After the two of them had a long time to wait, they were still very busy.

Finally, they could only leave a look of care and follow their parents out of the apartment door.

As the door closed, Ye Yiling and others also saw the silent figure of Ye Hai standing outside the door.

"Let's go back. I'm afraid our Ye family will not be peaceful in the next period of time."

Ye Hai said, and the others also tacitly did not mention anything about Ye Zichuan, but followed Ye Hai to leave.

As expected, the events of the day spread throughout the upper class of Yancheng at a speed comparable to the plague.

The identity of the young master of the Ye family Zhen family instantly aroused heated discussions among everyone.

All the things that were exposed between Ye Sheng and the Black Dragon Society were exposed.

At this moment, Ye Sheng's original high and mighty status as the young master of the Ye family fell directly into the quagmire. That was the Black Dragon Society, a well-known evil force. You, a fake, actually colluded with such a low-class thing and wanted to murder someone else's biological young master.

Who could tolerate this kind of thing if it happened to anyone else?

Everyone was watching the reaction of the Ye family. Although there was no clear evidence of Ye Sheng's crime, if the Ye family wanted to punish him, it would not be difficult to put him in prison for a few years.

Everyone felt that Ye Sheng was definitely going to be completely finished this time.

Even if the Ye family did not punish him, they should at least drive him out of the Ye family.

However, to everyone's surprise, after returning home, Ye Hai and the entire Ye family reacted quite silently.

This made people outside wonder what the Ye family was up to.

In fact, it was not just outsiders, even Ye Yiling and others were questioning Ye Hai's decision.

They all wanted to take this opportunity to completely remove Ye Sheng, the cancer, from their family.

However, Ye Hai and Liu Ru's attitudes towards each other were surprisingly consistent. They only warned Ye Sheng and warned him that if he did it again, they would never let him off easily.

But they didn't mention anything about kicking him out of the Ye family.

"Dad! Do you know what the outside world is saying about our family now?"

Ye Yiling frowned deeply. Now everyone in the outside world said that their family was stupid and praised a fake, while ignoring their own son who was terminally ill and talented.

Ye Yiling really didn't understand why her parents were so confused?

"Dad, tell me honestly, is there something going on between you and mom? Have you been hiding it from us? What secrets does Ye Sheng have that make you pay so much attention to him?"

Ye Yiling finally asked this question.

She had been suspicious of her parents for a long time, but now she finally got a chance to ask this question.

"Don't pay attention to some rumors from the outside world. Just suppress those reporters and don't let them mess up."

Ye Hai said lightly, but did not give any answer to the question asked by his daughter.


Ye Yiling frowned even more tightly.

"You sisters don't need to care about Ye Sheng's affairs. Believe me, you will understand one day."

Ye Hai said vaguely.

This sentence again, Ye Yiling was helpless.

"Can't you and mom tell us everything?"


Ye Hai answered very straightforwardly.

Faced with her father's tight-lippedness, Ye Yiling was helpless. In the end, she could only do as Ye Hai said and try her best to minimize the impact of this matter.

However, the development of the matter obviously exceeded the expectations of the Ye family. The whole incident affected Yu Yan and Yu Lie, and the image of the Ye family became extremely bad under various rumors from the outside world.

It was even unknown where the rumor leaked from, and the fact that the Ye Group was in an economic crisis recently was also revealed.

For a while, the entire Ye family was pushed to the cusp and became the target of everyone's criticism.

All the people in the upper class, some were watching the show, and some were ready to bite the Ye family at any time.

All this can be said to have made everyone in the Ye family anxious.

On this day, the Ye family welcomed a wave of guests.

Qin Tian still had that kind smile, but today he did not bring Qin Hao and Qin Mingyue with him, only his eldest son Qin Jue.

"What are you doing here?"

Ye Hai frowned, and at this time he did not have the leisure time.

Time to argue with this smiling tiger.

"Brother Ye, don't be like this, I invited you an interesting guest."

Qin Tian said with a smile.

Time went back to half an hour ago.

"I said, I won't sell it."

Ye Zichuan said to the other end of the phone unhappily.

"Young Master Ye, don't be so sure, everything can be discussed. My father and I are waiting for you at the Ye family. When the time comes, we will also have your family members, including you, how about we negotiate together?"

Qin Jue said calmly, listening to the other party's warm voice, but it is difficult for people to have a little bit of goodwill.

Ye Zichuan hung up the phone and frowned. During this period, the Qin family had approached him many times, saying that they wanted to acquire his studio, which was really annoying.

After asking around, Ye Zichuan learned that Qin Jue was also making games, but the performance of his game studio during this period was very unsatisfactory, resulting in a state of loss.

Qin Jue just happened to know about Ye Zichuan's newly emerged Mohe Studio, and the various relationships between the two families. Naturally, the other party set his sights on him.

"What did that guy ask you to do?"

At this time, Ye Zichuan was in the studio, listening to Liu Ming's report on the status of some new games they had developed in recent days.

"I guess he wants to use the Ye family to put pressure on me."

Ye Zichuan shrugged and said indifferently.

"Boss, I heard that the eldest son of the Qin family is very difficult to mess with. It's really a troublesome thing to be targeted by him!"

Liu Ming said with some worry.

"It's okay, it seems I can only go to the Ye family again."

Ye Zichuan waved his hand. Facing such a person, it is better to solve the problem quickly.

After all, such an opponent is like a poisonous snake. If you ignore him, it is difficult to guess when he will jump out of the dark and bite you hard.

"Then you are going to the Ye family again?"

Liu Ming was a little worried, after all, he knew the latter's life experience.

"It doesn't matter, they have been struggling recently, do they have time to embarrass me?"

Ye Zichuan said, not caring about it.

After all, he had already stopped taking the Ye family seriously.

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