Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 339: Continue to do good deeds and enjoy the fruits of others’ labor

Zhou Qing sat on the cloud couch in the center of the hall, holding a precious mirror in one hand to reflect the sky outside.

He quietly watched the dusk light soaking in the mountains, and the remaining colors were like pieces of yellow leaves falling down. Farther away, faintly, there was a murderous aura rising into the sky, like a startling rainbow, penetrating up and down, filled with astonishing cold air.

This time, the aristocratic family took over the mission to encircle and suppress Nanchuan Daze. They advanced in parallel in several directions. They rushed so fast that they already started fighting against the "demons" occupying Nanchuan Daze.

He glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and continued to focus on what was in front of him.

Linyu Fei Palace is not as exquisite as the Jade Lingbao Zhen Palace, but this Fei Palace was personally built by the masters of Zhenyi Sect. Not only is it amazing in size, but the defense array of Fei Palace is extremely powerful. Together with the ban, even at the Nascent Soul level The monks were helpless.

Therefore, Fei Gong rushed to Fuling Island together. It was not only a flying magic weapon, but more importantly, it protected their group and allowed them to have a safe "stronghold" to solve their worries after entering Nanchuan Daze.

It can be seen from this that the true foundation of Zhenyi Sect lies in Shangxuan Sect. Such a flying palace that combines attack and defense, in Xia Xuan Sect, every one is a treasure and must be guarded carefully, but the Zhenyi Sect easily took it out and let Zhou Qing and other new alchemy monks use it at will.

Lin Yu Fei Palace's escape speed was not too fast, but a few days later, Nanchuan Daze was already in sight.

The people in the hall raised their eyebrows and looked at it. On the glass of Fei Palace, water vapor came over layer by layer and hit it. It was hazy, like a veil covering it, making the outside blurry.

The constant flow of water vapor makes people's vision blocked and very uncomfortable.

Under the bronze pillars in the hall, a woman who was sitting on her back saw this, held up her skirt, sat upright, raised her thin eyebrows, looked up, and said in a clear and crisp voice: "Zhou Senior brother, what should we do next?”

Zhou Qing heard the voice and looked over. He saw that the woman who spoke had bright eyes, untainted by the world. Thinking of her identity, she was a newly promoted alchemy monk of the Huijia Li family. He smiled and said: " Junior sister Li, the soldiers are just coming to cover up the water and earth."

The focus of this trip is on experience, so there is no need for any clever tricks. It is just a matter of pushing through and seeing the tricks.


The woman from the Huijia Li family nodded and said nothing more. She also knew that this trip along Fuling Island and into Nanchuan Daze was an experience move, and this arrangement was just what she wanted.

After hearing this question and answer, a light lit up in the eyes of other people in the palace. Kill the "demon", regain the lost territory, and establish "merit". If the time is right, you must seize the opportunity.

After a while, a disciple from the Qi Refining Realm came in from the outside and reported to the upper level: "Sir, the front of Fuling Island is the front rift valley. There are not big monsters in it, but there are many monsters who have become spirits. , guarding the portal.”

"Little monster."

Zhou Qing glanced outside, and a bright white color flashed in his eyes. Then he dropped a jade token from the jade table in front of him and said: "Lead the people and wipe them out. Not a single one left.”


The disciple responded loudly, and then, holding the jade token in his hand, he went outside, ordered everyone's hands, and each controlled the flying boat or magic weapon and rushed down.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with flying flowers outside, the light pierced the sky, and the sound of killing came from afar, causing a kind of restlessness in the originally silent Fei Palace.

Two or three hours later, the sound of killing outside gradually faded away. After a while, the Qi Refining disciple re-entered the hall. There was a third of the killing energy on his face that was not seen before. As he walked forward, , and tried his best to collect it, and when he arrived, he saluted upward and presented the jade plaque.

Zhou Qing took the jade token over with a move of his hand, and saw that it was originally smooth and clear, without staining, but now there were wisps of blood, and faintly, demonic figures could be seen, teeth and claws dancing.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing nodded secretly. This was the mission jade token he received from the Gongde Academy before taking action. As long as you kill monsters in Nanchuan Daze, your soul, essence and blood can be absorbed into it. In the future, you can use this card to discuss merits and rewards in the Merit Academy.


Zhou Qing put the jade token into a jade basket with the lid opened on the jade table. He made a soft sound. He waved his hand, and a beam of light flew out from his sleeve. It shot into the hands of the disciple who came in to hand over the token and said: "A little elixir, let everyone who went out just now share it."

The Qi Refining disciple looked at the seal writing on the elixir bottle in his hand, with joy on his face. The danger he had experienced in the previous killing seemed to have been wiped away. He responded loudly, and then walked out.

After a while, there were cheers outside.

The elixir given by Zhou Qing is definitely a panacea for ordinary Qi refining monks. Although they, the descendants of the Luochuan Zhou family, were also from top families, due to their average status, they were not qualified to use elixirs of this level in normal times.

It was during this trip to conquer Nanchuan Daze that they made great contributions, and that was why they had the opportunity to be given such an elixir.

Wuzhong sat on the cloud couch. He ignored the cheers of the Qi Refining monks outside. Instead, he cast his eyes on the jade basket on the jade table in front of Zhou Qing. As his eyes turned, there was an inexplicable meaning.

As the Jiuyang Judge of the Gongdeyuan of Zhenyi Sect, although he has only been in this position for a short time, people like Wuzhong already have an understanding of the operation of the Gongdeyuan, especially the tasks and merits of the academy. know.

For this operation, the Gongdeyuan in the sect also cooperated and specially delegated tasks. The reward for the mission is much heavier than usual.

Just now, although it only took a few hours for the Qi Refining Realm to sweep across a stream and kill less than a thousand small water monsters, the jade talisman can be exchanged for at least two small merits as long as it is handed over to the Merit Hall.

According to the regulations of the Merit Hall, merits are divided into small merits, big merits and upper merits. Small merits may seem insignificant, but they are also merits. What's more, eighteen small merits can accumulate into a big merit, and a little bit adds up to a lot.

The most important thing is that this matter is easy, and Zhou Qing doesn't need to do it at all. His men have done it, and they really enjoy the fruits of their labor.

It's so good to get merits for free like this!

Even a true disciple with an identity and background like Wu Zhong, when he saw this, he kept muttering in his heart, and felt envious.

But Wu Zhong envied it, but he couldn't do it.

Zhou Qing could do this because he was the host of this trip, and he could command his men to kill monsters and make merits. Whether it was himself or other people in the hall, they were not the main person in charge, and not only could they not bring too many people to the Yufei Palace, but they also had no power to do so.

Wu Zhong couldn't help but have a trace of coldness in his eyes. He thought of the alchemy meeting that day.

The alchemy meeting that day not only made him lose the opportunity to become a disciple of Guande Zhenren and have the opportunity to inherit Changling Miaozhen Yudao Dongtian in the future, but also handed over the power of the first-line action of the attack on Nanchuan Daze Fuling Island to others.

If he could win the alchemy meeting that day, he would be the one who gave orders in the hall and enjoyed the results and collected merits.

Wu Zhong took a deep breath and barely suppressed his unwillingness. His face regained calmness. Let the past go. The important thing is to look to the future.

Although he is not the person in charge, the host, and cannot share the merits, he has a mysterious skill and supernatural power. He can kill demons and make great contributions by himself.

With his identity as the Nine Yang Judge of the Merit Court, he is not without room for operation.

Next, Linyu Feigong continued to move forward. Since the monsters encountered on the road were not strong, Zhou Qing only arranged for the Qi-refining disciples who came with him to go down and destroy them.

In the hall, the woman from the Li family saw it and was a little eager to move. After thinking about it, she still spoke up and volunteered to go down and show her skills.

"Junior Sister Li." Zhou Qing sat upright, looked forward, and said directly: "We have just entered the Nanchuan Lake. The spiritual energy here is average. The cultivation of monsters is not high. The disciples in the Qi-refining realm can deal with it. After arriving at Fuling Island, the realm and strength of the monster cultivators will rise. At that time, Junior Sister Li, you have to take action."


Li Yaru from Huijia Li looked at Zhou Qing, sensing an unquestionable majesty, and nodded.

She came to participate in this operation, so she naturally knew how powerful the person in charge was.

The other party is the direct disciple of Dongtian Zhenren, a peerless genius who has achieved the first level of Dancheng, the flag bearer of Douleiyuan, and has full authority to preside over the actions of their group. If they anger the other party, they may not get much merit from this group, but will get into trouble.

When the others saw Zhou Qing's decisive words, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they didn't say anything at this moment.

Zhou Qing looked around the whole scene and was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that although he was the person in charge, the people in the hall were from major families, had backgrounds, and had good cultivation, so they might not be honest. Unexpectedly, they were more "aware of the times" than he thought.

I just don't know whether they are really convinced or are waiting for the right time to rise up.

In any case, it's a good thing now.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qing narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to direct Linyu Feigong to move forward.

Ten days later, Linyu Feigong slowly stopped.

Zhou Qing stood up from the cloud couch in the hall, waved his sleeves, and a beam of light fell from it, then circled around and lifted up a bronze mirror.

The next moment, the mirror of the bronze mirror was like moonlight, reflecting the world in front of it. Under the surging spiritual energy of the world, islands were scattered everywhere, and it looked complicated and difficult to name.

Compared with other places that Feigong passed by, this place was even more vast, and there were natural mist and water vapor barriers with chaotic islands and flying rocks. Just one look would make people frown and stay away.

However, seeing this, the eyes of the newly promoted Danhua monks in the hall lit up, like stars.

Arriving here, it was finally time for them to show their skills and kill monsters and make meritorious deeds.

Zhou Qing took in the expressions of the people in the hall. He said, "Going forward, it will be a bitter and bloody battle. All of us who are participating in this operation, whether we are at the level of Qi Refining or Dan Hua, will fight."

Speaking of this, Zhou Qing's face was covered with a layer of frost, becoming icy cold, and said, "The monsters inside are not only experienced in killing, but also familiar with the terrain. They are definitely not soft persimmons. It is not impossible for anyone to die here due to carelessness."

"When the time comes, all I can do is to help you get revenge."

Hearing Zhou Qing's words, the hearts of some people in the hall turned cold. Some of them really didn't experience much fighting, and their fighting experience was very ordinary.

Zhou Qing took another look and said in a calm tone, "The Fei Palace will stop here and rest for a day. You all go down and make preparations. At this time tomorrow, we will officially enter."

After speaking, Zhou Qing spread his sleeves and left first, going to a quiet room belonging to him in Linyu Fei Palace.

Inside the quiet room, wisps of smoke floated from the bronze tripods on the table, which turned into flowers, birds, fish and insects in the room, constantly changing. An inexplicable atmosphere permeated, making people feel no distractions.

Zhou Qing sat upright, his eyes bright, thinking about the blood-stained jade cards placed in the jade basket, his mouth slightly raised, with a smile.

It was really refreshing to be able to collect "merit" so openly. It must be said that if you can occupy a certain high position in the sect and have great righteousness, merit will come naturally.

It can only be said that the higher the status in the Zhenyi Sect, the more powerful the realm, the easier it is to gather the power of everyone to serve you.

"This is just the beginning."

Going further is indeed more dangerous, but it means more merit.

Zhou Qing's eyes became brighter and brighter, like real stars. He led people to conquer Nanchuan Lake this time, and there are actually multiple ways to obtain merit in the sect.

First, the people he brought from the clan and Taihe Island were his own people. All the merits they made by killing people belonged to him. He only needed to reward those who made merits with some elixirs and magic weapons.

Second, if he personally killed the demons, it goes without saying that the merits would also be his.

Third, when the entire operation was over, as long as it could be completed smoothly, he, as the person in charge of the overall situation, would also have merits. And this merit would definitely not be small, starting with a high merit.

As for how many high merits this operation could get in the end, it depended on how well the operation was completed. There is no doubt that the better the completion, the more merits would be given when the merit court of the sect made the judgment.

"Then let's take a look."

Zhou Qing closed his eyes, the power of Dansha in his body turned, and the aura of gold and water rose back and forth, constantly changing.

He was fully confident in his own strength. After all, he not only practiced the "Spiritual Life Gold Book", but also practiced one of the world's top water-based mystical skills, "Purple and Green High Saint Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Diagram". In such waters, he could exert power beyond the ordinary cultivators of the same realm.

Not to mention, he practiced three magical powers and had many magic weapons on him. All of these combined made his fighting ability beyond imagination.

Although he had just been promoted to the Danhua realm and had not even reached the second level of Danhua, in this area of ​​water, unless he encountered a big monster comparable to the Yuanying cultivator, he would not be inferior to others.

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