Hinata Hirotto was more patient than expected, and instead of becoming impatient because he saw hope, he kept his distance from Senjugen when he was in school.

In Senjugen’s opinion, he still did a very good job, he can understand Hinata Hinata, seeing that he can regain his freedom immediately, but can withstand the impulse at critical moments, no matter what he does in the future, the success rate will be much greater.

Therefore, Hinata Hiroto’s evaluation in Senjugen’s heart has improved a lot.

But in the end, it is still the child’s heart, even if it can endure, sometimes it will inadvertently show something.

For example, now, Hinata Kanto subconsciously cast his gaze towards Senjugen, with fiery, and then seemed to think of something, and then forcibly suppressed it.

Fortunately, no one looked closely, otherwise, Tetsu would definitely be able to detect something between the two, such as Hinata Hirotsuto would unconsciously show a trace of respect every time he saw Senjugen at school.

More than ten days have passed since the two met in the alley.

In the past ten days, Senjugen did not take the initiative to find Hinata Hinata, in order to see how the other party’s temperament was, and now that he observes it, endurance alone is already very good.

It was school again, and Senjugen passed by Hinata’s persona.

“Go to the woods west of the village, I’ll wait for you there.”

After speaking, the figure exploded with a bang and dissipated into white smoke.

That’s right, it’s just the doppelganger of Senjuyuan who came to school these days, because there are very few things that can be learned in school, at least for Senjuyuan, so there is no more time wasted, and he has more interesting things to do.

Hinata looked moved, and without hesitation, he walked towards the agreed place.

It’s just that he didn’t find that a few tens of meters behind him, a person was looking and falling behind.

Ten minutes later, in the woods west of the village, Hinata entered it, and then he heard a voice.

“Over here.”

Following the prestige, he saw Senjugen standing on the branch of a tree, looking towards him with a slightly strange expression.

“Yes, my lord.”

Senjugen nodded, glanced behind Hinata Hirotto, thoughtfully, and then rushed towards the depths of the woods without saying a word.

Seeing this, Hinata hurried to follow, at this moment he could only hear his fierce heartbeat, and he didn’t care about anything else, let alone know that someone behind him was already following him at this time.

After the two left, a figure quietly followed, looked in the direction, and quickly chased after them.

Further down here is the area of the Forest of Death, with lush vegetation and strong ecology, making it the largest woodland around Konoha Village.

The reason why I came here is because Senjuyuan built a laboratory here, which is not much of the outstanding kind, but some experimental objects are placed in it, such as insect vegetation or something, most of which are looted from the root base.

The main role here is to study gourmet cells, so a lot of experimental subjects are needed.

After walking for almost a kilometer or two, Senjuyuan stopped.

The two landed one after the other, Qianshou Yuan turned around, looked as usual, and said calmly: “Are you ready?” ”

Hinata looked very excited, but he forced himself to suppress it, and nodded seriously: “Yes, my lord, I am ready.” ”

Qian Shouyuan did not take him into the laboratory, so he bowed his head and said, “Sit down.” ”


The Hinata Broad Man didn’t talk nonsense, sat directly in place, put his hands on his legs, and looked at Senjuyuan with burning eyes, waiting for his next move.

“In the past two days, I took the time to study the caged bird, and found that the main function of this spell mark is to connect the brain nerves that control the caster, so as to achieve the role of controlling the caster. The fact that the white eye will be limited to the visual angle is just one of the side effects of the caged bird, and it is not difficult to unravel it. ”

As he spoke, he took out a scroll, and after a few imprints with one hand, he put his finger on the scroll a little, and pulled out a piece of ink-black substance.

If you look closely, you can see that the substance is densely packed with incantations.

“And my solution is very simple, that is, take the most basic spell, completely deconstruct this spell seal, and replace it from the most fundamental place, reduce the restriction of the spell mark on the visual angle, and at the same time clear the control of the spell mark on the brain nerves, but retain the protection of the spell mark to the white eye, while retaining the explicit sign of the caged bird spell mark, can you understand?”

Hinata didn’t understand, but he could roughly understand his train of thought, and nodded without any hesitation.

“I see, my lord, please get started.”

Senjugen bowed his head slightly when he heard this, chuckled, and pointed a finger on Hinata’s forehead.

In an instant, the pitch-black substance rushed towards Hinata’s head, which was a little scary from afar, but if you looked closely, it was not difficult to find that it was a spell that invaded Hinata’s brain, and then the traces of the caged bird spell mark began to manifest.

Hinata’s face trembled, and then his eyes rolled upward.

“It’s not hurting a little bit of patience, but I guess I’ll be dizzy, and if I can’t hold on, I’ll have to do it all over again.” A thousand hands to the source.

Hearing this, Hinata didn’t say anything, and then gritted his teeth to resist the vertigo in his mind.

Fortunately, this process was not long, that is, in less than two minutes, all the spells had invaded Hinata’s brain.


Senjuyuan put away the scroll, clapped his hands, and showed satisfaction.

Hinata’s broad body trembled slightly, and he couldn’t suppress his excitement, subconsciously stimulating his white eyes, and the green tendons on both sides of his eye sockets bulged.

“See, I see, that missing corner behind me, who!? Come out! ”

Hinata’s expression suddenly changed, and then he stood up suddenly, his eyes fixed on a rough tree not far behind him.

Qianshou Yuan smiled on his face, and did not stop it, but he only found this scene very interesting.

Over there, a person came out from behind the rough wood, it was none other than Mitsuki Uchiha, who had been defeated by Senjugen.

His brows furrowed, his gaze roaming between Senjugen and Hinata, as if he wanted to see something from the two of them.

Hinata Hiroto directly took out the kunai, and stared at Mitsuki Uchiha with dead eyes, revealing a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

He didn’t want his secrets to be discovered by others.

(Ask for flowers, score !!! )

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