Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 274: There must be a way to the mountain

"You agreed?" Chen Feng frowned, but he didn't expect that the Huo family would find Shen Hongchang.

"Can you not agree?" Shen Hongchang smiled bitterly, and the city leader and the second Miss Huo family came forward at the same time. He didn't dare not give up this face.

Although the Shen family is the richest family in Cangzhou and has some influence, it is not comparable to the Huo family.

When the Huo family was at its strongest, even national leaders could meet face to face.

Even now, the Huo family is declining and its glory is no longer in the past. Their Patriarch came to Jiangbei Province, and Jiangbei Province came forward to receive the Huo family, at least at the level of an official in Xinjiang.

This is the gap.

"What is the conflict between Shao Chen and the Huo family?" Shen Hongchang asked tentatively.

"It's a little contradiction." Chen Feng didn't deny it. Of course, there is no way to deny it. If Shen Hongchang wants to know, just check it out.

"Huh?" Shen Hongchang opened his mouth, he just asked casually, he didn't expect that Chen Feng would really have an enemy with the Huo family.

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't mean to say more, Shen Hongchang didn't ask any more.

"Did the Huo family have a serious illness in life?" Chen Feng asked. The Huo family bought medicinal materials with great fanfare, and then stared at the ice lotus. All signs showed that some important person within the Huo family might have a problem. So they desperately needed the elixir of Bing Tilian to continue their lives.

"Well, I heard from Huo Hongyan that Huo Hongqiu, the old man of the Huo family, has recently suffered a serious illness, and I am afraid that he will die soon. Therefore, during this period, many Huo family children have left Hong Kong Island to visit famous doctors and adopt elixir." Shen Hongchang said .

Chen Feng nodded slightly. It is no wonder that the Huo family’s children would jump. Huo Hongqiu is the backbone of the Huo family. He alone controls nearly 70% of the Huo family’s property. With a word of him, he can determine the ownership of the Huo family’s head.

These children of the Huo family saved Huo Hongqiu on one side, and more about it was that they wanted to please Huo Hongqiu and took over the Huo family from Huo Hongqiu.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng pinched his eyebrows, only to find that things were a bit tricky.

Judging from the current situation, the Huo family is almost bound to win Bing Tilian.

This also means that tomorrow he will have to face the Huo family head-on.

It was not that Chen Feng was afraid of the Huo family, but Chen Feng was considering whether it was worth it.

After all, the Huo family is not a small family like the Deng family and the Sun family. The Huo family is truly a top family.

Looking at the entire Huaxia, the Huo Family is an existence that can rank in the top 30.

The family assets are five to six hundred billion, and there are two martial arts masters.

On Hong Kong Island, Huo’s words can directly unemploy millions of people and even indirectly affect the economic situation on Hong Kong Island.

Offending the Huo family is tantamount to setting himself a great enemy.

Shaking his head, Chen Feng expelled the distracting thoughts from his mind and fell asleep. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Everything can only wait for tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Chen Feng left early.

This time, apart from Chen's four brothers and sisters, Chen Feng did not bring anyone else.

Because it is cumbersome to bring it.

In the event of a conflict with Huo's family, ordinary people will not have any help at all, but will cause trouble instead.

Since Yuquan was on a cliff at the top of the mountain, there was no road leading to the top of the mountain, so after reaching the foot of the mountain, Chen Feng could only get off the car and hike up the mountain.

After walking a few steps, I found that there were still seven or two Land Rover parked at the foot of the mountain.

Beside the car, more than twenty mercenaries in black uniforms stood in three rows, carrying tactical backpacks and various professional equipment, listening to Huang Feihao's words with a serious face.

Beside Huang Feihao, two middle-aged men and a young woman were standing.

The two middle-aged men were wearing black costumes. One of them was Huo Qingsong, who was with Xie Qianshan yesterday, and the other had a foot-long scar on his face, which looked a bit older than Huo Qingsong.

Compared with these two people, the young woman's dress looks more fashionable.

A short black shirt with a bohemian shawl over his shoulders, and a pair of Givenchy gray plaid pants.

There is also a pair of pink sneakers that Chen Feng can't see on her feet, which are fashionable and sexy.

Looking at the woman's appearance, a classical melon seed face that is no longer standard, looks like it is only slightly larger than a slap, as if walking down the most standard beauty cartoon.

Compared with the eyes of ordinary beautiful women, there is a natural arrogance in the eyes of this young woman, which makes people afraid to have the idea of ​​violation.

She seemed to notice Chen Feng's gaze, and the Miao Ling woman quickly turned her head back.

A pair of clever beautiful eyes fixed on Chen Feng, and when she found that Chen Feng was just an ordinary person, the beautiful eyes of the young woman couldn't help but a hint of doubt. How did this person force Huang Feihao to break his arm yesterday?

At this time, Huang Feihao also noticed Chen Feng.

The moment Huang Feihao saw Chen Feng, a crazy killing intent flashed across his eyes.

However, he did not immediately attack Chen Feng. Instead, he shifted his gaze to Chen Zewen, and said coldly, "Junior Brother, are you deaf to what I said yesterday?"

"Huang Feihao, don't call me Junior Brother, you are not worthy!" Chen Zewen gave Huang Feihao a cold look.

"Huang Feihao, are they the same junior as you mentioned yesterday?" The Miaoling woman glanced at the Chen's four brothers and sisters.

Compared with Chen Feng, she is more interested in the four brothers and sisters of the Chen family. Now the Huo family is fighting, she is in short supply. Although the realm of the four brothers and sisters of the Chen family is lower than that of Huang Feihao, if they are used well, they may not be more useful than Huang Feihao. small.

"Yes, Miss Huo." Huang Feihao nodded respectfully. The woman in front of her was Huo Hongyan, the second lady of the Huo family. Although Huo Hongyan was a woman, she liked him very much. So in the Huo family, she had The resources are also the largest.

If it weren't because she was a woman, I'm afraid the Huo family would have been in her hands long ago.

Huo Hongyan nodded slightly, retracted his gaze, and conquered Chen's four brothers and sisters, not in a hurry, but the immediate task is to find ice lotus.

"Miss Huo, do you want me to drive them away?" Huang Feihao couldn't help but asked. Yesterday in Jinzhitang, the four brothers and sisters of the Chen family and Chen Feng were slapped by Xie Qianshan in public. Finally, Chen Feng forced him to judge himself. Arm, so at this moment, he can't wait to pluck Chen Feng on the spot.

"No, so many of you are here, if you can still let them **** things, then you can dictate yourself." Huo Hongyan shook his head, without paying attention to Chen Feng and his party.

In her opinion, among the group of Chen Feng, Chen Zewen alone was a little threatening, and he was in the early days of the dark power.

The other three are all Ming Jin, similar to cannon fodder.

As for Chen Feng, although Huo Qingsong said that Chen Feng may be a warrior, it is only possible.

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