Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 1101: Many relationships

After speaking, the two closed the door and left.

Lin Lu sat back again. She looked at Chen Feng. Chen Feng was still very calm at this time. Although he heard the news, he was only a participant and he could not make a decision, so his rational approach was not to go. Speak, let Lin Lu make the decision.

Lin Lu was also very grateful that Chen Feng didn't say anything just now, at least he didn't make her lose face in front of her subordinates.

But this kind of thing still makes her very difficult to accept.

Now that there is no one, she also needs to explain to Chen Feng what happened.

"Mr. Chen, there may be some problems with the previous events." Lin Lu said with some frustration.

Chen Feng said: "Is it because of the return of the two companies just now?"

Lin Lu nodded and said: "Yes. I told them not to come in and report, because even these two companies have already returned the goods, so there is nothing to spare in the other companies below, so this time, I think someone was deliberate. Against us."

Chen Feng was also surprised. He didn't think he wanted to do something, so he was targeted.

"Do you know who is targeting us?" Chen Feng asked.

Lin Lu shook her head and said: "It is still unclear, but this kind of thing does have a great impact on us. The initial publicity expenses have been paid out, but if it is not easy to see our goods in the market, this will be very important for us. The credibility of our company will be a big blow, and consumers may no longer trust us."

Chen Feng can only hear and understand these things. After all, he is not a professional, but he knows that he must be in trouble now.

He asked: "Then how can the problem be solved."

Lin Lu shook her head and said, "I still can't see clearly. Only when we know who the other party is and what we want to do, we can find a countermeasure."

Chen Feng nodded. He believed Lin Lu's judgment, but after thinking about it, he still said: "If you need my help, you can just open your mouth. I think I can still provide it, whether it's funding or personal connections. You know. Xu Fu? I think we can ask him for help."

Chen Feng also tried his best to express his thoughts. He felt that he encountered this kind of commercial competition in Magic City, so it might be a good idea to find Xu Fu directly.

Lin Lu was also surprised when she heard Chen Feng mention Xu Fu, and asked, "Mr Chen knows that person?"

Chen Feng remembered that Xu Fu's reputation in the magic city seemed to be bad. He looked at Lin Lu's expression and thought she was also disgusted, but he had already said what he had to say, and he had to admit: "He has a good relationship with me. I can contact him if necessary."

Lin Lu sighed: "If Xu Fu is really helping, then no one in the whole demon should dare to touch him."

Chen Feng also gave a wry smile. He didn't expect that Xu Fu's reputation even Lin Lu knew.

"But I seem to have heard that his reputation in the magic city is not good." Chen Feng also said honestly.

Lin Lu nodded and said: "The things Xu Fu did in the magic city really made many people dislike it. Most of the things he did broke the market rules, relying on his sufficient funds to compete viciously, and his connections also allowed He has not been supervised, and the current Demon Capital can almost be said to be covering the sky with one hand, but fortunately, he did not reach out to the jewelry industry, otherwise even we will have to withdraw from the Demon Capital."

Chen Feng didn't have any direct impression yet. He just knew that Xu Fu was very powerful, but when he heard Lin Lu admire him so much, and just thought about it, he had directly surrendered, and he had no idea of ​​resisting at all, and he really felt that Xu Fu was powerful.

"That's easy, even you think it's okay to have him there, so I immediately call him to help me?"

But Lin Lu stopped him and said, "Mr. Chen, we don’t need to contact him for this matter yet. If we really let people know that we Lisa Jewelry and Xu Fu are standing together, then in the future, we may also It will be the target of the crusade by those people, so it's not a last resort, it's better to rely on our own strength."

This is something Chen Feng did not expect. If this is the case, if Xu Fu can always cover the sky of the magic capital, then it will be nothing to take refuge in Xu Fu, and he can even live more moisturized, but Chen Feng also knows that prosperity is declining and arrogant. The soldier will be defeated.

He didn't think that the current Xu Fu could go on like this. He aroused too many people and would definitely arouse public anger. At that time, he would either suppress it violently or make concessions.

But Chen Feng thought about Xu Fu's temperament. He was a person who would never give in. His result would only be victory and defeat, and there would be no other possibility.

Because of this, Chen Feng nodded and said: "Well, don't go to him for the time being, then there will be funds left. I can provide private investment from Chen's bank account to Lisa. The funds have not been moved yet. , I can do whatever I want."

The more Lin Lu listened, the more surprised she was. It was just a Xu Fu. She could accept it temporarily. After all, Chen Feng only knew what he could not do. However, Lin Lu had to seriously consider this direct capital injection.

She thought for a while and asked, "Mr. Chen, how much money do you prepare to save this incident."

Chen Feng also thought about it seriously. Although the capital in the Chen family’s overseas private investment account bears the name of the Chen family, the person who actually controls it is still Chen Feng, so he has complete control. Now Lin Lu asks, he No specific data could be reported at the moment.

"I don't know this, you wait for me to make a call." He said to Lin Lu.

Lin Lu nodded, then watched Chen Feng walk to the window and dialed a phone call. It sounded like the other person was a familiar person, but soon he hung up the phone and walked back to Lin Lu and sat down.

"I have asked just now that the money may not be much. When investing overseas, the family divided a sum of investment out, so now it seems that there is only about 10 billion left at their disposal."

Chen Feng is also not sure whether these funds can save the entire Lisa. In his mind, this kind of capital war is a bottomless pit, and it only depends on whether the two sides are willing to throw money.

And now Chen Feng didn't even know who his opponent was, so he was also afraid that he could come up with more than 10 billion funds.

But this in Lin Lu's world is completely different. This is no longer one billion, but one hundred Lisa, or even more.

Lisa's registered capital is even less than 100 million, but now she has to attract a 10 billion investment, which in Lin Lu's view is absolutely unimaginable.

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