Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 5: Dragon Transformation Diagram

The next moment, a very clear crane cry came from afar. All around, metal and iron clashed, and the invisible sound wheels collided, spreading continuously under the sunlight.

Zhou Luoyun was startled, and after a moment of hesitation, he stopped and turned to go outside.

He saw that at some point, a large piece of white cloud was torn apart in the sky above him, rolled down, and hung upside down like a funnel. A big crane poked out of the hole.

The big crane flew amazingly. In the blink of an eye, it was over the manor, then circled for a while, called once or twice, and finally landed steadily on the welcoming stone.

After the big crane landed, it stood upright, with an iron beak and high claws, feathers of pale gold, and wings spread nearly two meters. At a glance, it can be judged that it is probably raised with secret methods. Not only can it tear lions and tigers alive, but even ordinary monks who have entered the Tao can't resist it.

However, even though the crane was extremely majestic, it could not hide the domineering attitude of the woman who gracefully descended from its back.

"Zhou Luoyun."

The woman stood in front of the crane and saw the boy walking out of the living room. She spoke in a cold voice.

Zhou Luoyun looked up and down. After not seeing her for a while, Zhou Chengyao looked even more beautiful in a crimson dress. However, her pair of phoenix eyebrows were slightly upturned at this time, and they were three points sharper than before.

Zhou Luoyun first asked the maid to take Guan Ping away who came out with her, then smiled, stepped forward to say hello, and said, "Eleventh Sister."

Zhou Chengyao was tall and had long legs like a crane. She took a half step forward, giving people a sense of mountain collapse and full of oppression. She didn't say hello, but directly said, "I was ordered by my master to go out. I passed by my house and just happened to pass on a message to you."

"What I told you last time is completely settled and will not be changed. You must seize this opportunity."

Zhou Luoyun reached out to take the jade book handed over by Zhou Chengyao. After opening it, he found that the tiny words on the inner page were delicate and beautiful, recording the names of the sects and leaders who would come to the Jingchen Dharma Assembly next year.

He looked at the inner page of the jade book and knew that it was written by the girl in front of him. It must have taken a lot of effort, so he thanked her solemnly: "Thank you, Eleventh Sister."

"You are lucky. I didn't encounter so many sects coming to pick people back then." Zhou Chengyao thought of the past, her body swayed slightly, and the rings on her skirt collided with each other, making a sound, containing a trace of coldness. She looked at Zhou Luoyun who was full of confidence on the opposite side and said: "Don't let me and others down."

The girl said here, no more words, just gathered her skirt, got on the big crane again, and then soared into the sky, and soon disappeared.

Zhou Luoyun stood in the same place. There were pine trees planted in the yard. The thick pine color was blown by the wind, mixed with the sparse frost color of yesterday, and leaned on him together, spreading deep green.

He stood for a while, took a deep breath, opened the jade book in his hand, and his eyes fell on the row of sect names on the top of the inner page, feeling excited.

In the past, most of the sects on the Jade Book were middle Xuanmen, such as Laojun Temple, Lingguan Sect, and Fenghuangtai. Zhou Chengyao, who just left, entered Fenghuangtai and is now an inner disciple of Fenghuangtai.

There is an upper Xuanmen, which means great fortune from heaven.

This time, there are three upper Xuanmen on the Jade Book: Taibai Sword Sect, Doumu Palace, and Zhenyi Sect.

Xuanmen is divided into upper, middle, and lower. Each upper Xuanmen is guarded by a great master who has cultivated to immortality, and the foundation is unfathomable.

It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Entering the upper Xuanmen will give you more opportunities to seek immortality in the future.

For the young children of Hengnan Zhou, such an opportunity is rare in a century. It is not an exaggeration.

Zhou Luoyun stared at the three upper Xuanmen on the Jade Book, and his smile faded a little bit. Just like the news he had received before, it was said that there were three upper Xuanmen, but his choices were still limited.

Doumu Palace is a veritable upper Xuan sect, but most of the sect members are female practitioners. Since the sect was established, few men have been able to cultivate to the level of immortality in the sect.

In terms of strength, Taibai Sword Sect is still above Doumu Palace, and even among all the upper Xuan sects, it is one of the best and absolutely powerful. However, the skills of this sect are very demanding for its disciples, and only those who bear the sword bone can receive the true teachings.

"Zhenyi Sect."

Zhou Luoyun landed on the last upper Xuan sect on the jade book. Although this sect had a major turmoil a hundred years ago, and many high-level members of the sect fell, it is now slowly recovering its vitality and is still at the level of a stable upper Xuan sect.

Just like the judgment when I first got the news, joining Zhenyi Sect is the best choice.

But to ensure that you are selected by this upper Xuan sect, you must not only be outstanding yourself, but also eliminate any other off-site factors that may affect you.

"Zhou Qing."

Zhou Luoyun's eyes were as cold as ice and snow. He had heard that Zhou Chen, the leader of Zhenyi Sect, mentioned Zhou Qing during a casual chat. He seemed to be interested?

For this kind of variable, the best way is to eliminate the variable in advance and prevent Zhou Qing from having the opportunity to participate in the selection meeting next year.

In fact, when he first received the message, he had a plan to go with the flow, but Guan Ping was ineffective and failed.

Now Zhou Qing's inner cultivation is perfect, and it is just around the corner to enter Tongmai. Although it is still a long way from the standard for participating in the selection meeting, he cannot be careless.

Fortunately, as long as Zhou Qing is in the clan, he has a way to make his cultivation difficult!

In a quiet room in the mansion, there is only a wooden couch, facing a jade table with a treasure bottle and Ruyi. The window on the east side is open, the sun is just right, and the faint golden arc jumps, one after another, clusters of new.

Zhou Qing was wearing a green robe and sitting on the couch. In front of him was a double-eared porcelain bottle and a handwritten Taoist book.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the internal qi in his body was flowing endlessly. His forehead was as smooth as jade, and there was a faint starlight.

Since returning from the Sutra Library, he has been practicing Qi day and night. Now his internal Qi is condensed and heavy, and his internal training is complete. He has found an opportunity for a breakthrough.

What he needs to do now is to select a required exercise.

Although Zhou Qing took the "Xiao Tianxing Jue" from the Sutra Library, it was just a cover. After returning, he put it aside. He glanced at the Taoist book on the couch and stretched out his hand to open it. The densely packed words on the clear and wavy pages, combined together, are like a dragon hidden in the abyss.

An inexplicable light flashed across Zhou Qing's face. Although he took a wrong path in his previous life and entered the officialdom, he also had many opportunities in his life.

When he was working in the capital city, the people below him had jointly presented a very old and strange sea beast statue to please him. Later, he discovered through the Creation Green Pool that a volume of Taoist books was hidden in the belly of the sea beast statue.

The Taoist book is divided into two volumes, the upper volume tells the way to enter the Tao, and the lower volume is the wonder of refining Qi.

The name of the Taoist book is "Yuanhuang Hualongtu", which has a great origin. It is the orthodox practice method of the super sect Biyou Palace in the East China Sea.

Although Biyou Palace has long disappeared, it was the Shangxuan Sect that dominated the islands of the East China Sea in its heyday.

The "three skills and six methods" of this sect have an all-encompassing attitude, and the orthodox methods are unique and magnificent.

Especially in the realm of entering the Tao and the realm of refining Qi, the foundation laid is deep and the changes are strange. There are few other skills that can compare with it, and it has a reputation of being unique in the world.

Until now, Zhou Qing still remembers his admiration and regret for getting the secret method "Yuanhuang Yuanhuang Hualongtu" of Biyou Palace in his previous life.

What I admired was that "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" was really exquisite and opened up a new path. Compared with such brilliance, the cultivation methods I had seen before were all broken copper and rotten iron. It was a pity that I got "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" too late, and I could no longer practice this method.

But no one thought that living another life would just make up for this regret!

What's more, if I want to lead the crowd and control the family in the future, I have to strive for excellence in every step of the way of cultivation.

That's why Zhou Qing made a decision after the inner cultivation was perfect. He threw away other methods and chose the real skills of this Biyou Palace.

Zhou Qing flipped through the book of skills that he copied from his memory and kept pondering.

Compared with general skills, "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" is difficult to practice and does not follow the ordinary path, but once it is successfully practiced, there will be incredible changes in all realms.

The top entry and Qi refining methods are by no means in vain.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhou Qing put down the Taoist book, took a deep breath, and began to practice the method recorded in "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" to impact the meridians.

In a flash, the internal energy was mobilized and moved slowly along the trajectory in the meridians. Wherever it went, it carefully cleared the blockages in the meridians.

The process of practicing the meridians is nothing more than moving the qi to the place where it goes, coordinating the acupoints, corresponding the breathing, and circulating the meridians, so that the meridians in the body are as suitable as possible for practice.

After all, the blockage of the original meridians in the human body is a heavy shackle for practice, hindering the circulation of the internal energy.

From internal practice to the breakthrough of meridians, the blocked meridians are initially opened, laying the foundation for the real practice of meridians.

This step of breakthrough includes how to identify the meridians, how to clear the blockages without hurting the meridians, and how to outline the basic meridian network. There are thousands of threads and no room for mistakes.

There are many meridians involved in "Yuanhuang Hualongtu". Even though Zhou Qing has the experience of cultivation in the previous life, he can only proceed step by step at this time, controlling the internal energy to move forward along the trajectory indicated by the Dao Jue.

Every step forward, a blocked meridian is opened up, and indescribable vitality surges out, cheering and jumping for joy.

There is a feeling that it seems that the body was originally dark, but now it is lighting up little by little as the blocked meridians are opened up, and it is slowly advancing.

It seems that a entrenched dragon is sticking out of the abyss and is about to fly into the sky.

In this process, Zhou Qing did not forget to open the double-eared porcelain bottle, take out the Earth Source Pill, swallow it into his mouth, guide the dissolved medicinal power, and neutralize the waste gas and miscellaneous gas produced by opening the blockage in the meridians.

At this time, suddenly, Zhou Qing felt a needle-piercing feeling on his brow. Once the needle-piercing feeling came out, the internal energy that was originally running in the meridians became slow.

There is no doubt that this is a sign that the divine will is being rapidly consumed.

After all, the meridians involved in "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" are too complicated. When practicing qi, one must concentrate, which consumes the mind far more than ordinary Taoist methods can compare.

In fact, in Biyou Palace, disciples who practice "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" not only have high requirements for themselves, but also generally need the protection of the elders in the sect.

Most importantly, "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" has a secret medicine that matches it to reconcile the true work.

Compared with the earth source pill that can be used by any cultivator to break through the meridians, the secret medicine is only used to reconcile the true work that matches it. It seems to have a narrow use, but it is actually more rare and precious.

The top cultivation method in Shangxuanmen has never been just a volume of Taoist books, and the secret medicine is crucial.

Shangxuanmen rarely leaks its skills, except that the sect strictly pursues the leakage of the true treasure scriptures and punishes them severely, so that people dare not cross the line.

A very important reason is that if there is no secret medicine related to the exercises, even if someone obtains the exercises and practices them, seven out of ten times they will go astray.

As for secret medicine, the sect holds it very tightly. Not only are the formulas only known to a few high-ranking officials, but the main ingredients used to make secret medicine are usually unique to the sect and cannot be found outside. Not to mention, most secret medicines can only be preserved for a few months to a few years. Over time, the secret medicine will lose its effect.

Only in a super-superior sect like the Biyou Palace, which suffered a catastrophe and fell apart, would the sect's true skills be lost outside, allowing people like Zhou Qing to obtain them by chance.

But even so, it is difficult to find secret medicine.

However, Zhou Qing knew this long ago, and he had his own unique method.

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