Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 38: Things in the Mountains

In the mountains.

The startling rainbow falls into the valley and goes straight into the waves. The colorful colors are reflected on the sparkling water patterns and are spreading in all directions.

There is a small boat on the water, and no one is driving it. The wind blows and the boat moves with the waves, showing a sense of freedom and ease.

On the bow of the boat stood a middle-aged man. He wore a star crown on his head and a cassock, embroidered with a crescent-like curved texture. The ivory folding fan in his hand was unfolded. Above the fan, there were thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and the majestic atmosphere.

He was waving his fan and seemed to want to recite a poem. But at this moment, if he felt something, he looked up and saw a flying palace arriving in front of the mountain. Then, a light hung down from the flying palace, like a rainbow bridge, and a group of people walked down from it one after another.

He recognized the leading female cultivator wearing a green leaf lotus skirt, smiled slightly, and said, "The people from the Hengnan Zhou family have arrived."

On the stern of the boat, a young girl sat, holding a harp in front of her knees. There were dark phoenix patterns on the tail of the harp. She lowered her head and looked at the strings, as if she didn't hear the words of her elders.

The middle-aged man clicked, closed the folding fan, coughed, and said, "I heard that among the young people of the Zhou family in Hengnan, there is a genius with nine points of immortal bones."

There was a "Zheng" sound from the strings, and the girl sitting on the stern of the boat raised her head. Her facial features seemed to be only average, but there were circles of light in her eyes, as if there was a mystery behind it. .

He was born with different appearances and had magical double pupils.

Huang Ningbing sensed the fluctuation of Qi in the girl on the boat and smiled: "The Zhou family in Hengnan has Qilin'er, and our Linwu Huang family also has Zhilan Yushu."

Who can see all the mountains and small mountains at this Jingchen Dharma Assembly? Only by comparing can you know.

On top of the mountain.

A large hall was built, built of bricks and stones, with large windows on all sides. The sunlight came in, and then was collected by the orb hanging in the center, bundled into a thread, and then bloomed with light.

There is a warm feeling in the entire hall, and even from time to time, smoke rises, evolving into the appearance of birds and immortal beasts, seemingly there and not at all.

Zhou Chen stood with his hands behind his hands, his hair tied up without a crown, and a jade hairpin inserted sideways. Under his slender eyebrows, his eyes were like water. He looked calm, but if he looked carefully, he seemed to be unable to see the bottom of it.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and a young man walked in. He looked cheerful and energetic, and his whole body was extremely agile, as if a pair of wings would grow under his ribs at any time and fly away immediately.

After the young man came in, he raised the book in his hand and said loudly: "Uncle Chen, I have compiled the list of people who will attend the Jingchen Dharma Assembly."

"Bring it to me and see."

Zhou Chen turned around, took the book, and opened it. It contained the names of the families, the names of the young people from each family who participated in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, and a brief introduction to each person at the back.

"I've made a lot of progress."

Zhou Chen looked at the orderly combing. He first praised the young man who came in. Then he raised his eyebrows and looked at the names one by one. When he saw the family directory of the Zhou family in Hengnan, his eyes focused on the word Zhou Qing. On the move.


Zhou Chen tapped the book with his fingers, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

The young man who came in was already out of his mind, and relying on the life-and-death relationship between his father and Zhou Chen, he was not restrained, so just now he stepped on his feet and looked at it. Then he changed his mind and asked: "Uncle Chen, this is it." Is that Zhou Qing you mentioned? I thought you were going to ask his name directly to be promoted to the Jingchen Dharma Assembly. Unexpectedly, there was no movement later."

"Straight into the Dharma Assembly?" Zhou Chen smiled, then closed the booklet and placed it on the jade table aside. He looked at Han Fu in front of him and said, "Since participating in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, there is no such thing as a true sect. A precedent for young people to be promoted directly to the Dharma Council.”

"There's always a first time."

Han Fu raised his head, still puzzled. After all, Zhou Qing was different from ordinary young people. He was promoted to the Dharma Assembly directly by name, and the people from the Zhenyi sect who came with him didn't say anything.

Zhou Chen shook his head and said nothing more. He mentioned Zhou Qing not to mention Zhou Qing to be promoted to the Dharma Assembly, but to stir up the situation of the Zhou family in Hengnan and see how good he was.

Because there is a big thing in the family, Zhou Qing's identity can be used to make a fuss. It’s just that once this matter is involved, the situation encountered is very complicated. If you are not good enough, you may be turned into a fan.

If Zhou Qinglian cannot stand out among the younger generation of the Zhou family in Hengnan and get the opportunity to participate in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, the family and the sect will not take care of him, which can still save his life.

Looking at it now, at least Zhou Qing is not bad.

"Take another look."

Zhou Chen's eyes became dark when he thought about the things in his clan. If Zhou Qing was really capable, the "whirlpool" in his clan might not allow him to take advantage of the storm.

Let's say that when Zhou Ruoyan arrived at Jingchen Mountain, she waved her jade hand and Feigong stopped outside the mountain. She walked in front and led a group of Zhou family's children up the mountain.

Zhou Qing followed behind. As people walked on the mountain road, they could not only catch the white clouds in their hands, but also hear the sound of water droplets falling from time to time, hitting the leaves, and then falling on the rocks. The feeling of emptiness and loneliness spread far away. , there is a kind of isolation.

Everyone sensed the energy around them and did not speak. There was only the rustling of their clothes, mixed with the sound of the wind on the mountain.

The group didn't stop until a row of buildings appeared in front of them.

As one of the frequent visitors to the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, the Hengnan Zhou family would naturally build a resting place on Jingchen Mountain. After all, the Dharma assembly does not end in a few days.

Next, after a brief cleaning by the servants brought in, everyone found their own rooms according to Zhou Ruoyan's arrangement, went inside to rest and adjust, and waited for the ceremony to begin.

Zhou Qing chose the room at the edge, which had two green woods supporting the roof, and the base of the column was a bluestone drum-shaped column. There were hollow seal characters around it, and a halo of light was constantly spreading, gathering a thin layer of light to block the moisture and cold outside, and also to prevent insects and ants from approaching.

For regular visitors to the Jingchen Dharma Assembly like the Hengnan Zhou family, it would be a considerable expense every year just to maintain the residence in Jingchen Mountain.

For ordinary small families, it is difficult to produce an outstanding child, and they can't keep up with the "skills" outside the Dharma Assembly. If they barely participate a few times, they will be eliminated naturally.

In this world, resources are very important.

Zhou Qing was distracted for a while, and then sat down on the futon in the room. While he was circulating his internal energy, continuing to cleanse his immortal bones and consolidate his foundation, he immersed his mind in the sea of ​​consciousness and looked at the slowly emerging Creation Green Pool.

This pool is between the two spirits, and inexplicable things are constantly gathering from all around. When they reach the pool, a beam of them suddenly falls into it and turns into sweet rain.

Sweet rain has the power of good fortune and can best replenish vitality.

In the Dao Entry Realm, Zhou Qing mostly used the sweet rain in the Good Fortune Green Pond to cleanse his body and replenish the vitality in his body, which seemed to be limited.

But in fact, even in the big sects, it is very troublesome to refine the elixir with this effect, which is extremely precious and is definitely not something that ordinary people dare to hope for.

Zhou Qing just waited quietly, and the Good Fortune Green Pond accumulated sweet rain day after day. What a great opportunity.

Zhou Qing's eyes flashed with light. After all, he is only in the Dao Entry Realm now, his realm is not high, and he has been staying in the family land of the Hengnan Zhou family, and has not encountered too many dangers, which led to the single function of the Good Fortune Green Pond.

But according to the experience of the previous life, as his realm and cultivation level improve, the role of the Good Fortune Green Pond will become more and more important.

"After entering the sect, I have to solve the source of sweet rain."

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