Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 266: Huang Laosan

"Ice Lotus?" Chen Feng frowned. He seemed to have heard Xiao Guozhong mention that ice Lotus is an elixir with cold attributes blindly worth tens of thousands of gold, and it has a miraculous effect in getting rid of fire poison.

But don’t the ice lotus generally only grow in extremely cold places? Chen Zewen and these people went to Cangzhou to find what ice lotus? Chen Feng thought to himself.

"If you are looking for ice lotus, you should go to Kunlun Mountain to find it. What are you going to do in Cangzhou?" Chen Feng asked. Although Cangzhou is located in the north, the temperature is always extremely high and it is not suitable for ice lotus growth.

Chen Zewen has a great chance of lying.

Chen Zewen was taken aback: "Senior, Cangzhou also has ice lotus."


"Yes, it's in Yuquan Mountain."

Chen Zewen is very determined.

Chen Feng was a little confused. Yuquan Mountain was his site. Would he not know if there was any ice lotus?

"Senior, the Yuquan of Yuquan Mountain is connected to an ancient pond, and there are ice stilts in that ancient pond." Chen Zewen said.

"Why didn't I know that Yuquan Mountain has ancient pools?" Chen Feng became more and more puzzled. He still understands Yuquan Mountain. After all, he invested 50 billion yuan to develop Yuquan Mountain. But there are ancient lakes in Yuquan Mountain, but he has never heard of it. .

"It is normal for seniors not to know." Chen Zewen was not surprised by this: "The ancient pool of Yuquan Mountain, let alone seniors, is not necessarily known to many mountain people who have lived on the mountain for generations."

"The reason why I know is because of my master."

"Thirty years ago, my master and his old man visited Cangzhou once. When passing by Yuquan Mountain, his old man accidentally discovered the secret of Yuquan Mountain."

"The bottom of Yuquan is connected to an ancient pond."

"The ancient lake is hidden under the ground all year round, there is no sunshine all day long, and the water in the lake is icy. If ordinary people enter, within a minute, they will be frozen into an ice sculpture."

"However, my master had a profound cultivation level back then, so he insisted on staying in Gutan for ten minutes before leaving."

"Bing Tilian was discovered when he left. There were three plants in total, but none of them were immature."

"I waited here this time just to see whether the three ice lotus plants were mature. If they are mature, I only need one of the three ice lotus plants, and I will give them to the seniors. , As an apologetic for offending Miss Xia."

Chen Zewen's remarks were very polite. He only needed one of the three ice lotus, and the other two were given to Chen Feng, which shows how sincere he is.

Chen Feng pondered a little without opening his mouth.

The ice lotus is indeed an extremely rare elixir. It only matures once in a hundred years, and can even be called a treasure of heaven and earth.

In addition to expelling fire poison, it also has the effect of tempering the body and beautifying the skin.

If it is only used for body tempering, it can temper a person without any martial arts foundation into a bright martial artist within ten days!

If only used for beauty, it can keep a woman's face unchanged for ten years.

This shows how terrifying the effectiveness of Bing Tilian is.

Even in the Chen family, Bing Tilian is a rare thing, it can't be measured by price.

Now that three plants popped up in Yuquan Mountain at once, it would be impossible to say that they were not moved at all.

However, Chen Feng would not have a crooked mind.

"I only need one plant and the other one. I can buy it for a billion." Chen Feng said. Although Chen Zewen said he would give him two plants, if he swallows both plants, it would be too ugly to eat.

However, none of them were taken, and it was a little unreasonable. After all, Yuquan Mountain is now his site, and Chen Zewen and others are hunting treasures on his site. It is understandable that he is the master.

So the best way is to take one and buy one.

The price of one billion yuan, compared with the true value of Bing Tilian, is not high, or even low, but it can be regarded as the sincerity expressed by Chen Feng.


As soon as Chen Feng's price came out, the four Chen brothers were shocked on the spot, and they would never have thought of killing them. Chen Fengcheng was worth a billion.

They have made a lot of money overseas over the years, but they have not made a billion.

And this time the master was seriously injured. In order to manage the relationship, the money was almost spent by them. Otherwise, their four martial artists would not be reduced to the point of grabbing the treasury.

Now Chen Feng is worth one billion, and what they want to buy is still what they intended to give away for nothing. How can he not be surprised?

Although shocked, Chen Zewen did not dare to have any thoughts about the billion.

"Senior joked. The two ice lotus plants were voluntarily honored by the younger generation. The younger generation would not ask for a penny..."

"I'm not kidding." Before Chen Zewen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Feng lightly: "I said to buy is to buy, one billion, I will give you a lot of money."

Everyone was once again suppressed by Chen Feng's domineering, even Xia Mengyao was a little dizzy at this time. Although she had known that Chen Feng was rich, she had never asked how much Chen Feng was.

Until today, in order to buy a lotus flower, Chen Feng had one billion per mouth. She didn't know that Chen Feng's property now has reached a figure she could not match.

One billion, enough to buy two or three summer houses.

"Senior..." Chen Zewen wanted to say something more.

Chen Feng waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't talk about it, it's all set."

"At that time, I will go picking ice lotus with the four of you."

"Yes, senior." Chen Zewen hurriedly bowed, Chen Feng said this, he did not dare to refuse.

Of course, he also understood that Chen Feng still couldn't worry about him, otherwise he wouldn't propose to go picking ice lotus with him.

After speaking, Chen Feng was about to leave, but at this moment, the blood jade worn on Chen Zewen's neck was exposed, and the blood jade instantly caught his attention.

"Who is Huang Lao San?" Chen Feng squinted his eyes. The blood jade worn by Chen Zewen on his neck was seen when he and Xiao Guozhong traveled overseas five years ago.

"Senior knows my master?"

Chen Zewen was shocked. Huang Laosan was his master's nickname. Only people who were very close to the master knew it. How did Chen Feng know about it?


Chen Feng's expression at this time was strange. He didn't expect that the world would be so small, and the four people in front of him were actually Huang Lao San's apprentices.

"It's a acquaintance." Chen Feng's expression quickly returned to calm. In fact, his relationship with Huang Lao San can't be explained clearly by knowing two words.

Strictly speaking, he is also Huang Laosan's savior.

After Xiao Guozhong took him overseas, he threw him to Malaysia alone, where he met Huang Laosan.

At that time, Huang Laosan was quite powerful in Malaysia, he was the leader of the Malaysian Chinese Gang, and Anjin's later strength.

And he was not in the early days of Dark Jin.

The process of meeting Huang Laosan was also very interesting.

Huang Laosan had a son called Huang Tianba. Huang Tianba was extremely arrogant and domineering. He liked to bully men and women and swagger through the market. He was the most notorious dude in Malaysia.

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