Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 443: Complete Merit, All Promoted

"Come out?"

The female fairy Luo Zhenren stood in the hall and saw the movement and raised her eyebrows. The next moment, she saw the door open, a rainbow light fell to the ground, and suddenly shook, Zhou Qing walked out, his eyebrows full of coldness.

As if sensing Luo Zhenren's scrutiny, Zhou Qing raised his head, three colors intertwined in his eyes, a dazzling treasure wheel, auspicious colors flowing on it, mysterious principles woven, and the energy on his body was unprecedentedly fierce.

Indescribable murderous intent rose and gathered together. In a trance, the air rushed to the sky, the cold air hung, and the incredible cold color permeated. Even a long-established Yuanying Zhenren like her felt an unstoppable coldness.

Even though there was still a distance, Luo Zhenren seemed to hear a cold voice in his consciousness, like the clanging of a sword unsheathed, like the faint sound of an ice cave sunk to the bottom of the water. Every sound contained a powerful force, which made people uncomfortable.

"This Zhou Qing."

The color of Luo Zhenren's jade face changed. She could sense that the evil spirit of this new top ten disciples who came out of the Demon Refining Cave was like a curtain, covering everything, with a startling blood color. Even if his own Xuan Qi covered it, it could not cover it. The huge demon shadow roared, very ferocious.

With such a strange sight, I wonder how many battles Zhou Qing had experienced in the Demon Refining Cave and how many big demons he had killed?

Zhou Qing, who had just crossed the portal of the Demon Refining Cave and appeared in the hall, narrowed his eyes slightly at this time. He operated the Xuan Gong, and the evil spirit, murderous spirit, blood, etc. on his body were all taken away. The whole person became gentle and jade again, with the righteousness of a disciple of the Xuanmen. It was as if the scene just now was an illusion and did not happen at all.

However, Zhou Qing looked at Luo Zhenren standing in the hall with a cold look, without saying a word. Because the scene just now really happened, it was not an illusion.

Originally, he had used the profound skills to temporarily suppress the demonic energy, evil spirit, and blood energy that he had acquired after killing too many big demons in the Demon Refining Cave, so that it would not show to the outside world. But he did not expect that when he came out of the Demon Refining Cave, a mysterious force descended and forcibly opened his suppression.

He had never heard of such a method from his clan before he came. Could it be that someone in Fang Tianfei Palace deliberately targeted him and tripped him up?

Master Luo was meticulous and felt cold when she found Zhou Qing's dissatisfaction, but her jade face did not change. She just said: "There is a forbidden magic array on the portal of the Demon Refining Cave. Once the demonic energy of the person entering is too strong, it can be revealed to prevent powerful big demons from sneaking into the sect."

The fairy paused and said: "But this method is rarely triggered."

Speaking of this, the fairy sighed in her heart. Anyway, since she came to Fang Tianfei Palace, it was the first time she saw this restriction on the portal of the Demon Refining Cave being activated.

"So that's it." Zhou Qing nodded, his face was solemn, it was hard to tell whether he really believed it or not. He looked at the sky outside, it was noon, the sun was shining brightly, and he said, "I'll go back first, see you later, Master Luo."

After that, he strode out, left the hall, and after leaving Fang Tianfei Palace, he identified the direction, soared into the air, went up to Yuling Baozhen Palace, and disappeared.

Master Luo, the female fairy, waved her sleeves and walked out of the hall slowly, thinking as she walked.

Outside, the sun was blazing, but because there was a tree every three steps and a tree every five steps, the green trees were spitting out and casting green shades, it didn't feel hot. Walking in it, there was a cool breeze and a long cool air.

She kept thinking about what she had just seen. Zhou Qing came out of the door and was illuminated by the forbidden magic circle on the door. The evil spirit and demonic spirit that rushed to the sky were simply terrifying!

"Zhou Qing actually killed so many demons in this period of time?"

Luo Zhenren was full of disbelief. Even if she entered the Demon Refining Cave, she might not have such a victory in a short period of time.

On the one hand, even if there is a map, the demons hiding in the Demon Refining Cave can be found, but the terrain in the cave is complicated. Once the demons escape, it is easy to lose the mark and can't be found.

On the other hand, in the Demon Refining Cave, it is more suitable for demons to move. It is not easy for Xuanmen monks to display their magical powers, and the lethality is not as good as outside.

Zhou Qing was able to withstand such disadvantages and kill amazing demons, which is really shocking.

"It's well-deserved."

Luo Nuxian walked forward, thinking non-stop. The peerless genius who has become a first-grade elixir and practiced three methods is indeed different from ordinary cultivators, and often has actions beyond cognition.

Such a person, just watching from the sidelines, feels a kind of incomprehensible and unclear. His competitors must be more headache.

Zhou Qing, sitting in the pavilion of the flying palace, has a piece of precious branch on the top door, with jade beads hanging, cold light falls on his body, and his eyes are as cold as lightning with every breath.

He looks silent and motionless, but in fact, his consciousness is immersed in the unknown, observing the strange treasure, the Green Pond of Creation.

Compared with half a year ago, this strange treasure has changed a lot. Not only the patterns on the treasure pool are more complex and mysterious, but more importantly, the sweet rain inside is not only sparkling, but also looks different in nature.

Just a sense can find that the essence of the sweet rain in the pool has been improved and transformed, containing more power of creation than before.

It must be said that the Demon Refining Cave is indeed a strange space. The demons in it seem to have grown up in the heyday of the demon race in the Middle Ages. The essence contained in their bodies is extraordinary. With the essence of such demons constantly replenishing the Green Pond of Creation, this is the first time that the Green Pond of Creation has been nourished by so many high-quality essences since coming to this world.

"Ganlin and the Green Pond of Creation."

Zhou Qing's eyes flashed. With the further Ganlin in the Green Pond of Creation providing unimaginable vitality and strength, he practiced at lightning speed.

In less than half a year, he raised the two mysterious skills of "Spiritual Life Gold Book" and "Miaoqing Canhe Gong" to the second level of Hepo, catching up with the cultivation level of "Ziqing Gaosheng Yuanhuang Hualongtu".

In this way, the three mysterious skills are now all the second level of Hepo, all in the same realm, and the power of the body has reached harmony, no longer top-heavy.

Such three methods are truly three methods, which greatly improves the strength.

As for the Green Pond of Good Fortune, as it absorbs more and more demon essence, the previous damage is gradually being repaired. Now the essence that is naturally drawn in every day is a considerable amount.

With the help of the Green Pond of Good Fortune and the surging sweet rain inside, Zhou Qing's fighting ability is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Ranking battle."

Zhou Qing was full of energy when he thought of the upcoming ranking battle.

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