Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 493: Meeting the Prodigy Again, Two Doors Completed

Seeing the expression of Taoist surnamed Zhang, Fairy Xuanling turned her eyes and made some guess. The fragrance behind her was like a flying star, falling to the left and right, and there was a sound of gold and jade hitting each other during the swaying. It was clear and beautiful, and she said: "Senior Brother Zhang, Thinking of Zhou Qing?"

"That's right." Regarding this, Taoist surnamed Zhang has nothing to deny. This Dongzhen man who has lived in Yushu Star Palace for a long time raised his head slightly, and it happened to be reflected on the dome, with the nebula spread out and the stars in the sky painted on it. Changes demonstrate the movement of the universe. I couldn't help but comment and said: "It is indeed an outstanding talent, and it will be crowned for a while."

Although the tone was condescending, considering his status, speaking like this was a great reward for a junior in the sect like Zhou Qing who had not yet condensed his Nascent Soul.

After hearing this, Fairy Xuanling raised her thin eyebrows imperceptibly.

They are both among the top ten disciples of this generation, but listening to the words of the one in front of them, Wu So-called, a junior in his clan, and Zhou Qing's status in each other's hearts are not at the same level at all.

In fact, it is not that his junior Wu is not living up to expectations and not working hard, it is actually because the Luochuan Zhou family's Zhou Qing's soaring momentum is too shocking!

After pondering for a while, Fairy Xuanling's top door was filled with haze, bright and bright, complementing each other. She nodded slightly and seemed to agree, saying: "Zhou Qing is indeed talented, sharp and enterprising. There is a successor to the Zhou family in Luochuan, which is enviable. ”

It's a sign of praise, but it's actually a sign of evil.

In the Zhenyi Sect, the Zhou family of Luochuan has a profound foundation due to the ancestor of the Zhou family, and is one of the best among all the families. Over the past thousand years, the Zhou family in Luochuan has been in a state of insecurity. On the one hand, it is true that ups and downs have their own rules, and ups and downs are common sense. On the other hand, it is true that the sect is secretly suppressing it to prevent the family from becoming too powerful and affecting the overall situation of the sect.

Now that Zhou Qing has risen and single-handedly reversed a thousand-year decline, the Zhou family in Luochuan is about to revive again. What do the higher-ups in the sect think?

Taoist Zhang, who was such a person, naturally heard the little provocation from Xuanling Fairy's words. He smiled on his handsome face and didn't care.

If there had been such a change in the Luochuan Zhou family in the past, maybe the middle and high-level leaders of the sect really took action, but now the master brother is trying to wash away the previous decline and sweep across all directions. He must have a sharp and enterprising force and unite everyone.

In the current sect, the situation is turbulent, and talented people are emerging, opening roads in the mountains and building bridges in the water.

Geniuses, the more the merrier!

After thinking about it, Taoist surnamed Zhang shook the jade in his hand, and a line of pure air rose up, like a startling rainbow, penetrating the sky. There were twelve lines in total, reflecting an area, and then he moved to another topic and said: "The door Zhou Qing is not the only genius among them. Before the fairy came, I happened to see that a junior from the middle school entered an air realm from here by chance. "

When Fairy Xuanling heard this, she was startled, and then she realized. In her excitement, the fragrance behind her continued to fall like clouds in the stream, and accumulated on the ground, accumulating a thick layer, making her hair shine. His voice fluctuated, and he said: "Entered the Qi Realm in Yushu Star Palace?"

"Indeed." Taoist Zhang was not surprised by her surprise. He looked towards the void and seemed to see colorful, swirling and swirling objects on the portal of the void. Even from a distance, I could sense a unique temperament, and said: "I have been in the palace for a long time, and this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes. I have only seen such things in classics before."

Fairy Xuanling didn't speak for a while, but the clouds on the top of the door were dyed with a layer of lush green, like mountain-colored bamboo shadows, making her expression seem to be fluctuating.

It would have been an earth-shattering event for a younger generation of disciples in the sect to be allowed to practice in the Yushu Star Palace, and this disciple had a great opportunity and entered the surrounding area of ​​the Yushu Star Palace. In the Qi Realm, that was even more shocking.

Such great blessings and great luck are, in some respects, more enviable than peerless talent.

"Who is it?"

Fairy Xuanling couldn't help but become curious. It is said that the leaders of the younger generation like Jing Beixuan have never practiced in Yushu Star Palace. Who is this lucky person now?

"The master's arrangement."

The orb falling from Taoist Zhang's side shone with light, reflecting his eyes. He spoke calmly, indicating that he had not intervened in this matter. He only praised and said: "Nowadays, there is a strong wind in the sect, and talents are emerging in large numbers. …”

Over the past few hundred years, geniuses have appeared in all major families, as well as in ordinary humble families, and their power has become more and more prosperous. Because of this, the headmaster had the confidence to rebuke Fang Qiu and rebuild the country.

Fairy Xuanling originally planned to sit for a while and leave, but now she wants to stay a little longer.

In the sky, there is a quiet water.

Zhou Qing sat motionless. Around him, 365 eclipse cold water stars were suspended in the air. Each one was like a dark blue star, glowing with a kind of coldness from the Cambrian era, and they were slowly rotating.

From time to time, strange fish would jump out of the water and bite Zhou Qing, but before they could reach it, they would be frozen by the cold water, and then turn into pure sunflower water essence and blend into the beads.

Zhou Qing seemed to turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear to everything in the outside world. He ran the "Ziqing Gaosheng Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Diagram", and the power of the elixir in his body had turned into the deep water of the deep water, flowing, and the sound coming out seemed to come from Under the vast water, there is a kind of eternity after death.

When the power of Dansha reached its peak, a sound was heard from the dark, and then a layer of black color rose from the body and the immortal bone, condensing into a deep and mysterious state. In the silence, a natural sound was made, and the sound was indescribable. There was a majestic atmosphere that controlled all the water.

After absorbing enough innate sunflower water essence, Zhou Qing's Biyou Palace real skill "Ziqing Gaosheng Yuanhuang Hualongtu" also broke through the perfect level of Hepo and promoted to another realm, and then drew out three points of the power in the water immortal bone, resulting in this strange phenomenon.

In this way, both gold and water were completed, leaving only the last wood vitality.

At this time, the jade tripod of Lianzhen flew up and stood in the air. In the bronze color, Yuan Qinghua spoke and said, "There is something strange in the place where the wood element is located. Be careful."

When Zhou Qing heard this, his face was slightly solemn. This was the first time that Yuan Qinghua, the spirit of the real instrument, reminded him after entering the boundary space. It seems that the land of wood is probably different from the land of gold and water that he had experienced.

However, Zhou Qing did not intend to retreat. He had to absorb enough wood element energy to be truly perfect. What's more, compared with when he just entered the boundary space, his foundation and strength have made a great leap.

Taking out the geomancy map again, determining the direction, Zhou Qing flew to the land of wood with a beam of light.

After an unknown period of time, a lush green color appeared in front. When he got closer, he could see a giant tree taller than the palace. The vines on it continued to extend and surrounded the sky. As for the ground, bushes and weeds grew taller than people, and the patterns on them were mottled like swords, growing wildly.

Even from a distance, one could smell the overwhelming rich woody smell, like a green tide, coming in waves.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing stopped, and the mysterious skill "Miaoqing Canhe Gong" in his body was running, and his life-saving magic weapon, the Dragon-Escape Pillar, was in the middle to coordinate. In an instant, a stream of green grass and woody smell visible to the naked eye was directly attracted, although it was as thin as a gossamer, but each strand was pure.

At this moment, Zhou Qing immediately felt that the woody smell in the air seemed to be purer than the kind of vitality that was free in the land of gold and water.

Yuan Qinghua also stood up from the Lianzhen Jade Cauldron. She looked at the endless green world. Her delicate jade face was reflected with the color of grass and trees. She looked like a beautiful wooden man. She said, "In this world we entered, although the original power evolved into the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, it was not evenly distributed, but the wood element had the upper hand."

"The wood element had the upper hand."

When Zhou Qing heard this, he was happy and surprised. He was happy that this would be better for practicing the "Miaoqing Canhe Gong", but he was surprised that this place must be more dangerous than the two places he had experienced.

After calming down, Zhou Qing discussed a few words with Yuan Qinghua, the spirit of the Lianzhen Jade Cauldron, and stepped in.

The deeper you go, the darker the wood color becomes. There are branches and leaves hanging down everywhere. The surroundings are all green. The color is so deep that it has formed water vapor, just like a green rain, dripping. Being in it, even the external consciousness became hazy. The further you go, the darker the green color becomes. The green rain gradually becomes heavier, hitting the body, the sound of it is chilling.

After walking for a while, Zhou Qing's eyes flashed with a strange color, and he secretly communicated with Yuan Qinghua, saying: "It seems that something is staring at me, and I feel like I'm being watched."

"It must be that the wood element's vitality has derived a powerful guy." Yuan Qinghua turned her eyes and looked around. Her true essence was difficult to wear out, but now she had to worry about Zhou Qing's safety, and reminded: "Collect the wood essence you need as soon as possible, and then we will leave."


Zhou Qing took a deep breath. Although the free wood element's energy around him was already very pure, it was still a little short of what he needed for cultivation. He had to absorb the kind of thing that had already produced spirituality and could be transformed into a wood element spiritual object.

There was no road in this area. Zhou Qing turned left and right. Suddenly, he felt a sense of danger in his consciousness, and he immediately stopped.

The next moment, the air roots hanging around seemed to come alive, turning into giant green snakes with bared fangs and claws, rushing towards Zhou Qing, and many even spit out wooden arrows from their mouths, which were very sharp.

From a distance, it seemed as if countless giant green snakes surrounded Zhou Qing in the center, trying to drown and devour him.


Seeing this situation, Zhou Qing did not hesitate and immediately used his magical power, the Flying Golden Emperor White Wheel. The huge Emperor White Wheel supported the sky, and its sharpness was unmatched. Countless sword lights kept flying out, containing the aura of killing, and each one killed the giant green snakes that rushed over.

The current Flying Golden Emperor White Wheel was so powerful that it was no less powerful than the magical power of ordinary Yuanying cultivators. With the addition of Jin Kemu, one giant green snake after another was cut by the sword energy, and the sky was full of green snake blood, which was green and glittering, and exuded the powerful essence of green wood.

Taking this opportunity, Zhou Qing immediately used his life-saving magic weapon, the Dragon-Escape Pillar, and drew it into his body to practice with the Miaoqing Canhe Gong.

Seeing Zhou Qing using gold to overcome wood, Yuan Qinghua, the spirit of the Refining Jade Cauldron, nodded secretly.

Whether in the land of gold or water, Zhou Qing was at ease, so he only used the gold-based Xuan Gong to deal with gold-based spiritual creatures, and the water-based Xuan Gong to deal with water-based spiritual creatures, which could not only sharpen the Xuan Gong supernatural power to the greatest extent, but also ensure the purity of the vitality of that area.

In this wood-based land, there was obviously some danger, so Zhou Qing was no longer bound to use the wood-based method to deal with wood-based spiritual creatures.

Knowing yourself and your enemy, you can feel more assured.


When Zhou Qing absorbed the essence of the wood, a strange look appeared on his face. The essence of the wood snake was pure, but why was the amount so small?

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. After Zhou Qing told Yuan Qinghua about this, the other party made a guess that made him feel very reasonable.

Before the two continued to communicate, there were waves of earth-shaking sounds in the distance, and a group of green figures appeared. Most of these figures were two or three feet tall, rushing over one by one, gathering into a green army.

"Wooden man."

Zhou Qing saw it clearly. His eyes flashed, and the wooden men who rushed over had already arrived in front of him. They were surprisingly flexible and attacked from all directions.

The tallest wooden man came first. He roared, opened his mouth and spit out a wooden gas bomb, smashing it towards Zhou Qing, and then waved his hands, just like a wooden fork, stabbing Zhou Qing's eyes, fast and fierce.

Some of the other wooden figures didn't have any wood energy bombs, but they could spit out wooden needles as thin as cow hair from their mouths. Some of them stabbed at the weak parts of Zhou Qing's body like the first wooden figure, and some of them directly hit him.

Move after move, style after style, and power that surpassed magic and was close to supernatural powers surrounded Zhou Qing, making it impossible for Zhou Qing to escape, and he could only fight head-on.

Compared with the spiritual creatures encountered in the land of gold and water, these wooden figures had a method in their actions. Their thinking had overwhelmed their instincts and could exert the strongest lethality.

"It's tough enough."

Zhou Qing didn't show off. She communicated with Yuan Qinghua. She turned around and entered the Lianzhen Jade Cauldron. This real artifact immediately flew over and stood in the air. Large pieces of bronze treasure light flew out and hit the wooden figure that rushed over.

As soon as the real weapon came out, it worked immediately. The wood texture on the wooden man's body had a colorful look, which caused the wood energy in their bodies to conflict, naturally hindering their progress, and immediately freed Zhou Qing's hands to perform the Flying Golden Emperor White Wheel. Sword energy flew up and killed the wooden man.

Yuan Qinghua cooperated with Zhou Qing to kill the wooden man while conveying a message to him, saying: "The nature of the wood spirits in this wood land is beyond the other two places."

For the same thing, she had to use more strength than the previous two places.

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