Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 234: Push nose to face

Xia Mengyao shook her head, too lazy to argue with Lin Lan.

Lin Lan was also acquainted, did not continue, turned her head and looked at Xia Wei Guodao: "Lao Xia, you just left the hospital today, and I don't want to quarrel with you. This waste is another matter of establishing the Xia family. Let's leave it alone. The top priority now is to buy a house quickly."

"Buying a house? Where did you get the money?" Xia Weiguo frowned. He was very clear about the family's situation. He was not very rich at first. This time he fell ill and spent a lot of money. It was even more difficult, let alone After buying a house, even eating is a problem. Where did Lin Lan get the money?

"Don't worry about where I got the money." Lin Lan took out a card and said with a full face: "Anyway, we will go to Yuquan Mountain to see the house tomorrow."

"Yuquan Mountain? The houses there are worth at least seven or eight million." Xia Weiguo frowned. The seven or eight million houses he said were only the most common type of seven or eighty square meters in Yuquan Mountain. This is not a mansion, not a villa.

"Seven or eight million houses, which are also people living in?" Lin Lan curled his lips in disdain, and said: "If we want to buy, we will buy more than 10 million."

Xia Weiguo opened his mouth wide, Lin Lan was not afraid, and the wind flashed his tongue out when he said big talk?

Dare to say that ten million houses?

"Lan Lan, where did you get the money? Did Chen Feng give it?" Xia Weiguo asked. In his opinion, only Chen Feng could have so much money. Otherwise, Lin Lan alone would have three or four thousand a month. I can’t afford to buy a house in this lifetime.

"Lao Xia, what do you think? If this waste can give me 10 million, I can wake up with a smile in my dreams." Lin Lan sniffed, and said: "This money in my hand is what I saved every cent. There is nothing to do with this waste. Last time in Yuquan Mountain, a surnamed Lin..."

Lin Lan was beaten by Lin Zhaozhong’s wife in Yuquan Mountain a few days ago. When Lin Zhaozhong paid five million yuan and Gu Dongchen paid Xia Mengyao 1.5 million yuan, he said all of them. After listening, Xia Weiguo was dumbfounded. Zhang Da, as if he could fit two eggs.

That Lin Zhaozhong actually paid Lin Lan five million!

Is that man a fool, or is there nowhere to spend more money? Xia Weiguo thought in astonishment, this year, if a person lost his life, he would only lose 600 to 700 thousand at most, but Lin Lan was not good, but was slapped a few times and lost five million.

How could there be such a good thing.

There must be a problem!

Almost in an instant, Xia Weiguo thought of Chen Feng. Chen Feng was there at the time. Lin Zhaozhong must have given Chen Feng face and gave Lin Lan five million.

Otherwise, Lin Lan alone, let alone five million, would be good not to be beaten to death on the mountain.

What kind of background does my cheap son-in-law have that makes so many people so jealous? Xia Weiguo became more and more curious about Chen Feng's true identity.

But right now, in front of Lin Lan, he couldn't ask any more, so he could only focus on buying a house.

"Even if Lin Zhaozhong pays you 5 million, plus the 1.5 million that Gu Dongchen originally paid, you still have 6.5 million in your hand now, why would you think of buying a house for 10 million?"

Xia Weiguo asked. Undoubtedly, the house in Yuquan Mountain is the top-level residence in Cangzhou. Almost all the wealthy people in Cangzhou live there. The original Xia Weiguo had thought that one day he could live in Yuquan Mountain. Just thinking about it, let him buy a house in Yuquanshan, he definitely can't afford it.

"Isn't there still this rubbish? We buy a house, he can't always pay nothing." Lin Lan glanced at Chen Feng, Yin and Yang said strangely.

"Mom, why did you buy a house for Chen Feng to make Chen Feng pay for it? Besides, can't you live in a house of more than six million? Why do you have to buy a house of more than ten million?" Xia Mengyao said with some discomfort, Lin Lan used to be She saw everything about Chen Feng. It could be said that she didn't treat Chen Feng as a human being. Now that she needs money, she thinks of Chen Feng again. Is there such a bully?

Besides, with more than six million yuan, it is perfectly possible to buy a good villa in other parts of Cangzhou, but Lin Lan has to go to Yuquan Mountain to buy a house. The house in Yuquan Mountain is good, but the price is too high. Lin Lan Buying a house there was purely to satisfy my vanity and to show off in front of her gang of sisters, without considering the actual situation of the family at all.

"Why should Chen Feng pay for it?" Lin Lan glanced at Xia Mengyao dissatisfiedly: "Mengyao, what do you say, Chen Feng is my son-in-law, mother-in-law bought a house, why did the son-in-law pay for some money? Besides, I have three years. I saved his life before, and let him eat and drink for free in my Xia family for three years. Now he just bought a house and asked him to pay for it, not killing him. Am I still wrong?"

"Mom! Chen Feng has no money. He gave you all his money last time."

Xia Mengyao said angrily. She didn't understand how Lin Lan could be so arrogant and shameless, but she couldn't hold back her face and let Chen Feng pay for it. Although millions of dollars are trivial to Chen Feng now, she I just don't want Lin Lan to succeed so easily.

"No money? No money. He ran to rent a luxury car for 50,000 yuan a day? What kind of garlic?" Lin Lan frowned and said angrily: "I don't care anyway! I have already taken a good look at the house, anyway, before noon tomorrow , I want to see 3.5 million. If this waste can't make money, I will sell blood and kidneys, even if it is a bank robbery. In short, I only need money!"

After speaking, Lin Lan put her hands around her chest and went back to the bedroom with a cold face. She didn't believe that Chen Feng had no money.

If there is no money, it would be impossible to rent such a good car last time, so Chen Feng must have some way of making a fortune, but I just don't want her to know it.

But Chen Feng didn't want her to know, she still wanted to know that buying a house this time was a good opportunity for testing. She wanted to take this opportunity to test out whether Chen Feng had a small vault and how much private money he had hidden!

Lin Lan's unreasonable appearance immediately made Xia Mengyao angry, but she also made up her mind, and she must not let Chen Feng pay for it, otherwise, Lin Lan would definitely slap her nose and buy an ordinary house today. , Then tomorrow, Lin Lan will probably buy the villa directly.

"Chen Feng, your mother, don't worry about it, don't worry about the house, I will persuade your mother again." Xia Weiguo sighed, Lin Lan is now more and more greedy, there are hundreds of people Wan, I don’t know what my surname is, and even dare to buy a house in Yuquanshan.

Chen Feng nodded. In fact, he did not resist giving Lin Lan millions of dollars to buy a house. Of course, it was not that he wanted to give Lin Lan face, but for Xia Weiguo's sake. After all, Xia Weiguo treated him well and saved his life, which is equivalent to half of his father.

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