The Ye family.

What Ye Yimeng wanted to investigate the most was the incident in which Ye Zichuan stole her underwear.

Because of this incident, the sisters punished Ye Zichuan and made him kneel on the ground for a whole night.

No matter how the latter explained, she would not listen. In the end, it was because Ye Zichuan fainted while kneeling on the ground that the matter was left unresolved.

But since then, Ye Zichuan has been labeled a perverted beast by the sisters.

If this incident was a misunderstanding of Ye Zichuan, then...

Ye Yimeng did not dare to think about it any further. With an extremely uneasy mood, she turned over the surveillance footage in the house that had never been touched.

After a long time, Ye Yimeng found the surveillance footage of the day when the incident happened.

As Ye Yimeng's trembling, slender, white and tender fingers opened, the truth gradually revealed itself in front of her.

That day was very ordinary, not much different from usual days.

Ye Yimeng saw clearly that they did not wait for Ye Zichuan to eat together that day. They talked and laughed and went to do their own things after eating.

When Ye Zichuan came out, he just glanced at the empty dining table silently, with a lonely smile on his face as if he had known it would happen.

Then, Ye Yimeng saw Ye Zichuan turn around and go back to his room to take out a bucket of instant noodles, and then he started to soak them skillfully.

It can be seen that he has done similar things many times.

Ye Yimeng felt as if her heart was being pulled by someone. Why didn't she think that Ye Zichuan hadn't gone to eat at that time?

He was obviously their younger brother, so why didn't anyone wait for him? The dignified young master of the Ye family actually wanted to eat instant noodles. If anyone heard this, they would laugh their teeth off.

No wonder Ye Zichuan has always been so thin, it turns out that it is caused by not eating well for a long time.

The scene continues, Ye Zichuan finished his instant noodles with a lonely movement and returned to his room. In the following time, he never walked out of the door.

Not to mention sneaking into Ye Yimeng's room to steal her underwear.

Moreover, Ye Yimeng thought that she had never allowed Ye Zichuan to enter her room before, so where could Ye Zichuan get the key to her room? This is simply a joke!

But it was this kind of loophole that she and her two sisters did not notice at the time.

At this time, Ye Yimeng was shocked to find that Ye Sheng's figure had quietly slipped out of her room.

With an uncontrollable curiosity and excitement on his face, he looked around and found that there was no one, and then he secretly came to Ye Yimeng's door.

Ye Sheng took out the key from his arms, inserted it into the keyhole, turned it gently, and then the door opened, and his figure disappeared into Ye Yimeng's room like a thief.

Boom! ! !

Ye Yimeng felt that she was frozen! It was as if thousands of thunderbolts struck her mind!

In an instant, Ye Yimeng's mind was completely blank!

All that echoed in her mind was the words "How is this possible?"

Yes, how is this possible?

Ye Sheng was the good brother that the sisters had spoiled since childhood. He was pure and kind. Even if he was not their biological son, he was just like their biological son.

In fact, in the hearts of the sisters, Ye Sheng's status far exceeded that of Ye Zichuan, the so-called biological brother.

But at this moment, Ye Yimeng felt that Ye Sheng's image completely collapsed in her heart!

The most pure and beautiful brother in her eyes, actually...

Ye Yimeng didn't dare to think about it anymore, but continued to look down stiffly.

Not long after, Ye Sheng's figure appeared on the surveillance screen again.

At this time, his face was ruddy, his eyes were a little blurred, and there was a hint of an ambiguous smile on the corner of his mouth.

In his hand was a pair of white lace panties. Ye Sheng showed an evil look on his face. He picked up the thing in his hand again, put it in front of his nose and took a deep breath, then resolutely walked towards Ye Zichuan's room.

Looking around again and finding that no one was paying attention, Ye Sheng threw the white lace panties at Ye Zichuan's door with a cold smile.

Everyone knows what happened afterwards.

Ye Zichuan came out and found that there was something like this at his door inexplicably. His brows were furrowed, but at this moment, Ye Sheng appeared.

Ye Sheng looked extremely shocked and screamed loudly, attracting the attention of the servants and their sisters.

In the picture

, Ye Yimeng's beautiful face was extremely gloomy. Looking at her underwear on the ground in front of the door and the indescribable things on it, Ye Yimeng's pretty face turned black and white, and then white and red.

"Ye Zichuan! How could you do such a thing?! You really make me feel sick!"


Ye Yimeng stepped forward, raised her hand without hesitation, and slapped Ye Zichuan in the face.

"I didn't!"

Before Ye Zichuan could explain, he was slapped hard on the face.

Ye Yimeng could see the grievance in Ye Zichuan's eyes at that time, but she couldn't see it at that time.

She was not satisfied, and she slapped Ye Zichuan several more times in succession.

She didn't stop until Ye Zichuan's whole face was red and swollen, and even left blood marks.

The other two sisters were also extremely shocked. They punished Ye Zichuan to kneel on the ground for most of the day and didn't allow him to eat or drink until the latter fainted due to injuries and lack of physical strength.

Ye Sheng, the instigator, always pretended to be innocent, but the venom in his eyes was only caught by Ye Yimeng outside the screen until now.

Heartache! Ye Yimeng felt her heart aching!

It was because the beautiful image of her younger brother was completely overturned, and it was also because of another younger brother that she felt heartbroken.

Ye Yimeng had no way and dared not imagine what kind of mood Ye Zichuan was in at that time to accept all this.

Obviously, she did nothing, but was beaten up by her closest person and punished like this.

Ye Yimeng no longer wanted to check other surveillance, she already had the answer in her heart.

"Zichuan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I'm not a good sister."

Ye Yimeng collapsed on the chair weakly, tears kept flowing down her beautiful face.

If only she could find out all this earlier, she finally realized how serious the Ye family's partiality to Ye Sheng was.

It was so serious that the sisters didn't even bother to check the truth and directly convicted Ye Zichuan of a crime.

If all these things were misunderstandings, how did Ye Zichuan get through these dark days?

How desperate must he be!

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