Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 404: Unrivaled in the World, No One Can Compete

Facing the magical powers of Zhou Xuan and Zhou Jin, Zhou Qing let out a clear roar and let go of his restraints. His Tao body was completely activated, and three colors of light were released. The mighty power of Dansha surged out, rising continuously, covering the surroundings and stimulating the surroundings. Get an idea.

Since the spiritual consciousness is damaged and it is difficult to tell the order of the arrival of Zhou Xuan and Zhou Jin's magical powers, then simply ignore it and use the power of the Sanluo Dao body to resist together with the supreme elixir energy!

The next moment, the magical power of Zhou Xuan and Zhou Jin arrived, and the huge and vast power burst out and struck down with a crash.

Zhou Xuan's magical power is still mainly based on metal. As soon as he arrived, there was a bright white light lasing, murderous aura, hanging like a bead, and then the Geng metal aura spread out, and the sharp aura was unmatched. Zhou Jin's magical power was biased towards the underworld, and the tribulation auras were pulled up like curtains, and the terrifying aura behind them was getting closer and closer.

The two forces collided with Zhou Qing's resisting force almost in no particular order. For a moment, there were collision sounds and buzzing sounds, one after another, and the afterglow, cold air, and murderous intent all complemented each other.

This collision lasted for seven or eight breaths before it gradually subsided, leaving only the remnants of the collision hanging in the sky, condensed and undissipated.

Looking from a distance, the bright white air falls from the entire space, falling on the clumps of bamboos, washing out the green, dense like green snails, and then the deep and deep abyss water, coming from nowhere, is wading in the square. , the deep sound of water has an indescribable thickness and coldness.

Even if they confront Zhou Xuan and Zhou Jin's magical powers head-on, it is obvious that Zhou Qing's power still has the upper hand. Metal, wood, and water complement each other, and Xuanyin is pure and clear.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xuan and the other three's faces changed color for the first time. They stood there without taking any further action, their eyes filled with shock.

Above the clouds, a great monk who had been silent since his arrival finally spoke. Together with his voice, the autumn sounds under the sycamore trees were filled with a refreshing sound of autumn, and he said: "Three Dharma practitioners ,Hey……"

The only female fairy in the field stretched out her hand, with a slender jade finger pointing like a wheel. The light was like a wheel, and the fragrance was floating. She could not suppress her surprise at this time, and said: "This Zhou Qing is really unexpected."

Being able to practice the three superior mystical arts requires a Taoist body that is only one in a million. But those who dare to practice the three superior mystical arts are even more rare. They are truly rare and rare in the world.

Once word spreads about Zhou Qing's choice, it will probably be more shocking than when he achieved a first-grade pill.

"Golden Wood Water."

Zhou Ziyun looked at the field. Under the light, the crystal was as clear as jasper, reflecting Zhou Qing's calm temperament. He raised his eyebrows and kept thinking.

To practice superior mysterious skills, a monk must have at least three lives of immortal bones before he can cross the threshold. This is the case in "Spiritual Life Gold-falling Book" and "Miaoqing Ginseng Combined Gong". The Five Qi Mysterious Skills of the Five Qi and Four Methods in these two sects require that there must be three-life metal fairy bones and three-life wood fairy bones. As for the superior water-moving mystical skill that Zhou Qing practiced, although it did not incorporate the Five Qi and Four Methods, it was still first-rate.

I had long known that Zhou Qing was a Nine-Life Immortal Bone, which turned out to be three-life metal, three-life wood and three-life water.

I just don’t know what kind of Taoist body Zhou Qing has built for such an immortal bone with three attributes and nine lives.

Master Zhou Sheng was also observing Zhou Qing in the center of the square. Behind him, at some point, a huge star rose. At first, it was still covered by thin clouds. After a while, the clouds cleared and the rain dispersed, making it even more dazzling. Continuously deducing changes, the light in the eyes becomes more and more intense.

Compared with other great monks, he knew more clearly the time when Zhou Qing practiced "Miaoqing Ginseng Combined Skill" from the sect. Exactly like this, now that he saw the three profound arts cooperating with each other, the "Miaoqing Ginseng Combined Skill" did not fall too far behind, and he was even more shocked in his heart.

The speed of Zhou Qing's practice this time is really astonishing. Just looking at the speed of practice, it doesn't look like a fellow practitioner of the Three Methods at all, but like he only practices one superior mysterious skill.

At this moment, no matter what the great monks on the cloud thought, they all turned their eyes to the field and looked at it very seriously.

They have been practicing for so long, but they have never seen anyone who practices the three methods at the same time. They are very curious, how do the three types of mystical skills complement each other so well and complement each other?

"Three Dharma practitioners."

Zhou Xuan looked into the field, his eyes lingering on the bright white for a while, his eyelids twitching.

He remained motionless. The bright white light on the top door condensed like a bead, and the hanging jade fell to the ground, naturally turning into frost wheels of different sizes, gathering or scattering. The jingling sound was slightly urgent, showing the extreme unrest in his heart.

I remember that I personally instructed the young man opposite me to practice the "Spiritual Life Gold Book". Only a few years ago, the other boy was not only making great progress in the "Spiritual Life Gold Book", his attainments were no less than my own, but he also practiced two other superior mystical skills. .

How is this done?

"Today's battle was eye-opening."

The vertical marks on Zhou Guangming's forehead were slightly opened. A thundercloud rose behind him, dark and dark, and lightning bolts fell from time to time. The aura on his body became more and more powerful. He was mobilizing the power of his thunder body, and there was no longer any reservation, go all out.

"It's good to be transported and robbed."

Zhou Jin's gaze was deep, and the gloomy aura on his top door became deeper and deeper, and the bottom could not be seen. Faintly, a disaster star rose from inside. As it turned, the ferocious aura became stronger, bringing disaster.

"Get ready to take action."

Zhou Xuan and the others communicated with each other through divine will. Facing Zhou Qing, a rare fellow practitioner of the three methods, they were also inspired to fight and would never allow themselves to become each other's stepping stones.

This time, Zhou Jin, a genius in the clan who has practiced one of the five qi and four methods in the sect, "The Book of the Zhou Dynasty in the Netherworld Han Tribulation", took the lead. The disaster stars on his top door rose one after another. Every time he shakes, a black and green energy will fall down, like a chain, pointing directly at Zhou Qing, trying to lock him in and accept the disaster.

As soon as the skylight shines, you can see that there is a bright red light like snow on the surface of the black and green energy. The evil energy overflows and saturates the energy wherever it goes. There are streaks, clusters, and clusters. There is a kind of Great horror.

Master Zhou Sheng on the cloud was condescending and could see more clearly. There was a treasure in Zhou Jin's body that looked like a simple astrolabe, intertwined with black and green. It was resonating with his Tao body and the power of Dansha, continuously providing a brand new power. .

"Tao body, natal magic weapon and the power of Dansha."

Master Zhou Sheng's eyes flickered. Only by using such a combination to display magical powers can the power of the magical powers be enhanced to the strongest level.

However, this kind of consumption is also very shocking. How long it can last depends on the foundation of the monk itself.

Almost at the same time, Zhou Guangming also took action. In his elixir orifice, the natal magic weapon Lei Chi was swallowed up, and he used the amazing Thunder Technique.

At the beginning, the thunder came from the sky and was almost undetectable. Then it got closer and closer, and the sound gradually became louder and louder. Finally, it roared in all directions, and hundreds of thunderbolts shot down, illuminating the surrounding area in a pale light. .

Zhou Xuan cooperated with the two of them and took action. As soon as he came up, he activated the power of Taoist body, natal magic weapon and Dansha. The bright white Gengjin sword energy was pointed directly at Zhou Qing. Wherever it went, the energy was like autumn leaves shaking down. , has a kind of murderous atmosphere.

Zhou Jin, Zhou Guangming and Zhou Xuan are all the best among the Zhou clan in Luochuan. They have amazing talents and strong support behind them, so they have all refined their own magic weapons to match their own mysterious skills.

Such natal magic weapons have different functions and grades, but without exception they can enhance the power of mystical skills, the power of elixirs and the killing power of supernatural powers.

From now on, the three of them went all out, truly treating Zhou Qing as the biggest opponent they could ever encounter in their lives, and gave it a go!

Above the clouds, Master Zhou Sheng continued to watch. His brows were dyed with a layer of starlight. He sensed the murderous intention in the square and nodded secretly.

The three young men Zhou Xuan, Zhou Jin and Zhou Guangming were worthy of being regarded as geniuses who had high hopes from the clan and were considered to be qualified to compete for the position of the top ten disciples in the sect. In a short period of time, they had made progress in fighting skills.

They stimulated their potential in this battle, making the three men's encirclement and killing power much more powerful.

In such a whirlpool of encirclement and killing, Zhou Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was light in his eyes. He was running his mysterious skills, and his consciousness was constantly flying up and down, and he could see the changes in the air movement.

Since the three of them knew that his consciousness was powerful, they carried out extensive coverage, which greatly affected his consciousness. But he had something to deal with, which was to put the sensing range of his spiritual consciousness in front of him. The distance was shortened and his defense was greatly increased.

In this way, although it is impossible to detect changes that are too far away, the advantage is also obvious, that is, all the changes nearby can be seen without missing a single thing, and the danger will not come from close at hand.

All that's left is to fight with each other and compete with the power of magical powers and Dansha.

"Dispose of them as you see them."

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up, and he felt a strong sense of self-confidence. He wanted to become one of the top ten disciples in the sect, and he would definitely encounter stronger opponents when fighting in Phoenix Mountain in the future. The three people in front of him now were just a good opportunity to practice their skills. Sharpen your fighting skills.

After all, ever since he practiced the "Miaoqing Ginseng Combined Skill", achieved the three methods and three intentions, and truly inspired the power of the Sanluo Taoist body, he has never made a move with anyone.

Now I finally have a rare opportunity, and I just put it to use one by one, find the shortcomings, check the flaws, and make up for them.

Therefore, even under the full siege of three people, Zhou Qing remained calm and composed, constantly using his magical powers to combine, or metal and water, or water and wood, or gold and wood, and in the end, they converged into gold, wood, and water. Frequent occurrences of elephants.

He used the three superior mysterious skills as the foundation, supplemented by two natal magic weapons: the Sea-Swallowing Sky Gourd and the Locking True Dragon Stake, and used the incredible power of Dansha possessed by the first-grade Dancheng to exert it, even if he faced three people The siege is also rapid and slow, constantly changing, decomposing and responding, and truly achieving the goal of soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth.

On the clouds, haloes of light continued to glow with mottled light. From time to time, stars would ignite and sparkle, reflecting the changes in the mood of the great monks watching the battle inside. They were not calm.

"There are two more natal magic weapons." The female fairy held her forehead with her hands, and her smooth forehead was glowing with cold light, like the moonlight on it. She wore light makeup and no shadows. Her voice was soaked in the coldness of the curtain, and the color of frost hit people, and she murmured He murmured: "How did he practice?"

In her opinion, the young Zhou Qing was able to raise his realm to the level of unity in the short time he entered Taoism, push the three superior mystical skills to such a high level, and upgrade the three magical powers to the level of Xiaocheng. , it was already unbelievable, how could he still have time and energy to refine two natal magic weapons?

The clear moon floated in the sky under Zhou Ziyun's seat, and the cold light shone slantly. He felt as if he was in an ice kettle. His eyes were crystal clear. He looked at Zhou Qing's natal magic weapon, the Sea-Swallowing Gourd, and sensed the spirituality of this treasure. He felt deeply Breathe in.

Zhou Qing not only has two natal magic weapons, but one of them has reached the level of a mysterious weapon. Breaking the rules again and again made him feel that he was too ignorant.

"Zhou Qing."

Another great cultivator had colorful clouds covering his head, and a phoenix and a crane facing each other. He saw that Zhou Qing did not sacrifice his own life magic weapon of the Xuanqi level, but kept it in his body, only using the life magic weapon to bless the Xuan Gong and supernatural powers, but did not use the magic weapon lethality of the life magic weapon.

The reason for doing so is not complicated. It seems that Zhou Qing does not want to rely on the power of the Xuanqi, but is willing to use supernatural powers to face each other.

Although the offensive of Zhou Xuan and the other three people is getting more and more fierce, Zhou Qing is confident. He regards it as a good way to hone his Xuan Gong and supernatural powers.

Such absolute confidence in his own strength is indeed not comparable to the disciples below the real person in the clan.

"Let's see."

This great cultivator watched Zhou Qing perform Taoist magic more and more skillfully to resist the siege of the three people, and couldn't help holding the jade Ruyi in his hand and nodding continuously.

The three methods are practiced together, which is indeed varied and enough to cope with various changes, focusing on a kaleidoscope.

As the fight went on, Zhou Qing had a certain understanding of the magical powers of Zhou Xuan and the other three, but Zhou Xuan and the others were still confused about the arrangement and combination of Zhou Qing's three methods.

The current situation is that Zhou Xuan and the other three joined forces to help each other. Otherwise, if they were alone facing Zhou Qing, they would have been defeated long ago.

The great monk looked at the young man who was fighting one against three in the square, his eyes as clear as glass, and there was a constant flow of strange colors.

This is definitely the most talented and incredible little guy among the young generation he has ever seen. It is also a blessing for the Zhou family in Luochuan that such a genius appears.

"Zhou Sheng."

The great monk looked at the happy face of Zhou Sheng, who was as steady as a mountain, and snorted again. Originally, Zhou Chen was very outstanding among the younger generation, but he didn't expect that Zhou Qing, who was brought back from outside, was even more extraordinary. This old boy has a good fortune.

Zhou Xuan and the other three attacked repeatedly, and their cooperation became more and more tacit, but what made them uneasy was that Zhou Qing, who was besieged by them, became more and more skilled in dealing with it.

Even in the battle, they could still clearly sense the visible growth of Zhou Qing's fighting ability.

If this continued, the three of them would not only fail to defeat the opponent, but would become the opponent's sparring partner?

The three were shocked and angry, but at this point, they would definitely not back down. They had one idea, that is, relying on their numbers, they would have to use up Zhou Qing's Dansha power first.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sound, and the three staggered back, looking at the field with pale faces.

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