The illusion of the cause, in the understanding of the Thousand Hands Source, is simply a manifestation of spiritual power.

With strong spiritual power, deceive the other party’s various senses, and even directly construct illusions in their minds, to the extent of deceiving or controlling the enemy.

The former is easy to do, ordinary illusions can do to deceive the enemy, but the latter is difficult, that requires not only strong mental power, but also subtle control, in short, it is impossible to do it without people who have been immersed in this area for a long time.

In this regard, especially the Sharingan is the most advantageous, because among the many abilities of the Sharingan, there is an illusion eye ability, and the proficient can even directly construct illusions in the other party’s mind through their own pupil power.

And spiritual power, to put it bluntly, is a kind of appearance of yin, so ninjas who are good at illusion have a good hand of yin chakra.

Senjuyuan has not systematically learned illusion, but he already knows the nature of ninjutsu, naturally there will be no problems in this regard, whether it is mental power or control, there is no shortcoming in these two aspects, and even as long as he wants to, he can do it.

So controlling this root ninja is naturally simple for Senjugen.

At this time, this root ninja was controlled by Senjuyuan with pure Yin Chakra, and its subtlety was that Senjuyuan controlled the body of this root ninja, and also controlled the other party’s five senses.

This is quite terrifying, and even if Senjugen is willing, this root ninja will sink to death in this illusion.

The root ninja walked in front without saying a word, and Senjuyuan followed behind Shi Shiran, in order not to attract attention, Senjuyuan disappeared again after going out, and did not make the slightest sound between walking.

I saw that this root ninja turned left and right, the speed was not fast, but he did not attract anyone’s attention along the way.

I have to say that the underground base space of the root is very huge, but I didn’t meet anyone on the road, and the Chakra reactions that Qianjuyuan felt were all in the room or in the shadows, which was very in line with the style of the root.

A few minutes later, the two were standing in front of a gate that also possessed several sealing techniques, and the defense was stronger than the entrance to the gate above them, and there were enough eight ninjas hiding around.


A root ninja appeared, his voice cold and warning: “Deer, why are you here?” This is not the place you should be. ”

The root ninja, codenamed Deer, did not respond, just stood quietly.

Seeing this, the man who opened his mouth also did not say anything, but slowly drew his ninja knife, and with his movements, the sound of breaking the air sounded, and three more people appeared around, surrounding the deer in the middle, appearing very vigilant, and each ninja knife was more than half unsheathed.

“The defense is really tough.”

Thinking like this, Senjuyuan urged Chakra, and a spell appeared under his feet in an instant, just like controlling the deer just now, without any effort at all, he controlled these people, together with the remaining four root ninjas hidden in the shadows, and the whole process was relaxed.

After doing this, Qianshou Yuan came to the gate and wiped it casually, and the sealing techniques hidden on it were directly violently destroyed.

It is not violently destroyed, but directly erased from the root, even if those sealing techniques, there are combination spells that explode when destroyed, they are also directly erased by the source of thousands of hands, and the rest is the complete gate.

Qianjuyuan didn’t make any moves, so the deer stepped forward and retreated directly from the gate.

The inside of the door is still dim, only faint lights flicker, allowing people to roughly see the situation inside.

The first thing you enter is the rows of bookshelves with various books and scrolls, and then inside are various chests, and I don’t know what is stored in them.

Senjugen stepped into it, took out a scroll from his arms, spread it out on the ground, and eight dark ninjas along with the deer stepped forward and began to collect those scrolls one by one, and then stacked them in front of Senjugen.

Soon, there was a bunch of scrolls in front of Senjuyuan, and he made a seal, his toes touched the spread scrolls a little, and suddenly a spell spread, enveloping all those scrolls.


After a slight sound, the scrolls disappeared into a fine cloud of smoke, and then the spell contracted and retreated to the scrolls.

After doing this, Senjugen put away the scroll and continued to walk in.

Opening a box, Qianshou Yuan’s brows frowned slightly.

The box was not a good thing, but the remains of a ninja, and then opened another box, which contained bottles and jars, some glass jars containing body tissue, others insects or small animals.

Opening the third box, Qianshou Yuan pouted, and it turned out to be several metal ingots.

Slowly Qianshou Yuan actually had a feeling of opening a blind box, there were all kinds of boxes in the box, and even he opened a box full of money, a lot of money, and the face value was also quite a lot, roughly estimated, almost seven million taels.

“Interesting, it seems that I didn’t find the wrong place, then I’m welcome.”

The so-called treasure hunt of Qianshou Yuan is naturally to find the material warehouse of the root, and he intends to give the root a ruthless blow.

The account has to be calculated slowly, Senjugen didn’t plan to kill Shimura Danzo directly, if he was going to do it hard, he didn’t know if he could kill that guy for the time being, after all, his current Chakra had not grown to the point where he was satisfied.

So in this case, it is best to collect some interest first, and Senjugen is looking forward to what Shimura Danzo’s expression will be at that time.

“Then let’s get started.”

As soon as Senjugen’s thoughts moved, the ninjas quickly moved and moved boxes towards him.

And Senjuyuan took out several more scrolls, this kind of sealing scroll, he had prepared several before coming, enough to loot this place.

(Ask for flowers, score !!! )

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