in Hengnan is sitting upright. He wears a crown on his head and a sun and moon robe. His eyes show a strange five colors. He looks towards the platform below. With just one look, he can see the flying flowers and rain. Zhen Zhen smiled softly and said: "The young people who came to participate today are very lucky. Not only will they be able to listen to the experiences of outstanding members of the same clan who took the first step later, but they will also have such benefits."

In his judgment, just these few waves of physical training are worth their usual half-year training, and there will be no future troubles.

Of course, real people like him also have such methods, but they usually don't use them equally. Instead, they usually use them on the outstanding juniors of their own branch to cultivate them in a steady stream.

If it were spread all at once, even a real person like him would feel a bit of pain.

Zhou Ruoyan was also there at this time. She was sitting on the halo cast by the ring, surrounded by spiritual inscriptions, as bright as a lotus flower in bloom. She was also staring at the field without saying a word, but there was a wave of emotion deep in her heart.

Back then, she escorted Zhou Qing to participate in the Jingchen Dharma Ceremony. In her eyes, Zhou Qing was just a potential newcomer, and there was a huge gap between him and herself. But this time when she came back, she only saw his flying palace, and his sweet rain shining all over him. Even she had to look directly at such a handiwork.

It's only been a while, but things have changed and grown too fast.

The platform that Shangxuan Sect like Zhenyi Sect can provide is indeed not comparable to that of the Hengnan Zhou clan. As long as you are strong enough and work hard, you can continuously make leaps and bounds in the True Sect and achieve cross-level promotions, and your talents will never be buried.

Shangxuanmen is like a vast ocean. No matter how talented you are, it can still provide you with enough space to roam.

Thinking about it this way, it is okay for his descendants to go to Zhenyi Sect.

"here we go."

Another real person present coughed. His temples were slightly white, he looked unsmiling, and his voice was cold.

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Ruoyan looked down and saw a wisp of smoke coming in from the outside, arriving in the field, circling left and right, and spreading out like lotus leaves. There was a middle-aged man standing on top. The elixirs on the top of the door were billowing like gold and fire, reflecting his surprisingly thick eyebrows. He did not speak for the time being, but slowly scanned the whole place with his eyes.

Even a lively girl like Zhou Yuanyuan immediately sat upright when her eyes met her, her palm-sized face full of seriousness.

After all, the person who came here was a strong figure in charge of the ethics of the clan. He refused to recognize any of his relatives, and many people suffered at his hands.

Seeing the quiet needle drop below, Zhou Fangshan exhaled and spoke. His voice was hard and very stiff, like a stone rolling across the ground, causing thunder, and said: "...This opportunity is rare, you must know how to cherish it... …”

Zhou Fangshan spoke eloquently, and the general meaning was: The people invited here are all outstanding disciples of the clan. They will teach you their experience of living and cultivating in the sect. You should listen carefully, remember it well, and strive to learn from them. You can also be successful in the future.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Fangshan stepped aside and signaled that this time the clan's "Passing on Sutras and Giving Treasures" activity could begin.

After three or five breaths, a cloud platform jumped out, and then the crystal bead curtain was lifted, revealing the beautiful figure of Zhou Hongzhuang. Above the door above her, at some point, a jade leaf appeared, intertwined with frost patterns, and thousands of The calligraphy burst out like a peacock spreading its wings. She took a deep breath and looked down.

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Hongzhuang organized her language, used her mysterious skills, and began to "lecture" with a voice that contained an inexplicable rhythm.

She first started by participating in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, and then after entering the Laojun Temple, how to establish a foothold, how to choose a direction, how to cooperate and compete with fellow disciples, etc., etc., etc., very detailed.

The young disciples of the Hengnan Zhou family on the platform below also listened very carefully, attentively and meticulously.

After all, anyone who is determined to leave the Hengnan Zhou family and join a sect to fight for a living generally has to take this path. If you listen now, you won't be too confused about the future. With a clear understanding, you can know how to work hard and reduce useless efforts.

Zhou Qing was on the flying palace, looking down at Zhou Hongzhuang on the cloud platform. He was not interested in what the other party said, but he was very interested in the sect Laojun Temple behind Zhou Hongzhuang.

The current Laojun Temple is one of the most outstanding sects in the Zhongxuan Sect. It has always had the ambition to impact the Shangxuan Sect and has put it into action.

Just as the Zhongxuan Sect does not want any Xiaxuan Sect to rush up and sit on an equal footing with itself and share its resources. Most of the Shangxuan Sect do not want the Zhongxuan Sect to be promoted to the Shangxuan Sect. They usually intentionally or unintentionally block it from the door and prevent the Shangxuan Sect from adding new members.

For so many years, the Shangxuan Sect has always been the previous sect, with almost no new faces. This is not only because the Zhongxuanmen below has not accumulated enough, but also because the Zhongxuanmen rushing upwards could not withstand the open and secret attacks from all sides, and finally failed.

The now weak Tianling Sect of the Zhongxuanmen was once glorious two or three thousand years ago, and had the ambition to attack the Shangxuanmen. As a result, after five or six hundred years of hard work, in the end, it was "hidden", not only did the attack fail, but also suffered backlash, and its vitality was seriously damaged.

From then to now, so many years have passed, and the Tianling Sect has not recovered from that breath, and has directly become the bottom of the Zhongxuanmen. As a last resort, the Tianling Sect has begun to get closer and closer to the Seven Saints of the Shangxuanmen, with the attitude of using the Seven Saints to rise again.

The Zhongxuanmen is not the Xiaxuanmen. They have always been more wary of the Shangxuanmen than friendly. Unless they reach a certain level, they are unwilling to get too close to the Zhongxuanmen.

However, judging from the impact of the Tianling Sect on the Shangxuan Sect, the sprint that lasted for five or six hundred years involved forces in the double digits, and tens of thousands of people.

It was an incomparable storm vortex, with countless dangers and countless opportunities.

Some people were shattered to pieces in such a storm vortex, and their bodies and souls disappeared without a trace, while some people changed with the situation, rose up when they met the clouds, and became the real people of the cave.

Anyway, it is easier to get out of the storm than a pool of stagnant water.

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