The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.


Ye Hai nodded and admitted it without hesitation.

"Ye Zichuan, you are not of much use, so we must support Ye Sheng."

Ye Hai's words made Ye Yiling tremble all over.

She always knew that from childhood to adulthood, the most important thing in her father's eyes has always been the entire family, but she never expected that the family's status in his heart has been so high that he can ignore his own son.

"No! Xiaochuan is already like this, we can't do this kind of thing to stimulate him!"

It is very rare. It can be said that this is the first time that Ye Yiling has refuted her father's words since she grew up.


Ye Hai's face turned pale, and he raised his hand to slap Ye Yiling, but in the end his palm stopped in mid-air and slowly dropped.

"You can't imagine how many ups and downs the Ye family has gone through to get to where it is today. I will never allow any mistakes!"

"You sisters must prepare well for the coming-of-age ceremony in two days. This is an order!"

After saying that, Ye Hai snorted coldly, and turned around and left the office regardless of whether Ye Yiling replied or not.

Ye Yiling was stunned and closed her eyes in pain.

She felt that this was too cruel to Ye Zichuan! And it was too unfair!

But Ye Yiling knew in her heart that as long as it was something her father decided, no matter how unwilling the sisters were, it would be useless.

"Xiao Zichuan, there is something I think I need to tell you."

Lan Shuying hesitated for a moment, but still spoke carefully and said to Ye Zichuan beside her.

"What's wrong? Sister Shuying?"

Ye Zichuan looked up in confusion and looked at Lan Shuying in confusion.

"I received news that Ye Sheng's 18th birthday ceremony will be in two days. The Ye family seems to attach great importance to it. They have invited many celebrities."

Lan Shuying said carefully, with a look of anger on her pretty face. After all, she felt that the Ye family was too much!

Just an adopted son, but they valued him so much! His own biological son, who was obviously terminally ill, was ignored.


Ye Zichuan thought it was something important, but when he heard it was this, he laughed.

"Sister Shuying, you don't have to be like this. I have said long ago that I have severed my relationship with the Ye family, haven't I?"

"I'm not the kind of person who likes to keep in touch. If I cut off the relationship, I cut off the relationship. What the Ye family does has nothing to do with me."

Lan Shuying nodded, but a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Ye Zichuan could ignore it, but she couldn't swallow this breath. The Ye family? And that Ye Sheng, she would not let him go!

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and the Ye family seemed extremely busy these days.

This was naturally to prepare for Ye Sheng's coming-of-age ceremony. The happiest person these days was Ye Sheng himself.

When Hai told him his idea, Ye Sheng was so happy that he almost jumped up.

Great! This is simply too good to be true! It's simply wonderful!

Ye Zichuan, that sick ghost, really can't compete with him no matter what!

Ye Sheng has already fantasized in his heart that he would marry Qin Mingyue home in the future, and the Ye family and the Qin family would be in his pocket in the future.

In contrast to Ye Sheng's ecstasy, the faces of several sisters in the Ye family have been as ugly as they can be these days.

Especially Ye Yimeng, when she learned about all this, she was so angry that she almost went crazy.

If it weren't for Ye Yiling and Ye Yixiu stopping her, she would have run away from home directly.

Finally, after Liu Ru and Ye Hai's repeated warnings and persuasions, the three sisters had no choice but to accept this arrangement.

On this day, the entire mansion of the Ye family was decorated with various exquisite decorations, and the atmosphere was very grand.

From time to time, a luxury car drove to the gate of the Ye family, and all kinds of gorgeously dressed ladies and business leaders came to the scene, which can be said to be full of appearance.

Today, Ye Sheng was dressed in a straight suit, with a handsome face and a kind and sunny smile on his face.

Facing many celebrities, Ye Sheng greeted them one by one, with a humble and polite attitude, and his elegant appearance made many people nod.

Many rich daughters also cast admiring eyes on him.

Even Ye Hai and Liu Ru were following behind Ye Sheng at this time, after all, the latter was the real protagonist of the whole scene today.

And they were

Ye Sheng's performance was also very satisfactory. In their opinion, if Ye Zichuan was here, he would definitely not do as well as Ye Sheng.

With Ye Zichuan's bad temper, it was already very good if he didn't make trouble. How could he save enough face for their family like Ye Sheng did?

"Brother Sheng, this is my birthday gift to you, a BMW worth 300,000 yuan. Although the price is a bit low, this is all I can afford."

The young master of a small family held a bunch of BMW car keys in both hands and handed it to Ye Sheng respectfully.

Regarding the matter in the court that day, the Ye family had actually suppressed it by using various relationships, so there were not many people who knew Ye Sheng's true identity.

So at this time, Ye Sheng was still the high-ranking young master of the top family in the eyes of these young masters, and they naturally wanted to come and curry favor with him.

"We are all brothers, what are you talking about?"

Ye Sheng mentioned the car keys and patted the young master's shoulder generously.

He seemed very pleased with the latter's compliment.

Even though the gift given by the latter was indeed not to his liking, he still let it go because this guy was so sensible.

Following the young master of the small family, a bunch of young masters and young ladies of the group gave Ye Sheng their gifts one after another.

For a while, the atmosphere on the field was extremely lively.

Ye Sheng always had a warm smile like the sun on his face, and expressed sincere gratitude to everyone who gave him a gift, which made people feel like spring breeze.

"Look! Aren't those the three young ladies of the Ye family? So beautiful!"

The arrival of the three sisters Ye Yiling, Ye Yimeng, and Ye Yixue immediately made everyone in the field feel bright.

As for why the three sisters came in from outside, the reason was very simple. They lived outside these days and didn't want to stay at home at all.

If it weren't for Ye Hai's order, I'm afraid they wouldn't be here today.

But no matter what, the three sisters came back, and they became the focus of everyone's attention as soon as they came in.

The reason is simple. These three sisters are just too dazzling and bright!

The eldest sister, Ye Yiling, is wearing a professional skirt that perfectly wraps her tall and graceful figure. Her aloof and abstinent aura is a fatal temptation to all men.

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