Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 886: Continue to administer the needle

After about noon, the two went to see Long Ling again, but because Long Ling was injured, neither of them had too much delay. They just accompany them to say something and left.

As for the assassination, it might have been a bit simpler if there were alive, but it was a pity that Chen Feng killed all of the two because of the practice, and the death was miserable.

Thousands of families searched for the corpse, and also nothing was found. These two people are not like well-known people in the martial arts world, and even less like people who have offended them.

However, it was impossible for Qianjia to stop like this. They checked how they entered Qianjia and how they touched the small courtyard here.

In the end, it just came to the conclusion of defensive omissions. After all, their defensive focus is still on the old man of the thousand family, so it is naturally impossible to take care of this place so thoughtfully.

In the afternoon, Chihiro Art came back again.

Chen Feng still accompanied Feng Qi to see Qianxunyi, but Qianxunyi's expression seemed a little embarrassing.

Feng Qi asked gently: "Thousand Patriarch, I don't know what it is, you should just say it directly, otherwise it makes us so worried, but I don't know what to do."

Fengqi naturally thought it was related to the assassination.

But Qianxunyi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Ms. Chang, it's not that. It's just that I heard from Girl Longling that my father’s illness needs to be injected twice a day for seven days before he can heal. No……."

It’s really hard to say this. Qianxunyi looked at Feng Qi and both of them had a bad expression, and hurriedly said: "I naturally know that your sisters encountered this kind of thing is really the fault of my thousand family. It is really very real to come here to ask at this time. It's cheeky, but I can't help it. If Girl Fengqi says it can be delayed for a day or two, I won't ask the girl at this time."

He was very polite and polite, but Chen Feng was still annoyed when he heard it. He was about to go up and drive him away, but he didn't want Feng Qi to stop him, saying: "Thousand Patriarchs, this is indeed the case, and he needs to continuously give needles for seven consecutive days. If I give up, I will lose all previous efforts. It’s my sister’s injury. I’m confused for a while. Otherwise, I’ll pass this morning. Fortunately, the day has not passed. Even if the remedy is still too late, I would like to ask Patriarch later. Come with you."

Chihiro Yi also bowed his bow and said, "Don't dare, this is already my poor hospitality, but I still have to ask two people like this. When this happens, my Qianjia will naturally thank several people."

Chen Feng originally wanted to say a few words. Feng Qi is in fact not in a good state. If she is forced to give the needle, she does not know if she can stand it, but Chen Feng also knows the temperament of their sisters. Swallowed.

After a while, Chen Feng followed Feng Qi with the medicine box on his back, and went to the ward of Old Man Qian.

After a few words of thanks, Qianxunyi also knew that the Chang's sisters were used to it, and left the room directly.

There were only two people left in the room, and Chen Feng asked, "Without Long Ling, can you do it like this?"

Feng Qi raised his hand and slapped Chen Feng, angrily said: "Are you underestimating me, do you think I am far behind my sister?"

Although it didn't feel much after the filming, Chen Feng moved his body subconsciously. Knowing that this made Feng Qi unhappy, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "No, absolutely not. I just didn't feel very well looking at you, I was afraid you would be tired. where."

Feng Qi still held Chen Feng horizontally, and said, "Everything you want in your heart is written on your face, you just think I'm far worse than my sister."

Chen Feng still shook his head, like a misplaced child. Feng Qi thought it was funny and laughed, and then said: "In fact, when I was a child, I was not as bad as my sister. The master looked at me strictly. I still have to do a good job, even the master praises me."

Chen Feng asked curiously: "Then why do you look less powerful than your sister."

Feng Qi laughed and said: "Later, I saw my sister working so hard, but sometimes she was not as good as I did. The master didn't praise her, so she cried secretly, and I thought that if I was lazy, my sister would be caught by the master too. Praise, that’s fine, and then when you get used to it, you don’t want to work harder after you are lazy, and you will know it later."

Chen Feng was also amused by this reason, and said, "You are just looking for a reason for your own laziness."

Talking and laughing, but I still have to pierce today's needle for Father Qian.

Chen Feng was still doing the work he had done before, helping to lift Old Man Qian, and then let Feng Qi put the needle.

Compared with Long Ling's steady and fast speed, Feng Qi is much slower and tidy. Originally, Long Ling only needed an hour, but it only took less than half of it in Feng Qi's hands, but her forehead had already oozes a layer. Layers of fine sweat, and between the moths and eyebrows are all covered by mountain mist.

Chen Feng looked a little worried, and only stepped forward and asked softly: "Are you okay?"

Feng Qi didn't answer, just quietly looking for acupuncture points.

Chen Feng pulled out a tissue from the side and stretched out his hand to wipe off the sweat on his face for Feng Qi.

But after two hours, Fengqi was still a little worse, and even the sound of walking footsteps came from outside the door. They must also feel that this was different from usual. Is something wrong? After all, the one lying on the hospital bed was Their old lady.

Chen Feng looked at Feng Qi and felt a little irritable. Although he kept wiping off sweat for her, after so long and losing water, Chen Feng was really afraid that Feng Qi would faint here, and his heart was also distressed.

But Chen Feng knew that she couldn't stop her at this time. At the critical moment when the needle was administered, the few needles were missing is related to whether the previous efforts were abandoned. If it really fails now, Chen Feng is afraid that Feng Qi will not faint from loss of water, but Heart exhausted, heart failure.

He even deliberately wanted to drive away a few people outside the door to prevent them from disturbing Feng Qi, but he didn't dare to speak out for fear that Feng Qi's thoughts would be circumvented.

While Chen Feng was worried, Feng Qi tremblingly shouted, "Chen Feng!"

Naturally, Chen Feng hurriedly agreed: "I am here!"

"I may not be able to sustain it anymore. I haven't practiced this kind of serious illness for too long, and my craftsmanship is a bit rusty."

Chen Feng was also anxious: "What should I do, if possible, let me finish these last few stitches."

Feng Qi shook his head, "You don't understand the truth, power, and acupuncture points. You can't figure it out. Such random needle sticking will only make it worse."

Chen Feng looked at Feng Qi for a while, since she said so, there must be a way.

Feng Qi said again: "You think of a way to make me more awake. I will try to pierce the last three stitches."

Although she said so, Chen Feng didn't know how to make her sober for a while, slap her, or pour her a plate of cold water, but it didn't seem to work.

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