Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 657: Feast!

Immediately, under the gaze of everyone, Chen Feng walked off the deck and walked towards Guan Nantian and the others.

Except for several top martial arts masters such as Guan Nantian and Kong Ming, the other martial arts masters looked at Chen Feng with respect.

Chen Feng used his strength and strength to win their recognition and respect.

Although Chen Feng is still young, he has a position on par with them in the martial arts world!

Afterwards, Chen Feng went straight to Guan Nantian, Master Kongming, Zhao Wudao, Zhang Tianshi and Qiao Wudou.

"Chen Feng boy, I haven't seen you in a few days, your strength has improved a lot, congratulations."

Seeing Chen Feng coming, Guan Nantian smiled and congratulated Chen Feng. At the same time, he secretly sighed that Chen Feng was so enchanting.

Because, when Chen Feng was on the island of Melai that day, although Chen Feng was also in the early stage of transformation, he did not show such a strong strength that day, but now, he can kill even the descendants of the Jing family.

"The leader of Guan is absurdly praised." Chen Feng responded with a smile, and then he said to Qiao Beidou, Master Kong Ming and others: "Thank you all for coming to watch the battle. In addition, I let people prepare a dinner party, and I hope all the masters enjoy their faces. "

"Then we should respect our fate." Everyone responded with a smile. Guan Nantian nodded slightly and agreed. He originally planned to talk to Chen Feng about the global martial arts competition. Chen Feng invited everyone to dinner. Have the opportunity to communicate with Chen Feng alone.

As the deputy leader of the Huaxia War League, Guan Nantian has a very high status in the Huaxia martial arts world, equivalent to a Taishan Beidou-style figure. He agreed with this opening, and other martial arts masters responded and invited to go.

After a while, the three large ships landed one after another. Jing Yunfeng, Jing Shiming and Jing Ren hid in the cabin and did not come out. Chen Feng, Guan Nantian, Wu Kong and others disembarked first.

At the same time, the disciples from all sects on the first ship and the bigwigs, business predators, and officials on the third ship also stepped off the ship.

Among them, the disciples from all sects all looked at Chen Feng with admiration. Many people wanted to say hello but wanted to say hello to Chen Feng and worried that they were not qualified.

"Everyone, Chen invited everyone to a banquet tonight, and I hope you all enjoy your face."

In the face of admiring gazes, Chen Feng did not put on airs, but gave an invitation to the disciples of various sects.

Hearing Chen Feng's words and seeing Chen Feng's actions, those martial arts masters couldn't help but nod secretly, admiring Chen Feng's behavior.

Although Chen Feng had invited them before, he didn't mention their disciples. In this way, it would be very inappropriate for them to bring disciples.

Today, Chen Feng personally invited their disciples, not only to show respect to their disciples, but also to show sufficient respect for him and their sect.

"Thank you!"

Facing Chen Feng's invitation, the disciples from all sects were startled first, and then clasped their fists to thank them.

"Mr. Chen." At the same time, Jia Manhao, Lu Zhengfeng and other bigwigs also came over and greeted Chen Feng one after another.

"Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule to watch the game. I have a special dinner tonight, and I hope you all enjoy your face." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although he didn't know the specific identities of these people in front of him, he could tell from the aura erupting from these people in front of him that these people in front of him must be the leaders of China Underground World. "Okay, Mr. Chen." Jia Manhao, Lu Zhengfeng and others responded immediately, and at the same time they were relieved. Chen Feng is not as difficult to touch as they thought. On the contrary, Chen Feng feels very approachable to them. .

"Brother Feng is mighty!"

"Master Chen is mighty!" Seeing Chen Feng greeted all the people, Yu Wenbo and other talents greeted him and surrounded Chen Feng.

"Boy, is your injury okay?"

Later, Huang Laosan came over and looked at Chen Feng with worry.

"It's okay, a little injury, don't worry." Chen Feng shook his head.

"That's good." Hearing Chen Feng's words, Huang Laosan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was also in the early stage of turning his energies, the battle between Chen Feng and Jing Teng just now scared him throughout the entire process, which Jing Teng gave him. It feels like an invincible monster. If he is allowed to fight Jingteng, he may not even be able to sustain three moves, and he will be killed by Jingteng.

"Brother Chen Feng, are you okay?" At this time, Lin Wanqiu also hurried up. Because she came to the West Lake secretly before, she was not qualified to watch Chen Feng. Later, Guan Nantian saw her and took her. Come in.

"I'm fine." Chen Feng was taken aback when he saw Lin Wanqiu, and then shook his head. He didn't expect that Lin Wanqiu would also be here.

"It's okay." Lin Wanqiu sighed deeply. Not long ago, she witnessed Chen Feng's life and death battle in Japan to save her. She did not expect that she had just returned to China when she saw it again. Chen Feng fought a life and death battle with another genius warrior.

And compared to the battle in Japan, the battle with Jingteng was obviously more dangerous.

"Everything is over." Chen Feng said, then cast his eyes on Li Xueyan.

Li Xueyan didn't speak, but looked at him with a smile on his face.

In the sunset, the smile was beautiful, which made Chen Feng feel excited.

at the same time.

The setting sun did not know when it had submerged into the West Lake, leaving only half of the body in the sky, looking from a distance, connected with the mountains and rivers, the beauty was so beautiful that people palpitated.

With the advent of dusk, the number of tourists in the West Lake Scenic Area began to decrease, but the decrease was not too large, and tourists can still be seen everywhere.

In the sunset, three big boats were still parked on the shore of the lake, and a group of people stood there, chatting separately. A cordon is still set up at the scene, and the staff of Hangzhou Wumeng League sticks to their posts. They stand at the entrance to prevent tourists from approaching.

Suddenly, the noisy scene fell silent, and everyone unanimously cast their eyes on the second ship.

Under the gaze of everyone, Jing Yunfeng took Jing Shiming off the boat, in which Jing Shiming was carrying the dead Jing Teng and Jing Ren with his broken leg in his hands.

As for Mu Yang's body, it was still thrown on the deck. It felt as if to the Jing family, Mu Yang was a dog before his death, but now it is just a dead dog, and he doesn't even have the treatment for Jing family to collect the body.

Through the sunset, everyone could clearly see that Jing Yunfeng and Jing Shiming had grim expressions and frowned brows, while Jing Ren had blood on his legs and his expressions were extremely painful.

Not only was he stomped on his knees by Chen Feng, but when Jing Yunfeng and Jing Shiming entered the cabin before, they crawled and followed them. The wound rubbed repeatedly and the pain made him almost faint.

In the face of the gazes that were staring at them, whether it was Jing Yunfeng or Jing Shiming, there was a feeling of being stripped off the street, and they wanted to teleport away immediately.

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