Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 381 Returning with Honor and Rewarded by the Academy

Many days later, Douleiyuan, Ancient Jade Platform.

It was night, the moon was hanging in the sky, the light was shining everywhere, and the cold colors shot down, and when they touched the polished smooth mirror-like platform, the remaining colors scattered, like beads, crystal clear, without any mixed colors.

Madam Fang stood on the platform, her skirt was like a lotus, and the fragrance was floating. Her hair was tied up with a hairpin, and a small and exquisite flying crane was embroidered on the hairpin. The falling light was reflected on her eyebrows, making her pair of blue eyes particularly narrow and long.

Behind her, sixteen beautiful maids spread out in a fan shape, holding incense burners, Taoist books, precious flowers, or fragrant fans in their hands, each with their own posture, a kind of dense fragrance, naturally spread out, like smoke and clouds.

A group of seventeen people, facing the cold moon in the sky and the jade platform underground, were all silent, but anyone who passed by Dou Lei Yuan could see that they were waiting for people on the stage according to certain etiquette.

After a while, a sound was heard from a very far distance, and then a stream of light broke through the air, rubbing against the atmosphere, forming a dazzling light on both sides. Before approaching, the clear roar had already arrived, and the lingering sound echoed, like thunder.

At this time, the ancient jade platform was so sensitive, and a circle of runes on the periphery lit up, leading the stream of light to come. When it came close, it showed its true form. It turned out to be a flying palace, with red doors and jade houses, and precious pillars and copper platforms.

The flying palace came to the front of the stage, entered a circle of light, stopped steadily, and then the door opened, and the people inside came out one after another.

The five flag bearers were the leaders, and Bai Lang walked in front. When he looked up and saw Mrs. Fang on the stage, his originally slow steps immediately quickened, and he took a few quick steps, came close, and stepped forward to salute.

Bai Lang looked flattered by this person's personal reception.

Not only was he the previous flag bearer, but he was also working with Deputy Dean Su, and was almost the incarnation of Deputy Dean Su.

I didn't expect such a person to be welcomed at the Ancient Jade Platform.

Madam Fang smiled, and the clouds on the top of the door opened, with pearls and jade on them, and she said, "Deputy Dean Su said that you did a good job in Daze. Not long after you went there, you cleared the chaos in Daze and put Daze back on track."

"Why not come out to welcome such a great achievement?"

Nanchuan Daze was in chaos due to the actions of the old demon, and the children of the aristocratic families suffered a lot. The sect took the opportunity to act and prepared to take back some of the benefits of Nanchuan Daze in the future.

But in this case, the Dou Lei Academy must act vigorously in Nanchuan Daze, otherwise, it will not work, and Zhi will be ridiculed by the aristocratic families.

Unexpectedly, the five flag bearers in the academy did a good job. Not only did they successfully complete the task, but the effect was better than expected.

This time, it seemed that Deputy Dean Su, who was in charge of sending the five flag bearers to Daze, had a good eye for people and was proud.

Bai Lang's thoughts turned and he understood the twists and turns. He looked around and said in a low voice: "It was mainly done by Junior Brother Zhou Qing."

The four of them did hunt and kill several "mutated" water monsters, but even if they were added together, they were not as important as the fierce monster killed by Zhou Qing in the end.

It can be said that Zhou Qing's killing of the fierce monster was a decisive battle that determined the overall situation!

Madam Fang glanced at the calm and natural young man behind her, her beautiful eyes turned around for a moment, then retracted them, smiled gently, her jade face radiant, and said: "No matter who it is, it is our Dou Lei Yuan's flag bearer who has made great contributions."

"Let's go." Madam Fang said this, no more words, waved her sleeves, and said: "Deputy Dean Su is still waiting for you heroes in the hall."

Hearing this, Zhou Qing lowered his eyelids slightly to block the strange color in his eyes. Dou Lei Yuan attaches so much importance to this matter?

No words were spoken on the way. Zhou Qing and the other five flag bearers followed Madam Fang to the main hall and met Deputy Dean Su.

This great immortal sat on the high platform, leaning on the jade table, holding a whisk, holding the Taoist scriptures. When he saw people coming in, there was a faint smile on his serious face.

After Bai Lang and others came in, they saluted first, and then everyone stepped forward to report what happened in the big lake.

Deputy Dean Su listened carefully and asked a few details casually. Behind him, a clear light bloomed, hanging like a treasure wheel, slowly turning, and wonderful flowers kept blooming. It seemed that he was communicating with others remotely.

After confirming that everything about Daze had been known, Deputy Dean Su waved the whisk in his hand, looked at the five people, and said: "Your joint action this time is already a big action for our Dou Lei Academy in recent years. The Dean and I are very satisfied with such a result."

"Next, the academy will report your merits to the Merit Academy and strive for merits in the sect."

Zhou Qing listened and nodded secretly.

Dou Lei Academy and Merit Academy are both functional agencies in the sect. It is definitely better to report merits in the name of Dou Lei Academy than to report merits by individuals. At that time, not only will the merits be approved quickly, but more merits will be obtained.

This is also an invisible benefit of serving in major institutions, and the sect recognizes it.

When Vice Dean Su said this, he waved the whisk in his hand, and the Taoist children standing by came up, one holding a jade plate and the other holding a jade book, to register.

What was registered was nothing else but the "mutated" water monsters that each flag bearer had killed in the swamp.

Bai Lang took a look, took out four jade cards from his sleeve bag, and gently placed them on the jade plate. When the bright light shone on them, he could see that the blood on the jade cards was lingering, revealing a crystal-clear clarity.

The blood on the jade cards had different intensities. After all, each "mutated" water monster contained different amounts of old monster blood, and there was a visible difference with the naked eye.

Except for Bai Lang, the other three flag bearers also took out jade tablets one after another. They were one less than Bai Lang, and they all had three.

After all, it is not easy to find the "mutated" water monster in the big swamp, and it is even more difficult to find and successfully surround it.

They were able to find three or four, which was a very rare achievement. Such a record is due to the fact that as flag bearers, they have a group of people under their command who are experienced and skilled in the business. On the other hand, Douleiyuan provided them, the flag bearers, with a variety of medicine-finding methods to help them act in Daze.

After collecting the demon-slaying jade tablets from the four flag bearers, the Taoist boy came to Zhou Qing holding the heavy jade plate. This was the last one.

In an instant, Vice President Su and everyone else in the palace cast their gazes down at Zhou Qing, curious about how many jade tokens Zhou Qing could take out.

This is not just because Zhou Qing is the last one, nor is it just because Zhou Qing is the new flag bearer and has junior qualifications in Doului Academy, but more importantly, Zhou Qing found and killed a comparable person in Daze. Half-step into the ferocious demon of Yuanying Zhenren, such a record makes people can't help but raise their expectations.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhou Qing thought for a while, and first took out four jade tokens, which he had found and killed one by one on Daze.

Before anyone could say anything, he took out five more jade tablets, lined them up, and placed them on the jade tablets. When he touched them, the remaining colors were faintly like fine flowers, and the clear rhyme sound was like the sound of nature.

These jade tablets are placed together, under the clear light, the wind blows from all directions, and the blood is like a dragon traveling, naturally attracting water light, sparkling and moving, and a clear sky.

In terms of momentum, it even surpassed all the jade tablets placed in the jade plate by the other four flag bearers.

"These jade tablets,"

Even though Mrs. Fang, who had always been smiling, looked at this scene, the smile on her pretty face froze.

The jade tablets are indeed all jade tablets, but the jade tablets that Zhou Qing took out, especially the five at the back, are each filled with incredible blood, and one can almost rival two of them.

Obviously, the "mutated" water demon represented by these five jade tokens has more blood and stronger strength than the old demon fused with other "mutated" water demons.

Vice President Su squinted his eyes and took a good look at it for a while, then ordered the Taoist boy who seemed to be as shocked as a wooden man by the scene in front of him, and said: "Write it down carefully and don't make any mistakes."

"Yes, yes."

When the Taoist boy heard this, he seemed to wake up from a dream. He picked up the jade book and recorded it carefully. But while writing, his eyes would glance across Zhou Qing's face from time to time, unable to conceal his surprise.

After the Taoist boys had finished recording, completed the procedures, and stepped down one by one, Deputy Chief Su, who was sitting on the high platform, looked down and continued: "The identification of the sect is from the sect. You have done a great job this time. Our hospital There will also be awards.”

Compared with the merits recognized by the Gongde Yuan, the Dou Lei Yuan rewards its own people more quickly and very generously.

Deputy Chief Su talked for a while, then waved his whisk and asked everyone to leave, saying: "I'm tired outside. I won't send you any tasks for a while. You should have a good rest."


The five flag-bearers all agreed, bowed, and retreated, each returning to their own mansions.

The hall suddenly became quiet.

Only the copper-colored treasures on the jade table reflect the light coming in from the outside, and the remaining colors are outlined and splashed up and down, as if the rain from last night hit the banana leaves, and there is a new sound of green and tender.

Mrs. Fang's eyes were surging, and she seemed to be able to see Zhou Qing's back through the space, and she said: "Our newly promoted flag bearer is worthy of being the first person in the younger generation of the family. It is his first time to take office." The completion of the assignment in the hospital was amazing. ”

She was indeed moved by her feelings. Looking back on the past, when she first took up the position of Doului Academy, she was very nervous, walking on thin ice, and had to do a lot of things before she could finally gain a firm foothold. As for Zhou Qing, with just one battle, everyone in the Dou Lei Academy could see his abilities and not dare to underestimate him.

Nanchuan Daze and his party, among other things, were of great help to Zhou Qing's promotion in Douleiyuan.

"However," at this point, Mrs. Fang changed her tone, and there was admiration in her pleasant voice, and said: "This is because Zhou Qing himself has the ability. If it were anyone else, even I, wouldn't be able to do what Daze did." is more perfect than him."

With the strength and realm of her Yuan Ying Zhenren, she is not afraid of any "mutated" water monsters. Even the so-called ferocious monsters that have killed many children of aristocratic families will not be looked down upon by her. But Zhou Qing's ability to accurately find the "mutated" water demon in the vast swamp in a short period of time was beyond her reach.

"Zhou Qing."

Deputy Headmaster Su's eyes moved. This Zhou Qing was not only capable, but also lucky. His background as a direct descendant of the Zhou family in Luochuan had to some extent alleviated the family's resistance to Doulei Academy's actions in Daze, Nanchuan. Otherwise, , Zongmen and Douleiyuan wanted to send people to Nanchuan Daze to participate in the operation, which would not go so smoothly.

And Zhou Qing also seized this rare opportunity, and his performance was extremely dazzling. He just took advantage of the wind and soared thousands of miles.

"That's it."

Vice-President Su lowered his eyelids. Above the top door, the clouds moved, like the rising sun, reflecting the light in the sky. The bright colors shot up and down in a riot of colors, and faint jade sounds sounded all around.

It was an unexpected blessing that Douleiyuan could benefit from Nanchuan Daze. As for who specifically benefited, he didn't care too much.

Anyway, a sect-like institution like Douleiyuan focuses on the overall situation and the long-term, as long as it can stand.

Kong Guanghai, the flag bearer, returned to his mansion and sat down on the wooden couch by the window. He felt a little stuffy and waved his hand to ask the maid to open the small window to let the light in.

At this moment, the light was just right, shining on the windowsill, like the bright color of a clear mountain after snow, without any shadow, but Kong Guanghai looked at the light with a gloomy expression on his face, so thick that it could not be dissolved.

As the flag bearer with the least experience among the Dou Lei Yuan except Zhou Qing, he had high hopes for this trip to Nanchuan Daze. He hoped that with the performance of this action, he could completely take off the "half-new" hat of the flag bearer of Dou Lei Yuan and establish his status as the same as the other three flag bearers in one fell swoop, but in the end, it was contrary to his wishes.

Dou Lei Yuan's actions in Daze were indeed outstanding because of the flag bearer, but it was not himself, but Zhou Qing.

What's even more annoying is that Zhou Qing is likely to rise up in Doulei Courtyard with his achievements in Nanchuan Lake, and surpass him in the influence of the flag bearer.

Although Kong Guanghai also knew that this matter depends on each person's ability and no one else can be blamed, he still felt that there was a sullen aura accumulated in his body that could not be dissolved.

At this time, circles of ripples suddenly appeared on the small seal of the flag bearer on his waist, and then purple and green aura emerged, outlining the words, as small as ants, but colorful and full of precious aura. As soon as it appeared, there was a wonderful sound, the sound of bells and drums, and it was endless.

Kong Guanghai took a look and immediately realized that this was the "reward" from the courtyard, and it came down so quickly!

Looking again, the courtyard was not small, and the reward was more generous than expected compared to what was done.

Kong Guanghai looked at the so-called "generous reward" and felt even worse. If a flag bearer like him who was ordinary in Nanchuan Lake could get such a "generous reward", how amazing would the "generous reward" of Zhou Qing, who was almost the only one to stand out and was so dazzling that he crushed everyone else, be?

The more Kong Guanghai thought about it, the more depressed he became. He looked at the sky outside which was getting brighter and brighter, and there was a shadow that was constantly distorted and deformed.

At this time, the servant outside came in to report, saying, "Master, Yu Shangzhen is here to visit."

"Yu Zhen."

Kong Guanghai thought of the other party's background, and his eyes turned. He took a deep breath, suppressed his inner impetuousness, calmed down, and said to the servant who came in, "You go and welcome the guests to the living room, I'll change my clothes and go over."

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