Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 461: Refining Treasures in the Furnace, the Universe in a Small Space

Zhou Qing followed behind, and saw black smoke billowing, a fire starting a prairie fire, and an astonishing heat wave coming towards his face, hitting his protective light, making a crackling sound, like rain hitting plantains, it was very dense, and made him People get upset when they hear it.

This earth fire originally originated from the lungs of the earth. It has accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years. The temperature is terrifyingly high. After being tempered by the restrictions in the heavenly furnace, it has reached another level. It's a bit difficult to fight against only the ordinary body-protecting treasure light.

After thinking about it, Zhou Qing immediately used the Xuan Gong "Ziqing Gaosheng Yuanhuang Transformation Dragon Diagram". The next moment, a dark river filled the air with no beginning or end, spanning time and space. There was a faint and deep wave of light, which came from thousands of feet below. of ice cold. This time, no matter how fierce the flames were and how high the heat was, after entering the water, they died down.

Just like this, even as we walked further in, from time to time, flaming copper pillars thousands of feet high rose from the ground, penetrating the earth's fire, and the flames even turned into various fire elves, flying around, Zhou Qing He didn't care, he just walked and observed the restrictions inside, leisurely.

Gong Zhenren glanced at this scene with the corner of his eye and nodded secretly. He has a great reputation as a true scholar. It is really remarkable that Zhou Qing can rise up in such a short period of time and become the second among the top ten disciples of this year. .

There are a few of the top ten disciples who have not reached the Nascent Soul realm and have been to this Earth Fire Heaven Furnace, but no one is as relaxed as Zhou Qing.

Thinking of this, Master Gong deliberately walked slowly. Seeing that Zhou Qing was interested in the restrictions in the Heavenly Furnace, he casually talked about it.

Unknowingly, the two of them arrived at the deepest part of the Heavenly Furnace.

Nine hundred-foot-high platforms were built here. The bodies of the platforms were engraved with sparks, and they were arranged in different directions, faintly forming a strange array. Countless talismans floated on the platforms, pointing towards the invisible fire pit in the center.

This place goes straight to the earth's lungs, and streams of hot air are pouring out from it. You can see that this area is reflected in a fiery red. From a distance, it looks like a sea of ​​fire burning.

Under the guidance of Gong Zhenren, Zhou Qing went up to a high platform due to the north. His Dansha power circulated into his eyes, and he immediately saw that deep in the fire pit, there was an extremely huge flying palace with golden pillars and jade steps. , new doors with precious windows, layers of balconies, and flying pavilions. It is spacious and extraordinary, no less than a cave.

Once such a flying palace is completed, it will not only be able to easily survive many natural and earthly disasters when going out, but it will also not delay its own cultivation.

To a monk, the importance of such a flying palace is no less than that of a Taoist artifact. This cannot be overstated.

At this time, Zhou Qing heard the sound and looked around. He saw a monk on the high platform nearest to him. He had all the magic power on his body. He shook his hand and cast the magic formula. The big flag behind him rose up. Countless golden talismans poured out and scattered in the air, like the shadows of stars in the sky, which were magnificent.

Seeing this, the monk shouted again, and the clouds suddenly rose above the door, like an invisible big hand appearing out of thin air, holding the talismans, arranging and combining them to form a mysterious star map.

After the star map was complete, the monk took another step forward, roared, and shook all the arranged talismans, like lightning, into the depths of the fire pit and fell into the flying palace inside.

The next moment, Zhou Qing saw a corner of the Fei Palace below suddenly light up, like a hanging treasure lantern. The thin light spread out, dyeing the area and giving it a new change.

Even though they were far apart, Zhou Qing could still notice that the area in Fei Palace didn't look big, but countless lights were flowing. Faintly, you can see flying pavilions, new windows, utensils, jade, flying rocks, and all kinds of things.

If you look closely, you will see that in that area, there are eight wide open windows, with carved railings facing each other on the left and right. On the railings, there are star patterns falling, falling from time to time, falling to the ground, and the halo disperses. There are different patterns inside, some are reading a long scroll of calligraphy and painting; some are slightly leaning to the side, wearing cassocks and holding jade Ruyi; There is also a crane standing on a branch with one leg, its face raised, and making a clear crane chirp.

There is a palace in a small place with rows of windows. There are trees under the windows and stones under the trees. In this small square inch, it feels like the universe.

"This is?"

When Zhou Qing looked again, the scene in front of him had disappeared.

"Master Zhou." Seeing this, Gong Zhenren smiled and explained: "The Xuanling Zhenyang Flying Palace you want is thousands of feet long and needs to be polished. It seems to be only one foot big, but there are thousands of After the talisman is inserted into the Fei Palace and integrated into it according to the rules, it will have the power of heaven and earth."

When Gong Zhenren said this, he paused and said: "This kind of small thing is huge. It looks similar to the miniature sculptures in the world, but it is more difficult than imagined."

"Even in the Alchemy Cauldron, there are not many people who can do this. Because such an arrangement not only requires an extremely profound knowledge of the Talisman Formation itself, but also requires cultivation at the Nascent Soul realm."

"Nascent Soul Cultivation." Zhou Qing thought about what he had just seen, which was like the Nuclear Boat Chronicle. Then he looked at the big pit below. Lines of fire came up from inside and kept hitting the flying palace. , the flames were blazing, and he said: "But do you want to control the energy of the earth fire?"


Gong Zhenren nodded vigorously. Even if there were restrictions and restraints arranged by Dongzhenren, the fire would burn very fiercely. Ordinary monks could not control the heat at all. That is, only the Yuanying monks have such power.

"It's not easy."

Zhou Qing looked down, with light surging in his eyes. It was only a Shangxuan sect like Zhenyi Sect that could gather together such a monk who knew both the formation talismans and the Nascent Soul realm to refine Feigong.

In ordinary Xuanmen, if a monk like this appears, he usually reaches a high position and will not be able to do such a job.

"There are three now."

Zhou Qing glanced around and found that only three of the nine high platforms were lit up. Circles of talismans stirred, golden flowers fell, silver flames were raised high, and golden bells and fish drums rang.

He was just about to speak when, from the corner of his eye, he happened to catch a glimpse of a monk rushing over. His face looked quite old, but the clouds rising and falling above the door showed that he was also a Nascent Soul monk.

After the monk arrived, he went straight to a high platform. After getting up, a few star arrows shot out in all directions.

Seeing Zhou Qing's eyes falling on the newly lit cloud platform, Gong Zhenren's eyes flashed and said: "Island Master Zhou, since you are in urgent need of this flying palace, I will transfer someone from other places. The four of them will work together. We will catch up as much as possible.”

In Zhou Qing's opinion, it was normal for four people to arrange his Xuanling Zhenyang Fei Palace. However, since the Master Gong in front of him said so, he just expressed his gratitude.

"I have something to do, so I'll leave for a while."

Gong Zhenren called a Taoist boy and asked him to accompany Zhou Qing on the stage. He said a few more words and left.

Zhou Qing watched the other party leave. When his back disappeared, he withdrew his gaze and continued to look at Feigong below.

Driven by the efforts of the four Nascent Soul Masters, as time went by, more and more ground fires emerged from the deep pit below, turning the surrounding area into a bright red color. At a glance, it seemed that There were flowing flames rushing into the eyes, followed by mysterious sounds, and I felt the powerful power starting to revive and grow below.

Moreover, the louder the mysterious sound coming from Fei Palace, the scale of Fei Palace is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, from the original thousand feet to eight hundred feet.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing was not surprised but happy.

According to his understanding, for flying treasures at the level of Zhenyang Flying Palace, the more complete the prohibition array arranged inside them and the more intense the tempering, the greater the size of the changes can be carried out. In the end, once successful, the thousand-foot flying palace can be transformed into the size of a bead and put into the monk's body.

Not to mention anything else, a thousand-foot-long flying palace can be transformed into the size of a bead. With just one hand, the transformation of space and the ability to achieve the desired size can make people's scalp numb.

In fact, for a flying magic weapon like Zhenyang Feigong, the sect first collects many precious materials and spends a lot of manpower and material resources to create the skeleton. Then Dongzhen people personally take action to temper it into shape. In the end, the elixir is put into it. In the earth-fire sky furnace of Dingyuan, it is quenched by the sky furnace, and then the forbidden magic circle is arranged, and so on, it is carefully crafted.

There are countless geniuses in Zhenyi Sect, and only those who become the top ten disciples are qualified to obtain a flying palace of this level, which shows how precious it is.

"Wait a minute."

Zhou Qing stood on the high platform, his mind lost, and he wandered in the fire pit below. Of course, he would not interfere with the other four Nascent Soul monks from the Alchemy Academy to arrange the forbidden array on the Zhenyang Fei Palace, but would carefully observe and comprehend. The reason.

The Talisman Restriction Array is also a profound enough knowledge in the world of cultivation, containing the principles of heaven and earth. In this area, if you don’t have enough talent, it’s easy to learn but hard to master, and it’s easy to waste time.

Zhou Qing was originally a fellow practitioner of the Three Methods, and his schedule was already full, so he didn't have much pursuit of the Forbidden Talisman Array. But now there is a good opportunity. He has nothing else to do and just wants to study.

For monks, it is good to learn more if they can. After all, in the long years of cultivation, no one can predict how many disasters they will encounter. Sometimes, learning more and knowing more can save lives.


Zhou Qing's behavior was quickly noticed by the four Nascent Soul Masters who were offering sacrifices to Lianfei Palace. They watched Zhou Qing's divine will sweep back and forth in the earthly fire, like a suspended mirror, and their hearts were filled with confusion. shock.

Because even Nascent Soul cultivators like them felt a burning sensation when facing the earthly fire coming out from below, and had to be careful. But now, a monk who is in the realm of harmony can walk through fire like this. His spiritual consciousness is so powerful that it is unbelievable.

It can only be said that the top ten disciples in the sect are indeed first-class geniuses, and the owner of the flying palace they built before them has risen to the second place as a new top ten disciple, and is even more of a genius among geniuses.

Thinking that Zhou Qing had been watching, the four Yuanying monks also cheered up and went all out to arrange the forbidden array on the Fei Palace in the best possible condition, striving to satisfy Zhou Qing.

Although monks like them also have Nascent Soul cultivation and are proficient in talisman formations, they are quite old and do not have much future in the sect.

And once Zhou Qing is like this, there is great hope that he can serve as the chief of the top ten disciples for several times, and even the peerless genius who is expected to be able to remember them as a favor. No matter whether they are reincarnated in the future, it will be very helpful to take care of the younger generations of the clan. .

Zhou Qing's spiritual consciousness is so sharp that he immediately noticed this subtle change. The power coming down from the four high platforms focused on the talismans becoming more and more detailed. As soon as his thoughts changed, he understood. Then his spiritual consciousness was shocked, and rays of light bloomed. Indicates that he will receive a favor.

Let's talk about Gong Zhenren, the powerful elder of the Alchemy Academy. After leaving the Earth Fire Heaven Furnace here, he walked back leisurely.

As soon as he returned to his residence, he saw a beautiful maid serving him at the door, walking back and forth with an anxious look on her face.

Seeing Master Gong back, the maid breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly came over and whispered: "Master, that Master Meng inside..."

Standing at the door, Gong Zhenren had already sensed a powerful energy inside, but it looked menacing, as if he had come to ask questions.

So he didn't wait for the maid to finish speaking, waved his hand and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Meng is here. It's okay. You can go down first."

Seeing the calm smile on his face, the little maid immediately felt at ease. She bowed to him, stepped aside, and served him carefully.

Gong Zhenren straightened his clothes and Shi Shiran went in. He saw a middle-aged monk with long eyebrows sitting inside. He had very thin cheeks and deep eye sockets. He had a sullen face and said nothing. He looked really serious. There is a cold color.

After taking a look, Gong Zhenren sat down with a smile on his face, looked at the other person, and said: "What kind of wind blew Brother Meng here? In such a hurry, I thought something big happened."

His voice was calm, but there was a hint of questioning in his tone.

The other party rushed in like this, without saying hello, and scared his maids to death. What was he going to do?

"Fellow Daoist Gong." The middle-aged monk sat on it and stared at Gong Zhenren, the powerful elder of the Alchemy Academy. He looked coldly and said directly, "Why did you give the formation to Zuo Yun Zhenyang Feigong?" The law monk was transferred?"

"As soon as he left, Zuo Yun Zhenyang's flying palace process slowed down greatly. When will it be completed?"

Speaking of this, Meng Shuyu, a Nascent Soul monk from the Zuoqiu Meng clan, was also furious. The Zuoqiu Meng clan had given a lot of benefits to the guy named Gong in front of him, and even asked him to come here and take charge personally. , is to make Zuo Yun Zhenyang Feigong deliver it as soon as possible.

What was this saying when someone was suddenly taken away from someone who was doing well at first?

Regarding the other party's inquiry, Gong Zhenren knew what he was asking. He sat firmly and replied: "This time there are four newly promoted top ten disciples, and three of them have upgraded the Zhen Yang Fei Palace. Originally, the ones in the courtyard There are not enough manpower, so we have to cooperate with each other.”

"Fellow Daoist Meng, if I hadn't made special arrangements, the progress of your Zuoyun Zhenyang Fei Palace would not have been so fast."

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