Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 292: Weakness

Qin Xuerou smiled openly: "You tell me, Chen Haotian is very nice to me."

"Very good?" Xia Mengyao couldn't help being surprised.

"Oh, that's alright."

"He is considerate to me, and gentle, almost a perfect husband."

"The only thing that is imperfect is... he doesn't love me." Qin Xuerou's words turned sharply, with a self-deprecating smile on her face.

Xia Mengyao pursed her lips, and didn't say anything. At this moment, she suddenly felt a little sympathy for Qin Xuerou.

Back then, Qin Xuerou was a typical arrogant girl of heaven. Not to mention her outstanding appearance, she was still the little princess of the Qin family, who had been loved by thousands of hers. She would never ask for a suitor.

But in the end, she married Chen Haotian.

Married to Chen Haotian whose heart was filled with Su Zhaoxi.

She and Chen Haotian slept together for five or six years and dedicated a woman's most precious youthful years, but in the end, she did not even enter Chen Haotian's heart.

"No need to sympathize with me, Qin Xuerou, I don't need anyone to sympathize."

Qin Xuerou glanced at Xia Mengyao and smiled faintly.

"I have no sympathy for you." Xia Mengyao insisted.

"Really?" Qin Xuerou was noncommittal.

However, she did not intend to delve into this issue, but pulled the topic back to Chen Feng: "Do you know how the Chen family reacted after Chen Yingrou returned to the Chen family?"

"What's the reaction?"

"The chicken is flying and the dog is jumping." Qin Xuerou said concisely.

"Chen Yingrou's brother, Chen Yingcai, brought Qinglongwei back from the Northern Xinjiang Military Region overnight with him."

"Chen Yingrou's sister, Chen Yingzi, assembled almost all the warriors in the Hongye Club."

"If it weren't for Chen Boyong to stop them, they would have killed Cangzhou the night before."

"Chen Boyong...Why did you stop?" Xia Mengyao couldn't help asking. Chen Boyong was the owner of the second house of the Chen family, and one of the most powerful people in the entire Chen family, except for Chen Zhennan.

"How do I know?" Qin Xuerou curled her lips: "I don't know what the old fox is thinking, but he will definitely not just leave it like that."

"Sooner or later he will find trouble with Chen Feng."

There was a look of worry on Xia Mengyao's pretty face. There is no doubt that the Chen family has monstrous power, and it is not Chen Feng that can resist.

"Miss Xia, do you know why I want you to divorce Chen Feng?" Qin Xuerou asked with a smile.

"Why?" Xia Mengyao's tone was cold, no matter what Qin Xuerou's purpose was, she couldn't mess her up at this time.

"Because you are Chen Feng's weakness."

Qin Xuerou glanced at Xia Mengyao deeply: "The reason why Chen Boyong didn't do anything with Chen Feng this time was partly because he was afraid of Chen Zhennan, but partly because of you."

"Because of me?" Xia Mengyao frowned, somewhat unclear.

"Yes, because of you."

"Chen Boyong knows very well that your relationship with Chen Feng, holding you, is equivalent to holding Chen Feng, so as long as you are in Cangzhou, he can seek revenge from Chen Feng at any time." Qin Xuerou's expression was profound.

Xia Mengyao's pretty face changed color slightly, Qin Xuerou's remarks indeed made some sense.

She is Chen Feng's reverse scale, the hardest armor on Chen Feng's body, but at the same time, she is also Chen Feng's weakness.

As long as Chen Boyong subdues her, there will be a thousand ways to deal with Chen Feng.

"But what does this have to do with the divorce between me and Chen Feng? I divorced Chen Feng. Wouldn't Chen Boyong use me to attack Chen Feng?" Xia Mengyao asked rhetorically, Chen Boyong would definitely not be simply Confused by appearance, even if she really divorces Chen Feng, Chen Boyong will continue to look for opportunities in her.

"If you divorce Chen Feng alone, he will indeed use you to attack Chen Feng."

"But after you divorced Chen Feng and you became my person, he wouldn't think about it. He would attack Chen Feng through you." Qin Xuerou said lightly.

"Be your one?"

"Yes, if you become my person, I will give you all my business in Zhonghai." Qin Xueju said.

"Why are you doing this? I want to know, what is the reason for doing this?" Xia Mengyao asked calmly after taking a deep breath.

Qin Xuerou's meaning was obvious, she wanted to stand on Chen Feng's side and help Chen Feng resist Chen Boyong.

But Xia Mengyao really couldn't understand why Qin Xuerou would do this? Chen Feng is the son of her rival in love. At this time, she would be pretty good if she didn't push Chen Feng, let alone pull Chen Feng.

"The reason I did this, you will know in the future." Qin Xuerou smiled lightly: "Now you just need to tell me your choice."

"my choice……"

Xia Mengyao hesitated. If she could, she didn’t seem to be divorcing Chen Feng. But the facts are already in front of her. In front of Chen Boyong’s great enemy, Chen Feng has already struggled. If she didn’t make a decision as soon as possible, It is likely to be the last straw to crush Chen Feng.

"Is there only one way to divorce?" Xia Mengyao couldn't help asking.

"Only this one." Qin Xuerou was a little cold.

"The veteran of the Chen family will never allow me to intervene in matters between Chen Feng and Chen Boyong."

"Only when you divorce Chen Feng and you become a free body, can I secretly intervene in the struggle between Chen Feng and Chen Boyong through you."

"At that time, even if I helped you, the Chen family veteran would not say anything."

Xia Mengyao nodded slightly. Qin Xuerou's meaning was obvious. She divorced Chen Feng. To put it bluntly, she gave Chen Boyong and Qin Xuerou a step below each other, and gave the Chen Family Seniors Association an explanation.

It was not that Chen Boyong didn't know that Qin Xuerou was standing behind her, but even if he knew it, he had nothing to do with Qin Xuerou, because Qin Xuerou's actions did not violate the Chen family rules.

"Okay, I'm leaving." After taking a deep breath, Xia Mengyao spoke calmly.

Up to now, this is the only thing she can do. Although Qin Xuerou may also have bad intentions towards Chen Feng, at least for now, Qin Xuerou is still on Chen Feng's side.

Qin Xuerou nodded, not surprisingly Xia Mengyao would make such a decision.

"I will go to Zhonghai in three days. Zhonghai is my territory. No one can hurt you on my territory." Qin Xuerou's words contained an unspeakable domineering.

After speaking, Qin Xuerou left the hospital with the black robe old woman.

Xia Mengyao was left alone, sitting on the hospital bed with a little loss...

At this time, Chen Feng had arrived at Jinzhitang.

Gu Dongchen and Chen's four brothers and sisters were waiting in Jinzhitang early.

Seeing Chen Feng coming, Gu Dongchen took out various precious medicinal materials that he had prepared long ago, while Chen Zewen took out two ice stilts.

"How is Huang Laosan now?"

Chen Feng asked, if Huang Lao San's fire poison is urgently resolved, he intends to let Chen Zewen take the ice lotus first, and if he is not in a hurry, he intends to go there himself.

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