Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 446: The target of public criticism, a shocking event

It happened so fast. Looking from afar, chains appeared all around at the same time. The gray-black air was strong. Zuo Ziyang, who was in it, felt that a disaster was coming.

However, there was no panic on the jade-like face of the female fairy among the ten great disciples. She raised her head, and a brilliant starlight rushed out from the top of her head, as bright as a rainbow. It corresponded to the time in the sky and the ground below, and changed her luck.

In an instant, the whole four directions were full of starlight, gathering together, one circle after another, with purple and green inside and white outside, and the sound was loud.

At this moment, the whole hall seemed to have turned into a starry world, and auspicious air emerged like wisps, continuously, and more and more.

"The stars suddenly spit out, the sun and the moon have little sound, and the stars fall into the auspicious sky."

Zhou Qing's eyes turned, with a strange color. In his eyes, the sky was full of stars, the cold light shone on the water, and the auspicious air was diffused. But in fact, these were not real stars, but the essence of stars condensed by secret techniques.

Once this method is used, it can change the position and fortune, drive away the calamity, and welcome auspiciousness. It is exactly one of the twenty-three methods of Zhenyi Sect, the Star Falling to the Auspicious Heaven.

Just as the Nine Tribulations Yin Lock needs to practice "Youyin Han Jie Zhou Shi Ce" before it can be used, to use the Star Falling to the Auspicious Heaven, one must practice "Zhaoxing Qi Ze Jiu De Zhang", one of the four methods, to a very deep level.

After blocking Yue Xue Luo's attack, Zuo Ziyang prepared to counterattack. She chanted something in her mouth, and the starlight became more and more intense, attracting the stars, one after another, faster and faster, more and more dense, and constantly descending.

The stars hit the ground, like beads rolling on a jade plate, colliding back and forth, and each sound rang out, containing incredible mystery.


Seeing the stars falling in all directions, coming one after another, Yue Xue Luo took a deep breath, operated the mysterious skills, and the Nine Tribulations Yin Lock regenerated and changed.

There was only a deep thunder, and the whole sky seemed to be torn apart, with fragments flying all over the sky, even the dazzling starlight was completely covered, and a long and eerie lock came through. Although there was only one, the countless seal characters on it flowed, and the momentum was far greater than the silence just now.

As soon as it appeared, the imperceptible black air had already penetrated into the starlight, in clusters, in clusters, in lines, making people very uncomfortable.

"Nine Tribulations Yin Lock."

Zhou Qing saw it in his eyes. As one of the twenty famous methods of Zhenyi Sect, the Nine Tribulations Yin Lock can be hard or soft, with infinite changes.

"The same is true for Xingluo Jitian."

Zhou Qing looked at Zuo Ziyang's response again, and the stars in the void were brighter, and he nodded secretly.

Zuo Ziyang, one of the ten great disciples, versus Yue Xueluo, one of the ten great disciples; "Zhaoxing Qize Jiude Chapter", one of the four methods, versus "Youyin Han Jie Zhoushi Ce", one of the four methods; Xingluo Jitian, one of the twenty-three magical powers, versus Jiujie Yinsuo, one of the twenty-three magical powers; it was really a match made in heaven.

Zhou Qing sat quietly and looked at the hall, where the starlight and calamity were everywhere, and the blue and black colors were constantly fighting and going back and forth.

Compared to half a year ago on Phoenix Mountain, both of them have made great progress, but for a while, it is probably hard to tell who will win.

After an unknown amount of time, a bell rang, and the starlight and calamity disappeared together, all the colors, all the sounds, and everything, all dissipated, and the whole hall was filled with qi, which was endless.

It was time for the battle, and the real person of Dongtian, the head of the Merit Academy, and the real person of Yunji took action to smooth everything out.

Yue Xueluo withdrew his magical power, and there was a hint of green in his eyes. He looked deeply at Zuo Ziyang, waved his sleeves, and returned to his own platform.

This challenge was not successful. In the ranking of the top ten disciples of this session, he was ranked tenth!

Sensing his unhappy mood, the sparse flowers in the jade table on the platform and the bronze double-eared dragon vase were all stained with a layer of coldness, and the cold air was lingering on them, reflecting the gloom on his face.

Of course, he knew that Zuo Ziyang was not a simple person, and this challenge would not be easy, but he felt that he had improved greatly in the past six months and still had the strength to fight, but the result disappointed him very much.

He had improved a lot in the past six months, and Zuo Ziyang's improvement was even more amazing. The result of this battle was worse than expected.

Zuo Ziyang also returned to her own platform. She stroked her drooping black hair with her hand. Starlight shot out from behind her, and the collision of swords, spears, and halberds was stirring in all directions, showing that the qi in her body was unstable.

There was no joy on her jade face, because she had already used all her skills in the fight with Yue Xue Luo, which was clearly seen by others.

Originally, according to her plan, she didn't need to go all out to deal with Yue Xue Luo's challenge. She could save some skills and challenge Meng Fei, who was in the previous position, to make her ranking move forward. But now, there is no doubt that the plan has failed.

In the current state, there is no way to challenge Meng Fei.

Thinking of this, Zuo Ziyang made a prompt decision without hesitation. A starlight shot out from the top of the door, rolled up, and then two or three feet, a mirror was lifted up on it, and the seal characters flowed, forming nine sons, condensed and motionless.

This shows that she is willing to stay in the ninth position and will not change.

"A wise move."

Zhou Qing was not surprised by Zuo Ziyang's choice. She had fought with Yue Xue Luo so hard that she had no trump card. If she challenged Meng Fei again, she would probably bring shame upon herself.

In fact, in the competition among the disciples of Phoenix Mountain, although Zuo Ziyang was promoted to the top ten disciples after Jing Beixuan gave up his position, he could only rank ninth. According to the ranking battle of the top ten disciples, the later the disciples, the earlier they start the challenge, and the worse the start.

With such a start, Zuo Ziyang would give up voluntarily in all likelihood.

"Then it's Meng Fei's turn."

Zhou Qing turned his eyes and looked at the eighth cloud platform. There, there was an earthy yellow air rising up, turning into a dragon, with its beard and beard waving, its armor and scales trembling, and its high-spirited posture was unparalleled in its power.

Immediately afterwards, the earthy yellow dragon lowered its head, as if holding the pearl in its mouth, and tore open the necklace. Meng Fei, the top ten disciple who ranked eighth in the Phoenix Mountain Sect, strode out. He came to the hall, stood still, He rushed to the seventh cloud platform and said loudly: "Senior Brother Ye, I'm here to ask Gao Ming for advice."

After the words fell, a piece of blue cloud swayed up on the seventh cloud platform. The whole place was sunny and green. The extremely rich vitality was born out of thin air. The strange sounds of growing vegetation seemed to be in the sky and ringing in the ears. By the way, when you hear it, the power of Dansha in your body seems to become active and prosperous.

Along with this strange change, Ye Shaoming appeared. He had pure green eyes and sat quietly. He had the aloof and self-admiring temperament of a moonlit mountain.

"These two people,"

Zhou Qing looked at the two people looking at each other, and his thoughts changed.

Although Ye Shaoming was one of the top ten disciples in the previous term and had more seniority than Meng Fei, he was challenged a lot and was basically looked down upon. If he and Meng Fei really fight, it's hard to say who will win.

However, it goes without saying that the Zuoqiu Meng family behind Meng Fei has an extremely bad relationship with the Luochuan Zhou family behind him. Even the forces behind Ye Shaoming are not on good terms with the Luochuan Zhou family. It is also a kind of a fight between the two of them and watching by oneself. The dispute between river clams is a situation where the fisherman wins.

No matter who wins the battle between these two people, their methods are almost the same, and I can just take advantage of them.

While Zhou Qing's abacus was being slapped, Ye Shaoming, who was sitting on the cloud platform, suddenly saluted the two cave gods in the cloud and said: "Master, Junior Brother Meng is full of energy. I am no opponent. I am willing to do this." Give up this position.”


As soon as Zhou Qing heard this, his eyes immediately burst into cold light. Behind him, Qi spread out, like pear blossoms, like flying snow. In the cold sky and freezing ground, it was suffused with frost, and there was a murderous intent. I didn't expect that the two of them would He actually did something like this.

In this case, Meng Fei would defeat others without fighting and jump directly from eighth to seventh place, and he would be able to challenge himself in a complete manner.

Looking at it this way, it seems like a good plan.

"There are so many ideas."

Wu Zhuang was sitting on the cloud platform, with an extremely powerful sun hanging high behind him. Inside, the red clouds were flowing, and the sky was burning with flames. The color of rouge came out and hit his face. He looked at it with interest. Looking around, his eyes lingered on Meng Fei, Ye Shaoming, Zhou Qing and Shen Du, and his thoughts kept spinning.

Speaking of which, Meng Fei and Ye Shaoming made a gentleman's appointment. Ye Shaoming took the initiative to back down and pointed his finger at Zhou Qing, while Meng Fei and Shen Du benefited the most.

Meng Fei ranked seventh unscathed and could challenge Zhou Qing, who was ranked sixth, so he could go all out. At the same time, Shen Du must not be at peace when facing Zhou Qing, a peerless genius who practices the Three Methods. Now that Meng Fei is fighting for Zhou Qing, it just gives him a chance to take a good look at Zhou Qing's background.

As for Ye Shaoming taking the initiative to give in, he was indeed a little aggrieved, but the forces behind Meng Fei and Shen Du would definitely compensate and would not let him retreat in vain.

"Zhou Qing."

Wu Zhuang looked at the sixth cloud platform and seemed to feel the sharp energy coming from above. The jade Ruyi in his hand couldn't help but move.

After the competition in the Phoenix Mountain sect, Zhou Qing shocked the whole sect with the strange qualities of fellow practitioners of the Three Laws. He gained great fame, but at the same time, he also became the target of public criticism.

If Zhou Qing hadn't been so sharp, I'm afraid the forces behind Meng Fei, Ye Shaoming and Shen Du wouldn't have been so united in the ranking battle.


Wu So-called looked at the field with a smile on his face.

With the bad relationship between the Zuoqiu Meng clan and the Luochuan Zhou clan, and the Zuoqiu Meng clan's deliberate intentions, Meng Fei will definitely do everything he can to unseat Zhou Qing this time.

As far as he knew, after the competition in the sect, Zhou Qing entered a dangerous place like the Demon Refining Cave to practice and hone his magical powers. He definitely wanted to hit a higher position in this ranking battle of the sect.

The ensuing confrontation between the two will definitely be called a life-and-death battle!

On the cloud platform very close to Wu So-called, Shen Boyuan remained expressionless, as if he didn't care about the upcoming battle like Mars hitting the earth.

In his opinion, no matter Zhou Qing or Meng Fei, no matter how good they are, they cannot challenge him all the way. In this ranking battle, the two of them had nothing to do with themselves.

What I want to pay attention to is not them, but the top position of the top ten disciples in this session.

In the sky of Changling Miaozhen Yudao Cave, Cai Jiuyuan saw this scene. The clouds above the door moved and fell sparsely like rain. The color of the falling ice reflected the solemn expression on his face. He said: "These families Is there such a secret communication? I haven’t received any letters at all.”

In fact, even if he could get the news, it wouldn't change anything, but at the very least, he could give Zhou Qing a reminder to avoid being caught off guard.

Guande Zhenren, a cave-like person sitting on the cloud couch, saw a wisp of cold light falling from time to time. When the energy of harmony touched, it fluttered like flowers falling and stars flickering. He looked at it for a while and then withdrew his gaze. In a moderate voice, he said: "Such a plan must be very secretive. Not to mention us, even the Luochuan Zhou family probably didn't get the slightest bit of information."

The forces behind Ye Shaoming, Meng Fei and Shen Du are stronger than the current Changling Miaozhen Yudao Dongtian and Yuanzhong Cai family. It is natural for the three forces to work together and keep secrets.

Let alone Changling Miaozhen Yudao Dongtian, even the top family like Luochuan Zhou family has a complex power in the sect, but the three major forces keep secrets and it is impossible for people to know.

"Let Zhou Qing solve it himself." Guande Zhenren was able to let it go. He said calmly: "Since Zhou Qing has become one of the top ten disciples, he will definitely face more such situations in the future."

"That's right."

Cai Jiuyuan nodded when he thought of his own experience.

There is no doubt that the closed disciple of Zhenren will have a bright future in the future and will directly reach the Dongtian realm. In this case, there will be many scenes like today in the future.

In the Dongji Qinghua Mingyu Cave Heaven, Wen Hui Zhenren stood on the Yaotai, with a semi-arc-shaped cold light in front of her, diffused in white, and fell gracefully at her feet, but silently, only the residual color spread, making the jade face of this cave heaven Zhenren more crystal clear.

She looked at the scene in Feiying Hall in silence. This time, Zuoqiu Mengshi paid a lot of price to make Ye Shaoming and the forces behind him cooperate. I hope Meng Fei can seize this opportunity.

As long as Meng Fei can pull Zhou Qing down, Zuoqiu Mengshi will pay more, it is worth it. And once successful, it will be of great help to Meng Fei.

Wu Zhong stood below, with the help of the great power of Wen Hui Zhenren, a cave heaven Zhenren, looking at Feiying Hall, his eyes kept flickering.

After truly worshipping Dongji Qinghua Mingyu Cave Heaven and often dealing with Zuoqiu Mengshi's people, he really felt the opposition between the two families of Zuoqiu Mengshi and Luochuan Zhoushi. In order to target the Luochuan Zhou family, the Zuoqiu Meng family really spared no effort and did everything they could.

And now, the Zuoqiu Meng family is attacking, and the Luochuan Zhou family is defending.

"Let's see."

At this moment, Wu Zhong, who was out of the matter, felt both fortunate that he did not participate in such a storm and a sense of loss that he could not participate. His emotions were very complicated.

"Get up."

In the Feiying Hall, after confirming that Ye Shaoming had given in, Master Yun Ji pointed with his hand, and the cloud platform under Ye Shaoming's seat turned around, took a step back, and settled in the eighth position.

At the same time, Meng Fei did not return to his own cloud platform at all. He looked directly at the sixth cloud platform, his eyes as straight as a sword, and shouted: "Zhou Qing, come out and fight!"

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