Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 348: The Dark Wave of the River is about to break through

Kang Hou made a move with his hand, and the clouds spread out, attracting the water vapor from the southeast, northwest, and then a large pen appeared, outlining the landscape and forming a map of its own.

On the map, the Eighteen Islands of Changming are connected in a continuous area, with a protruding corner like a crescent moon. The invisible fire light bursts out from above, and it is red, like a rosy glow, with a natural sound.

As time went by, the flames gathered more and more, and suddenly they formed into a majestic red spear, which penetrated into the depths of Nanchuan Daze, pointed directly at the Demon Palace, and filled the sky with a murderous aura.

"Eighteen Islands."

In the eyes of Kang Hou, light burst out and fell on the map. The next moment, three startling rainbows rose up, or the clouds were bright red, like the dew of the morning sun, or the lotus leaves holding the beads, feeling contented, or colorful, and the birds were colorful.

"Three Nascent Soul Real People."

The banshee rolled her silver-white eyes, and with a slight movement, the ring of bells on her ankles rang softly, with a cold meaning, and said: "They have been occupying the Eighteenth Road for a while, and I'm afraid they will soon enter the hinterland of Daze." , pointed directly at our Demon Palace."

Kang Hou nodded in agreement. With one finger, he shot out beams of light from his fingertips, hitting the eighteen islands on the map. They made a rustling sound like snow falling in front of the window, and said: "This is The place is vital and it’s time for the people there to move.”

"The person over there?"

The banshee was startled at first, but then she realized what she was doing. Her skirt was swaying like wild clouds in the mountains, soaked in three poles of accumulated rain. There was a sense of tranquility, and she raised her eyebrows and said, "Decided?"

That group of people is one of Nanchuan Daze's trump cards. They have been hiding below and have not shown up. They just wait until the critical moment to carry out a thunderous strike.

Is it appropriate to use it at this time?

"That's it!"

Kang Hou made a decision and would not change it again. The crescent moon on his forehead was filled with blood, and reflected in his eyes, there was something strange about it.

Changming, Eighteen Islands.

The island has deep forests and thick pines, and the streams are green and clear. The chirping of birds is scattered all over the ground, reflecting on the moss. A few sounds come and go, mixed with the water vapor before and after, and there is a chill.

Hou Jinyuan is wearing the robe of Zhenyi Sect, with a jade plaque hanging on his waist. His eyebrows are divided into eight colors, and his eyes are like bright stars. The power of Dansha rushes up from the top of the door, like the moon falling on a silver plate, illuminating everything.

This direct descendant of the Hengqu Hou family received an order from Dao Zhou Zhenren to wait here for Zhou Qing and his party who were about to arrive in Linyu Feigong.

Hou Jinyuan looked at the sunlight shining in the forest and the smoke floating up and down. He patted the furry head of the black tiger rubbing against his feet with his hand, and said in a medium voice: "It should be soon."

Sure enough, not long after, only a rumbling sound was heard, and a flying palace appeared at the end of the sky. A string of small bells hung under the eaves. When the wind blew, the clear bells sounded, spreading far away, and then in the distance. Echoes everywhere.

Feigong came to a close and stopped steadily. Then a rainbow bridge shot down from above, and a group of people got down from above.

Hou Jinyuan looked up and saw that the leader was a young man. He was wearing a silver crown and a silk ribbon hanging down from one side was tied with pearls. The pearls were sparse and scattered, like frost and snow, reflecting the quietness of his eyes. , without seeing the bottom.

Even though he was also in the realm of alchemy, Hou Jinyuan felt a heavy pressure just by looking at him, as if he was facing a real Nascent Soul.

"A peerless genius with a first-class elixir." Hou Jinyuan murmured in his heart, with a smile on his face. After introducing himself, he said: "Senior brother, the journey has been hard. Have a rest? Or go directly to see Master Zhou?"

Zhou Qing stood with his hands behind his hands and looked around. There was light hanging from the top door, which was like crystal and brilliant, dispelling the cold air everywhere. He said: "Junior Brother Hou, let someone lead the others to the island. Rest in the Xiangshe, and I’ll go see Master Zhou.”

"That's fine."

Hou Jinyuan pondered for a moment, then ordered the maid who was following him to lead Wu Zhong and others to rest. He himself led Zhou Qing to the center of the island.

Arriving at the main hall in the center of the island, Zhou Qing entered and immediately saw a high platform in the middle. A real Yuanying person was sitting on the throne. His eyes were amber, and the jade light flowing around them gave people a sense of time. Calm as water.

Sensing Zhou Qing's arrival, the bells rang in the main hall, and then, wisps of bright color came from the dome, from behind the curtains, from between the jade bricks, and even from the afterglow on the windowsill, They kept popping up, and the strands gathered together, shielding the surrounding Qi machines to a certain extent.

"Zhou Qing?"

At this time, Master Zhou Tianyan, who was sitting on the high platform, looked down. In his eyes, there were constantly changing hexagrams, going back and forth.

"I've seen a real person."

Zhou Qing stepped forward and bowed.

According to his current status in the Luochuan Zhou Family and the Zhenyi Sect, he can be considered an equal to ordinary Yuanying Zhenren. But the Yuanying Master above is not an ordinary Yuanying Master, so he must adhere to etiquette and rules.

Zhou Tianyan took a map, opened it, and saw a bright light surrounding the darkness in the depths of Nanchuan Daze. He said, "Tell me what happened after you entered Fuling Island."

Zhou Qing took a breath, organized his words, and told the story again. Although there is no micromanaging, the thinking is clear.

According to the original plan, they first attacked the islands and killed all the "monsters" they saw. Then they buried the prepared magic weapons in the spiritual veins of the occupied islands to refine the demonic energy and return to their origins. .

Wherever they go, they not only kill monsters, but also occupy territory, all at the same time without delay.

While listening, Zhou Tianyan let the light fall from his fingers and drew on the map. He stopped only when the hall was quiet. Another bright color was added to the map.

"Well done."

Zhou Tianyan saw it and spoke to Zhou Qing with undisguised praise in his voice.

Not only did the other party take less time than he thought, but the captured Fuling Island was also arranged properly.

This young leader of the rising Luochuan Zhou family is indeed rare. No wonder so many people are optimistic about him.

Zhou Qing stood in the hall, his reflection reflected on the jade bricks, mottled and orderly. He smiled and seemed very happy about the praise from Zhou Tianyan, a real person.

Whether it is a subordinate to a superior or a junior to an elder, they cannot be too deep. Many times, showing joy on their faces will make the other party feel more at ease.

"After occupying the Fuling Island, we have truly conquered the outer periphery of Nanchuan Lake and connected it into one piece." Zhou Tianyan glanced at Zhou Qing, his eyes sparkling and full of spirit, and said: "Now only the real Nanchuan Lake is left."

As an extraordinary Yuanying cultivator in the Hengqu Hou family, he understood more arrangements for this attack on Nanchuan Lake.

Although the Dongtian Zhenren has boundless magic power and great magical powers, he is often affected by many external forces.

In the past, the outer periphery of Nanchuan Lake was controlled by "demons and ghosts". For this area, the Dongtian Zhenren from the demon clan must be more familiar with, more able to control, and more convenient to act than the Dongtian Zhenren from the major families. And now they have conquered all the outer areas of Nanchuan Lake, connected into a piece, and the mysterious energy is sweeping, which is equivalent to cutting off the tentacles of the Dongtian Zhenren of the demon clan, and allowing the tentacles of the Dongtian Zhenren of the major families to extend over.

At this point, this area can be said to be in the hands of the Dongtian Zhenren of the major families. They can understand it in the most comprehensive manner and then descend at the fastest speed.

"Next," Zhou Tianyan used his hand as a ruler to indicate the direction from Changming Island to Xiwen Demon Palace. His eyes became deep and sharp.

If this area is taken, it will be like driving a wedge into the hinterland of Nanchuan Lake. The power of the Dongtian Zhenren wandering around the periphery of Nanchuan Lake can enter Nanchuan Lake and completely stare at the demon lord who has been enlightened for thousands of years in the depths of Nanchuan Lake!

Zhou Tianyan explained the situation in general without going into details, then pointed to the Changming Eighteen Islands on the map and said, "To capture the Xiwen Demon Palace, I, Master Zhong, Master Meng and others must go. The Changming Eighteen Islands are the rear, and you have to lead people to guard it."

Zhou Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at the Changming Eighteen Islands on the map. This area was shining, and the fine and fragmented seal characters were flowing, forming a chain, firmly tied to the shore. His voice was not loud, but there was a kind of confidence, saying: "As long as it is not a big monster at the level of Yuanying Zhenren, we will definitely be able to defend it."

"There are big monsters with the strength of Yuanying Zhenren in Nanchuan Lake, and it is impossible for them to go to the island."

Zhou Tianyan's words were decisive and without the slightest hesitation.

The Zhenyi Sect did not attack Nanchuan Lake all at once, but slowly. There was a certain tacit understanding between the two sides, and a bottom line was drawn.

On the surface, this is beneficial to Nanchuan Lake. After all, under such a tacit understanding, Nanchuan Lake is allowed to play games. Maybe there are enough small forces that can be combined together to eventually affect the overall situation. Although this is difficult, it is possible.

But if the "demons and monsters" in Nanchuan Lake break the tacit understanding between them and Zhenyi Sect and break the rules, then Zhenyi Sect will definitely sweep them directly, and they will lose more than they gain.

In the final analysis, once the upper Xuanmen like Zhenyi Sect takes action, it will have an absolute advantage over Nanchuan Lake. Nanchuan Lake can only act according to the rules of Zhenyi Sect and use other help to make turns.

Zhou Qing's eyes were filled with bright colors, and he expressed his position again, saying: "I will definitely go all out and will not delay the overall situation of the sect."

Although he knew that the major families had joined forces to lead the attack on Nanchuan Lake from Zhenyi Sect, as a true disciple of Zhenyi Sect, he must mention the sect when he speaks, and cannot talk about the family's little tricks.

"I'll leave Changming Eighteen Islands to you."

Zhou Tianyan was very satisfied with Zhou Qing in front of him. He picked up a talisman from the jade table, handed it to Zhou Qing, and told him a few more words before letting him leave.

Zhou Qing left the hall and walked outside. He found Hou Jinyuan standing on the steps, looking at the green bamboos in the distance.

"Brother Zhou." Seeing Zhou Qing coming out, Hou Jinyuan glanced at the talisman in his hand, and his expression became even closer. He said, "Have you finished talking with the Immortal? I'll take you to your residence?"

"Let's go." Zhou Qing waved his sleeves, glanced at Hou Jinyuan, and said with a gentle smile, "The Immortal said that if there is anything, I will ask you, Junior Brother. I should stay on the island for a while, and I need your help."

Hou Jinyuan hurriedly said, "Senior Brother, you are too polite. I will definitely tell you everything I know."

He knew in his heart that the politeness of this fellow brother in front of him was not because of his own importance, but because of the Immortal Zhou Tianyan in the hall. After all, he and the Immortal Zhou were both from the Hengqu Hou family.

But if he relied on the support of the Immortal Zhou and didn't know how high the sky was, then he would be really stupid. There was a huge gap in status and power between him and the genius of the Luochuan Zhou family who had become a first-class elixir in the sect.

As the two walked and talked, the cold light in the sky shone on the robes, and the remaining color was shimmering and swaying.

One was trying to win over and was courteous to the wise, while the other knew when to advance and retreat and understood the situation, so the conversation was very harmonious.

They were sent to the incense house on the island. After a round, seeing that there was indeed no problem, Hou Jinyuan left his contact information and left.

Zhou Qing stood in front of the window of the incense house, watching the bright light outside fall into the water not far away. The cold color turned between the waves, back and forth, like beads on a jade plate, with an indescribable beauty.

The smile on his face disappeared, and he watched quietly, falling into deep thought.

The importance of Changming Eighteen Islands was not only known to Zhou Tianyan and other Yuanying Zhenren of the aristocratic families, but also to the demons and monsters in Nanchuan Lake. Once Zhou Tianyan and others left Changming Eighteen Islands, the hinterland of Nanchuan Lake would probably not be quiet, and there would definitely be chaos.

Even with the original arrangement of Changming Eighteen Islands, it would definitely not be easy to stop them and keep them from the wind and rain. Such difficulty is definitely much greater than clearing the many demon cultivators and islands in the Fuling Island.

Not to mention, according to the information revealed by Hou Jinyuan, a descendant of the Hengqu Hou family, and the inside story he heard from his family, there are more than just ups and downs in the Nanchuan Lake, and there are also undercurrents inside.

Now it is a critical moment, and the things in the dark of the Nanchuan Lake may also emerge. Those things are not easy to deal with.

Thinking of this, even Zhou Qing felt a heavy pressure, even the faint bell sounds from time to time could not cover it up.

However, Zhou Qing was very determined, and soon he suppressed the pressure and thought about the task of garrisoning the 18 islands of Changming this time.

This mission is difficult, but precisely because it is difficult, as long as it can be completed smoothly, the benefits are beyond imagination.

From the perspective of the sect, such benefits are enviable "merits"; from the perspective of the family, they are difficult to accumulate "connections" and "prestige"; from the perspective of oneself, it can sharpen the experience of fighting, grab cultivation resources, and improve oneself.

So no matter what, this task must be completed.

"In this case," Zhou Qing thought, and in his consciousness, the strange treasure Creation Green Pool floated out, and the sweet rain in it was filled with fragrance. Take advantage of this period of time to improve the realm and cultivation.

After all, he has accumulated a lot of Danli in his body, and there is also a lot of sweet rain in the Creation Green Pool.

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