Chapter 67: What Happened to Uchiha [Subscription Requested!!! 】。

After the matter of the tailed beast, the village returned to its usual state, looking much calmer, at least no longer with the same sense of slaughter as before.

But Senjuyuan knew that the village did not relax.

Not to mention that it is still a time of war, just the attackers who appeared during the last human pillar power inheritance made the village spend a lot of money to find.

Senjugen didn’t say anything more about this matter, but the bodies of those people always had traces, and if they wanted to track them down, for Konoha, who was serious, they could still find some clues from them.

Even if the attacker, that is, Uchiha is a chicken thief, the person brought with him is not Uchiha’s person, but the back hand left by Uchiha in the village, and some clues are still traced by the village.

The specific process is not clear, but as far as he knows, the village eventually pointed the finger at the Uchiha clan. I can’t say for sure, but under a series of evidence, the consensus between the attackers and the Uchiha family still spread among the upper echelons of the village.

In this regard, Qianshouyuan didn’t care much, and the Uchiha family was unlucky, and it had little to do with him, but the younger brother who had received it before came over, and Qianshouyuan could only express his opinion on this matter.

“I can tell you very clearly now that the village has not wronged your Uchiha clan in this matter.”

In the laboratory, Senjuyuan calmly spoke, he fiddled with an animal corpse in front of him, dissecting, this is a rare albino ape, much stronger than other apes in the same population, obviously in the genetic convenience of mutation.

“This, how can this be?”

Uchiha Mitsuki was a little unconvinced, and recently, there had been more rumors about the Uchiha clan in the village, even he was aware of it.

This kind of thing didn’t need him to worry about, it was originally, he was just a ninja school student, even if he was called a genius, he was still just a child in the village.

But he really wanted to hear the opinion of Qianjuyuan, because the more he came into contact with Qianshouyuan, the more he could see all kinds of extraordinary things from him. So as time passed, the original fear of Senjuyuan became more respect.

By the way, Senjugen never spared his knowledge to teach others, and once again Uchiha Mitsuki mentioned it in passing, hoping that Senjugen would answer some of his doubts in terms of fire ninjutsu, and then Senjugen directly taught him two new ninjutsu.

If that’s the case, it’s not a big deal, Uchiha Mitsuki wants to learn new ninjutsu, and in the name of his genius, he can ask the clan to ask for it, and the clan will not refuse.

The difference is that Senjugen taught him ninjutsu very thoroughly, using the kind of sentences that Uchiha Mitsuki could easily understand to tell him the principles, so that he mastered it very quickly.

Not only that, any doubts Mitsuki Uchiha, as long as he asked, Senjuyuan had an answer, and every time the answer was accurate.

It is precisely because of this that over time, Mitsuki Uchiha will become more and more convinced of Senjugen.

Regarding this, Qianshou Yuan is in his eyes, he will not be stingy with his own people, after all, such knowledge is nothing to him.

Hearing this, the source of the thousand hands did not reply: “There is no doubt, I was there that day, and I also fought with the attacker. ”

Saying that, he seemed to have thought of something, and said: “In the cabinet next to you, there are things that I took from the attacker, and you can understand it when you look at it.” ”

Mitsuki Uchiha opened the cabinet and suddenly shrunk his eyes.

Inside the cabinet were a number of bottles and jars, and one of the most conspicuous glass bottles had a pair of scarlet eyes floating inside.

“This, this is the Sharingan?”

He subconsciously spoke up.

“Yes, a pair of three-hook jade writing wheel eyes, you can carefully observe among your clans, who has recently suffered an eye injury. Or, who stays behind closed doors. ”

Senju Gendo.

Seeing this pair of chakra eyes, Uchiha Mitsuki no longer had any doubts, having said this, he naturally would not doubt the truth or fake, because he knew very well that Senjugen would not joke about this kind of thing.

“Me, what should I do?”

He asked busily.

In the end, he is still just a teenager, his life experience is insufficient, and he is a person who is Yuzhibo, at a loss, he doesn’t know what to do to feel the Chakra fluctuations on Uchiha Mitsuki’s body, Senjuyuan shook his head slightly, knowing that this kid’s mood is very agitated now, and the Chakra on his body has become gloomy.

“With your current ability, you don’t need to worry about these things, and there will be things that the elders in your clan will worry about.”

Senju Gendo.

“But, but…”

Uchiha Mitsuki is still worried, after all, the recent messages in the village are not very friendly to the Uchiha family. What a traitor to the village.

It almost caused the village to suffer huge losses. There are also words such as openly attacking human pillar forces, which is indeed very stressful.

Senjugen sighed, stopped what he was doing, and then went to the pool on the side to clean his hands, and then said: “The ninja world is not calm, in the previous human pillar power inheritance ceremony, one of you made a move, and Uzumaki Mito-sama died at his hands, do you know what this means?” ”

Without waiting for Mitsuki Uchiha to answer, Senjugen continued, “This is an act of rebellion, and no one will excuse it, because this is what really happened. ”

Hearing this, Uchiha Mitsuki thought a lot about 383, he loved the village, although it was inevitable that he had absolute pride in the Uchiha clan like the rest of the clan, but he also knew very well that this kind of betrayal of the village would definitely be punished by the village.

Then in this way, the Uchiha family can be dangerous.

He is young, but it does not mean that he cannot see the form, in the past, Uchiha’s image in the village was not very good, and from the second generation, the attitude of the Hokage family towards Uchiha was also clear.

That’s why he’s so worried.

“Me, what should I do?”

Uchiha Mitsuki is at a loss, but he is more like doing something to change the situation of the Uchiha family.

Senjuyuan said directly: “It’s very simple, as long as you go and kill the attacker and hand over his body to the Hokage.” ”

This is naturally not the best way to deal with this matter, but it is the simplest way, at least it can improve the current situation of the Uchiha family, as for what will happen to the Uchiha family later, it is not something that needs to be considered now.

Uchiha Mitsuki’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and because of his excitement, the Sharingan eye had been unconsciously activated, and subconsciously said: “Who is the attacker?” ”

Senjugen did not hide either: “It’s a superior Shinobi of your clan, named Uchiha Shunna, oh yes, he seems to be an elder in your clan.” ”

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