Zhou Qing is sitting on the cloud couch, above the top door, the true energy is rolling, like clouds, and further up, the water spirit is bundled into a line, slowly falling, and then spreading out in all directions, condensing like jade beads, glowing with brilliance.

At the same time, light emanated from the alchemy sea within his body, and when it reached the outside, it dyed the surroundings with a layer of darkness, like being dipped in dark color, and the bottom could not be seen.

As we got closer, we heard the sound of waves, which seemed to come from the deep sea. In the silence of the night, there was an ancient rhythm.

Zhou Qingduan couldn't sit still, and his consciousness was peeled off at this moment, hidden inside, and floating outside. Like looking at a mirror with the moon hanging over it, every detail of the inside of the body is revealed, and every detail is clearly visible.

In his induction, the Tao body was originally vast and misty, with no boundaries, but at this moment, the Dragon Transformation Qi came from all directions, pouring into it, gathering more and more, and blocking it under impossible circumstances. Full.

After it’s full, it’s time to squeeze, and then squeeze again.

When it is squeezed to the extreme, the places in the Dao body that were originally there are usually like dams, blocking them tightly, but at this time, because there is too much and too full of Hualong's true energy, the weak points are being washed away and swaying. .

"Where the orifice is."

Zhou Qing saw at a glance that there were many mysterious places in his Tao body, stretching and contracting, forming a strange arc of oppression. He immediately focused his consciousness and stared at it, and then focused on what he thought of. Qi, focus on impact.

Discovering the acupoints is the first step. The next step is to open the acupoints and send the true energy in.

So the Dragon Transformation Qi wave after wave continued to bombard the arc created by the pressure. Every time, there was the reverberation of the collision, like thunder.

Compared with the nine innate spiritual orifices that can swallow and swallow, such a spiritual orifice is easier to discover, but once discovered, it is a difficult problem to break through.

Especially for monks, the stronger the Taoist body, the more impregnable the barrier of the spiritual orifice, and the more difficult it is to open it.

There is no other way, just like a secular war, attacking a big city, the only way is to use the tactics of a sea of ​​​​people, at the expense of human lives. The Chongqiao test tests the amount of true energy in the monk's body, as well as the monk's own control of the true energy.

Zhou Qing is exceptionally calm. The dragon-transforming Qi he cultivated through the "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Diagram" is not just a matter of course. He is absolutely "good" at fighting through obstacles.

What's more, he has unique advantages.

After all, breaking through the barriers and breaking through the orifices, letting the true energy surge one after another, is also a huge drain on the body. It's been too long, and even though the energy is still there, the body can't hold it anymore.

But on the one hand, Zhou Qing's Sanluo Dao Physique is extraordinary and can withstand the impact. On the other hand, he has the Green Pond of Creation, which can continuously replenish the vitality needed by the Dao Physique.

Counting the time, it was not long before he reached the bottom of the water. Zhou Qing killed many water monsters, and they all turned into rain and existed in the green pond of creation. This way, it can grow much faster than daily natural growth.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a "bang", and like a dam bursting, the raging Dragon Transformation Qi rushed in along the opened gap and began to rotate inside.

Zhou Qing guided the Hualong Zhenqi to rotate in the newly opened acupoints to stabilize the apertures as described in the technique.

These spiritual orifices are different from the innate spiritual orifices. They are not innately round and have the meaning of perfection. Such orifices need to be established after the true energy is released.

Zhou Qing, who had experience in cultivation in his previous life, was very familiar with this. This time he opened eight orifices at once, and all of them were successfully fixed in an instant.

From the appearance point of view, the determined orifice is not as natural and flawless as the innate spiritual orifice, but it is absolutely impossible to be picky.

Zhou Qing exhaled a breath of turbid air and looked at the eight spiritual orifices he opened. The Dragon Transformation Qi that was originally too bulging to hold up found a gap and poured into it one after another. After a while, the original feeling of congestion disappeared. Instead there was an emptiness.

"The spiritual orifice has been opened."

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, and there was a thunderbolt everywhere, reflecting the faint joy on his face.

This means that he has broken through the first stage of Qi refining, the Ming Qi state, and has officially entered the second stage of entering the aperture state.

"Enter the body."

Zhou Qing felt the changes in his body after entering the orifice realm. Not only was the bottleneck of storing true energy broken, he could store more true energy in his body in the future, but his Sanluo Dao body was also improved.


Zhou Qing saw that the Dragon Transformation Qi in his body, a very small part of which passed through the eight newly opened acupoints, faintly seemed to have undergone a kind of refinement, becoming deeper and colder.

Zhou Qing's eyes were filled with brilliance.

From a certain perspective, the newly opened acupoints are like alchemy furnaces, which can refine and sublimate the true energy entering the furnace.

At the level of qi refining, true qi is very important. Once true qi is sublimated, it will bring about all-round improvement.

Zhou Qing took another look. The disadvantage now is that he only opened eight acupoints this time, and the speed at which he can absorb and refine the dragon's true energy is limited.

To truly fully refine the Dragon Transformation Qi and sublimate it, I'm afraid more acupoints need to be opened.

According to the "Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Picture", the real skill of Biyou Palace, if the skill is perfect, it can unlock the number of Zhou Tian.

If it really reaches that level, the Dragon Transformation Qi will be refined to an extremely terrifying level, and one can make further progress.

"First make good use of the eight spiritual apertures opened."

Zhou Qing's eyes flashed and he began to concentrate. After selecting a part of the Dragon Transformation Qi, he sent it into the eight opened spiritual orifices in the Tao body and practiced it repeatedly.

After arriving at the bottom of Rocks Bay, speaking of which, the battle of wits continued. Needless to say, against ordinary demon generals, use the strong to suppress the weak and sweep them directly. But when facing the River God of Stone Bay, it still took some thought.

Not only did he plan ahead, but he also used the restraining effect of the Dragon Qi on the water tribe, and even borrowed the magic weapon Dragon Pattern Gold Seal to take it down.

The means of fighting are a bit monotonous.

This is not without reason, because ordinary Qi-refining cultivators, after opening up the Danhai and having enough Qi in their bodies, will choose to practice one or several Taoist arts.

Taoism, "subduing demons and defending the Tao".

Zhou Qing did not practice Taoism when he entered the Qi-refining realm, and even when he reached the perfection of Ming Qi.

After all, the Dragon Qi he cultivated from the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" technique was of extremely high grade. Even if he did not use Taoism, he could directly crush it with the Dragon Qi, and the effect was very good.

More importantly, he inherited a magic weapon Dragon Pattern Gold Seal that was extremely suitable for his own technique "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" and got it in his hands.

With the Dragon Pattern Gold Seal in hand, not only did he need to spend time and Qi to sacrifice and refine it, and master it thoroughly, but this time, his combat effectiveness soared.

At this stage, most cultivators do not have magic weapons of this level, and even if they do, they will not be so compatible with him.

Especially this time, he came to the Rocky Bay. In the underwater world, water monsters are notoriously short of magic weapons, and they have dragon-patterned gold seals on their bodies, which are amazingly powerful.

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