Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 374: Transformation of rare treasures and their unparalleled magical effects

Zhou Qing turned his thoughts, his eyes moved, and fell into the field again. He used his magic technique. The next moment, large tracts of nothingness were torn apart by invisible hands, and immeasurable light fell. From inside, hundreds of thousands of objects jumped out. Thoughts are like diamond beads, shining brightly and constantly colliding.

The thoughts that appear may seem real or illusory, but each one shines brightly, like stars in the sky. As soon as they appear, they follow a certain trajectory and are arranged and combined to form a mysterious star map, which expands and covers the entire scene.

In this way, not only every move of the "mutated" water demon who was surrounded and suppressed was revealed in every detail, but even his thoughts from time to time would be reflected back on the star map. Although this kind of feedback is intermittent, inconsistent, and unclear, there is no doubt that it is very amazing.

After all, the opponent is not an ordinary little character, but a "mutated" water demon who has obtained the blood of a great fairy comparable to the immortals in the cave.

"The third level of elixir transformation, spiritual thoughts transform into form."

Seeing this scene, a ray of light appeared in Zhou Qing's eyes, and the power of Dansha in his body surged in response to it, and a wonderful sound resounded throughout his ears.

After cultivating to the third level of alchemy, he was tempered in the Daze of Nanchuan, and his spiritual consciousness continued to improve. Now, finally, there has been a certain transformation, the spiritual thoughts have taken form, reflecting inside and outside, and everything is under control.

This kind of improvement is no less than the original creation of spiritual consciousness from scratch, and the ability to observe the world with spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, Zhou Qingruo felt something. He raised his head and saw a rainbow light coming from a distance. Wherever it went, the remaining color reflected the surroundings into a glazed jade color. this

The rainbow light came close in the blink of an eye, then slowed down and turned slightly, like a large crane dancing under the moon. Its shape was delicate and graceful, with an elegant beauty.

Zhou Qing made a move with his hand, and the rainbow light changed again, turning into a flying letter, which landed in his palm. He glanced at it, opened it, and raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that there is an evil monster hiding in Nanchuan Daze."

The letter clearly stated that in the past half month, four descendants of aristocratic families who were in the realm of elixirs had been murdered by poisonous hands, and it was most likely that they had perished under the water in Daze.

These four alchemy monks are not new alchemy monks, but veteran alchemy monks from Yiqingshui. Each of them has also studied magical powers and has powerful magic weapons in their hands to protect them.

To be able to kill such disciples of aristocratic families and prevent them from even escaping, the evil monster hidden in Da Ze is not simple!

Zhou Qing put away Feishu and let out a slight breath.

This incident made all the disciples of the aristocratic families in Nanchuan Daze feel disgraced and angry, so they tried their best to block the news, especially from the people in the Doulei Academy of the sect.

However, the aristocratic families could hide it from Douleiyuan, but they could not hide it from him. This flying letter was delivered by the Zhou clan of Luochuan in Daze, Nanchuan.

Zhou Qing raised his head and saw that the sky was just right, and the bright colors fell down, reflecting the ripples under his feet, like frost and flowers flying all over the ground. Other children of the aristocratic family might be frightened when they heard the news, but he knew that there was a tiger in the mountain. , prefer Hushan trip.

"As for the reason."

Zhou Qing looked at the field, and the power of the elixir in his body turned, and a frost wheel jumped out from the top door. Its color was bright and clear, like a piece of glass, and the cold color shone into the eyebrows, containing killing and unstoppable.

Together with the Frost Wheel, they had reached the head of the "mutated" water demon surrounded in the field in an instant, and then a series of Gengjin sword energy shot out, and the eyes were filled with cold light, up and down, front and back.


Screams were heard. How could the water demon, who was trapped in a fight and whose reality was seen through, be able to block Zhou Qing, who was already at the third level of alchemy, using his magical power, the Flying Golden Emperor White Wheel? In just one move, the opponent was killed on the spot!

Zhou Qing took out the jade token issued by Doului Academy and threw it randomly. The jade token whirled around and flew to the body of the dead water demon. He extracted a wisp of blood and recorded it in the book. He didn't have to worry about it, it was God's will. She sank into the sea of ​​consciousness and looked at the blue pool of rare treasures that emerged.

As soon as the "mutated" water demon died, a burst of rain fell over the Creation Green Pond. This rain was much heavier than before. The rain fell into the pond, and when it touched the original pond water, it turned into sweet rain and rose steadily. .

After a while, a lot of water was stored in the pool of Creation Qingchi. The sparkling waves and the dense aroma filled the air, making people intoxicated.

This is the fifth time after arriving in Daze, Nanchuan, that Zhou Qing has seen an exotic treasure create a blue pool to extract demon blood and produce sweet rain. However, every time he sees it, he is still amazed from the bottom of his heart.

It has to be said that the blood essence and blood of the peerless demon who is comparable to the Dongtianren is indeed extraordinary. Even if it is just a little bit, the changes brought to the Qingchi of the exotic treasure are not comparable to those that can be compared with the original killing of monsters.

Within two months, Zhou Qing killed five "mutated" water monsters. Their own strength varied depending on the amount of essence and blood of the old monster they contained, but their help in improving the creation of Qingchi was amazing.

First, there is a lot of rain accumulated in the green pond of creation, which is very rare.

The sweet rain in the green pond of creation has many wonderful uses. It can assist in cultivation, improve the Taoist body, or replenish vitality. It's just that the rain in the green pond of creation has been in short supply and cannot be used freely. Now, due to the changes in Nanchuan Daze, there is so much rain in the green pond for the first time.

Secondly, the Green Pond of Creation absorbed the blood of a great goblin that was comparable to a human being in the cave, and the essence of this rare treasure was restored.

After all, the Green Pond of Creation not only provides good fortune rain, this rare treasure itself is very powerful. It can not only sense the aura of demons, mark demons, frighten demons, and so on. In the past, the damage to the Green Pond of Creation was too severe, and the magic weapon's functions were limited in intensity and scope. Now, after being refined with the blood of the big goblin, the essence of the magic weapon has been restored, and the power of the magic weapon has skyrocketed.

This trip to Nanchuan Daze is the right time for me to do it myself. On the one hand, I can complete the mission of Douleiyuan and make a good appearance in Douleiyuan. On the other hand, I can also get real benefits and gain both fame and fortune.

Seeing that the "mutated" water demon was dealt with, Zhou Qing saw that he was lost in thought. Zhou Xibai led a group of secret guards and stood in a circle, motionless.

The power in their bodies was exerted, forming circles of light wheels under their feet, constantly rising and falling, like half-open eyes, staring around. Any time a foreign Qi machine comes in, it will definitely be discovered.

After waiting for a while, seeing Zhou Qing come to his senses, Zhou Xibai said, "Sir?"

Zhou Qing looked at everyone, pondered for a moment, and then made a decision, saying: "You guys go back to Fei Palace to rest for the time being. I will contact you if anything happens."


Seeing Zhou Qing's determined look and unquestionable tone, Zhou Xibai immediately agreed and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

For more than two months, in order to find and suppress the "mutated" water monster, they have tightened their strings and gone all out. Until now, they are exhausted.

If I continue to follow him, I'm afraid I won't be able to do much good, but it will be easily held back.


From the corner of his eye, Zhou Xibai caught a glimpse of Zhou Qing, who was full of energy and full of Dansha power, and couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

I and others are exhausted. The person in front of me has only worked more and not less than them during this period, but now he is in high spirits, as if he has not been exhausted at all.

The peerless geniuses who can achieve the first level of alchemy are really unfathomable. Although they are all in the realm of alchemy, compared with them, one is in the sky and the other is on the earth.

Zhou Xibai didn't know that Zhou Qing was able to maintain his peak state. On the one hand, he was indeed a first-grade elixir with amazing recovery power. On the other hand, the rain in the green pond created by the exotic treasure was constantly replenishing his consumption.

With this kind of progress, staying in Daze for three to five months, not to mention two months, would not have much impact.

Zhou Qing stood alone on the water. Above the top door, there was a ball of clear light, like a pearl coming out of a box, blooming with brilliance, covering the surrounding water with a thin layer of gauze. He watched the secret guards leave, his eyes filled with laughter. A green mood.

After adjusting his breath, he turned around, walked on the water waves, and headed southwest to continue looking for the "mutated" water monster.

Although it is difficult to find "mutated" water monsters, with the "Purple Blue High Saint Yuanhuang Transformation into Dragon Diagram" he practiced and the exotic treasures in his hands to create a blue pool, the chance of finding "mutated" monsters is always greater than others.

"One more."

There was a cold light in Zhou Qing's eyes. He could sense that the Qingchi created by the strange treasure in his body had been nourished by the great fairy blood contained in the previous five "mutated" monsters. It had recovered to a certain extent and reached a bottleneck.

If it is nourished by a powerful stream of blood from the Great Fairy, the Green Pond of Creation will definitely undergo a transformation, and the power of the magic weapon will surely reach a new level.

At the very least, the Green Pond of Creation, which has greatly increased the power of the magic weapon after its transformation, can help him quickly discover the "mutated" monsters lurking in the farther range of Nanchuan Daze, greatly increasing the speed and efficiency of his hunting for monsters.

Once successful, a positive cycle will immediately form, which is wonderful.

A month later, I saw Dansha energy coming from across the sky, spreading for three to five miles, like a suspended wheel, and the incredible sword energy burst out, rushing back and forth with a touch of blood.

Then, there was just a loud bang, like a mountain of gold falling. The frost wheel pressed the last ray of blood and smashed into the water. The aftermath spread in all directions, rubbing against the sparkling water waves, adding a layer of cold color. Lasts forever.

In the end, the blood color completely disappeared, leaving only the frost wheel. Zhou Qing walked out of it, with a cold color in his eyes. The power of the elixir in his body surged, running in a strange trajectory, slowly and slowly. recover.

This "mutated" water monster was the sixth "mutated" water monster he encountered in Nanchuan Daze, and it was also the most powerful one. He finally found the opponent's hiding place, and used two kinds of weapons in succession. The magical power Phantom Golden Sky Shadow Escape Technique and Feijin Emperor Bailun chased him all the way, and finally killed him when he got here.

"It's done."

Zhou Qing ignored the dead "mutated" water demon at this time. He stared at the emerging green pool of creation. The surface of this rare treasure was much brighter than before, and the texture was exceptionally clear, containing mystery. .

With another injection of powerful demonic essence, the recovery of the Qingchi created by the exotic treasure has soared, and it has directly transformed!

Zhou Qing listened to the sound of drizzle falling in the Green Pond of Creation, while smelling the fragrant fragrance emanating from the rain, while comprehending the true power of the Green Pond of Creation that restored transformation.

In addition to the sweet rain in the Green Pond of Creation, the rare treasure of the Green Pond of Creation that is gradually recovering also has the function of a magic weapon.

First, the Green Pond of Creation can "mark" monsters.

When Zhou Qing sees a demon, or someone who contains the essence and blood of the demon clan, he can "mark" him with the green pool of creation.

With the mark, in the past, as long as the other party appeared within a radius of two hundred miles within two months, Zhou Qing would be discovered.

Now, after the transformation, the mark of Qingchi has been created. This mark can exist for one year and will not disappear, and the opponent will be sensed within a radius of 500 miles.

This is a big improvement. Once Zhou Qing targets a certain monster and makes up his mind to hunt it down, the opponent may not be able to escape.

Secondly, the pattern on the body of the Green Pond has a subtle suppressive power on demons.

Back when he was traveling around Condensing Pill, he had used the suppressive power of the Green Pond at sea to achieve miraculous effects. Now that the treasure pool has transformed, the range and intensity of this suppressive force have skyrocketed.

Monsters in the same realm as him have almost no resistance under this kind of suppressive force. Even if the realm of cultivation is higher than his, once the Qingchi of Creation is used, the power on the pattern will be derived and linger around. This kind of suppressive force will also have an impact.

Thirdly, Good Fortune Qingchi can sense the demonic energy in all directions.

In fact, this kind of induction power has always been available, but in the past, because the Green Pond of Creation was too damaged, and Zhou Qing's realm cultivation level was not high, the strength and range of the Qi of Creation's induction of demonic energy was very limited, and he Using spiritual consciousness to patrol is almost the same. To be precise, they are like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

But now, nourished by the blood of the great fairies contained in the six "mutated" water monsters, the Green Pond of Creation has regained a lot of strength. This use immediately lifted the boat up several levels.

Even now, Zhou Qing has judged that even though he is currently at the third level of alchemy and his spiritual consciousness is constantly improving through conscious tempering, he is not as good as the current Qingchi of Creation in terms of searching for monsters.

"It came at the right time."

Zhou Qing looked at the Creation Qingchi, his eyes shining with light.

When it comes to finding monsters, compared with scanning inch by inch with spiritual consciousness, this exotic treasure not only covers a large area, but also allows the exotic treasure to be searched independently, saving trouble and effort.

I hold the rare treasure of Good Fortune Qingchi in my hand. This time during the operation in Nanchuan Daze, I must seize the opportunity and push both fame and fortune to the top.

But before Zhou Qing could take action, he received another flying letter from his tribe in Daze.

"Another member of aristocratic family died?"

Zhou Qing looked at what was written on Feishu and raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

According to the news passed down by the clan, during this period, eight more disciples of the aristocratic family died in Daze and disappeared without a trace.

Among the eight disciples of the aristocratic family, five are in the Yin-Yang realm, the fourth realm of Qi refining, which is fine for them. The other three are actual alchemy monks, and one of them is already at the third level of alchemy perfection.

But even if such a son of a family who had reached the third level of alchemy was attacked, nothing happened, and no news was conveyed.

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