When they arrived at the main hall in front of the Water Mansion, they climbed up five steps to a coral throne. The River God sat down firmly, then looked down at the field from a high position.

The Luanshiwan Water Palace is booming, and the entire hall has also changed, becoming more and more empty. Only a few pillars support the dome, leaving a large area of ​​​​blue sky, with water vapor constantly falling down, condensing like a ceiling, and swaying.

There was a deep tranquility that had never existed before, quietly emerging.

Seeing this, the River God was extremely ambitious. After he integrated the main river and the five tributaries, Luanshiwan Water Palace would definitely become the most famous water palace in the Jing River.

"Your Majesty." Lao Gui came over, bowed his head and said, "Everyone is here, the meeting can begin."

The River God nodded and was about to speak when suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, which was very harsh.


When the River God heard this, a look of anger appeared on his face, which cast a cold color on the divine light around him, making people frightened.

"Go out and see what's going on." Seeing this, Old Turtle immediately sent a smart little girl next to him to take a look outside the palace.

Luanshiwan Water Mansion is currently establishing rules to emphasize the importance of superiority and inferiority, but there is so much noise before this meeting. How can we prevent the Lord from thundering into rage?

But before Xiaobei Nu took action, she heard the noise outside the hall getting louder and louder, and then an astonishing Qi energy burst out from far to near, causing the water Qi energy around to be dyed with a layer of icy blue, containing a layer of ice blue. A bone-chilling chill.

"General Black Snake."

"You can't come in until I tell you."

"Stop him..."

Amid the commotion, as soon as the palace door opened, Old Turtle saw General Black Snake, who was supposed to be in the Yellow Sand River, walking slowly over. The sailors and generals guarding the entrance of the main hall wanted to stop him, but with a slight flick from him, they turned into gourds rolling on the ground and kept screaming.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"have no idea……"

The demon generals from the main river and tributaries of Luanshi Bay who came to attend the meeting were stunned and couldn't help but start talking.

This is why the water house has gradually become more orderly recently. They have begun to understand the rules and abide by the system. If they had waited until now, they would have jumped up to watch the fun.

But even so, someone broke into the hall and someone whispered in the hall, which suddenly made the original solemnity of the hall become messy.

The old turtle sensed the rising anger on the master on the coral throne, and had to stand up. He waved his hand first so that the sailors guarding the hall did not have to stop him. Then with a smile on his face, he rushed to the Black Snake General who broke in and said : "General Black Snake, I don't know when you came back from Huangsha River? Why didn't you notify me?"

Zhou Qing came to the hall and stood firm. He glanced at the river god who was sitting motionless on the coral throne and was as powerful as a mountain. Then he looked at the various demon generals with different expressions in the hall. Finally, he faced the high platform and said: "Shui Mansion With such a conference being held, I cannot be absent.”

Hearing the unconcealed accusation in Zhou Qing's words, Old Turtle chuckled and said, "Mainly considering that you, General Black Snake, need to sit in the Huangsha River and preside over the overall situation, I didn't alarm you."

After a pause, Lao Gui looked behind Zhou Qing again, the confusion on his face flashed away, and said, "Why don't you see the Jiaokou Shrimp General?"

Jiaokou Xi will be sent to the Huangsha River, nominally to help General Black Snake pacify the Huangsha River, but in fact he has the purpose of surveillance. General Black Snake suddenly returned to Shuifu from Huangsha River, and General Jiaokou Shrimp not only did not send any message, but now no one is seen, which is strange.

"Jiaokou Shrimp General," Zhou Qing thought. In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, there was more rain that created the green pond. He smiled and said: "A few days ago, he joined me to conquer the Cloud Whale King. What a pity. Yes, he was so eager to achieve great results that he accidentally died together with King Cloud Whale."

"What?" Old Turtle was shocked, his face was full of disbelief, this is impossible.

After all, King Cloud Whale has secretly surrendered to his lord, and General Jiaokou Shrimp is the lord's direct descendant. The two of them are on the same team, and there is no time to cooperate. How can they die together?

"What's so surprising about this?" Zhou Qing's eyes were full of amusement, and he said: "The Cloud Whale King is a remnant of the Huangsha River. He is stubborn against the Shui Mansion, and the Jiaokou Shrimp will be loyal to the River God. The two of them When we meet, we are at odds with each other.”

"They died together, but I saw it with my own eyes."

"This," Old Turtle knew clearly that Zhou Qing was talking nonsense, but he couldn't say anything at this time and could only turn his attention to the River God on the coral throne.

In the eyes of the River God, the golden flames danced and glowed brightly. He stared at Zhou Qing, the murderous intention in his body gradually rising, and said in a cold tone: "Black Snake, except for the Jiaokou Shrimp General, the hundred he brought with him Where’s the navy?”

Zhou Qing replied slowly: "Some of them also died in the battle with the Jiaokou shrimp, and some stayed in the Huangsha River to sort out the mess."

"Okay, very good."

The divine light on the door above the river god wavered, and he was extremely angry. However, when he saw the third lady winking at him, he still tried his best to suppress his anger.

The conference has been prepared for some time and is very important. We will discuss other matters after the conference is completed first.

So the River God took a deep breath, looked at Zhou Qing, and said, "Black snake, you will take your seat first."


Zhou Qing agreed, and ordered a shrimp soldier to bring him a seat, put him in front, and then sit down firmly.

The position is in the front, as if in front of the other generals, overwhelming them.

Seeing this, the other generals of the Water Palace looked around and said nothing. Because they could sense the undisguised coldness and strength of Zhou Qing's dragon-transforming true qi, and such power was not something they could compare to.

The River God looked at Zhou Qing deeply, took a deep breath, and said to the old turtle beside him: "Let's have a meeting."

"Yes, my lord."

The old turtle was well prepared. Seeing this, he stepped forward, cleared his throat, and began to recite the rules and regulations they had formulated.

Zhou Qing listened attentively for a while, and smiled in his heart. This River God was also a man of great talent and strategy. He had begun to check and balance the generals stationed in the main river and major tributaries, and strengthen the centralization of the Water Palace.

If this continues, the Water Palace or the River God will only become stronger and stronger, while the other Water Palace generals will be busy "working".


The generals of the various Water Palaces who came were not fools. Although they did not see it as clearly as Zhou Qing, they could also find that there were too many rules and regulations when it came to themselves, and they were very uncomfortable.

"Everyone." After the old turtle finished speaking, he looked at the audience with a smile on his face and said, "This is just a first draft. We will revise it later. Do you have any objections?"

He said the words "no objections" very slowly and with great emphasis. The meaning behind them can be imagined.

The generals of the various water palaces had objections, but when they looked up and saw the river god on the coral throne, they opened their mouths but did not speak in the end.

"If no one has any objections, then we will proceed to the second item of the meeting, reporting on their work." As soon as the old turtle finished this sentence, he heard a cold voice in the hall, saying, "I have an objection."

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