Tang Jing lowered her head and glanced at Wang Qian's back squatting on the ground with her residual vision.

What the hell does this guy mean, he seems to care about me in that tone, but I don't know him at all, why does he tell me that Ah Jiang doesn't look like a good person?

Tang Jing was a little confused, and quickly returned to the team after cleaning the battlefield.

As soon as Dai Meng saw that the three of them had returned to the team, he stopped resting and continued to lead the team on the road.

Along the way, he kept praising Wang Qian for being sensible, saying that the three of them cleaned up much faster.

However, Zhao Jiang found that Tang Jing was a little restless after returning to the team, and he usually chatted with himself non-stop, how could he become so quiet at this time.

"Jingjing, what's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?

Tang Jing smiled sweetly at him: "It's nothing, it's just that I was disgusted by those corpses just now."

Zhao Jiang laughed, hugged her and said, "We've been on a few missions together, why are you still not used to it, learn more and learn from others." Hearing

Zhao Jiang mention Wang Qian, Tang Jing unconsciously looked at Wang Qian who was walking in front.

Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable irritability, and the position where the hand touched my body was as uncomfortable as a fire, and it was very uncomfortable.

'Why would that guy risk saying something like that to me?' Isn't he afraid of me telling Zhao Jiang at all?

Could it be that he is interested in me and wants to dig into the corner of Zhao Jiang? Belch...... It shouldn't be, didn't he also mention Dai Meng...'I

have to say that the IQ of a woman in love is still a bit worrying.

Soon, in the evening, Dai Meng found a dilapidated building and decided to rest here for the night.

Everyone sat around the fire, eating dry food, chatting about all kinds of colorful topics, and looked happy.

Suddenly, Wang Qian felt a palpitation, which was his sixth sense for many years.

Sure enough, the next moment, countless red eyes suddenly lit up around the building.

In the reflection of the firelight, a large group of ironclad rabbits appeared, including a giant ironclad rabbit the size of a calf.

"Oops! It's the leader of the Iron Rabbit, everyone hurry up and prepare for battle!

Dai roared angrily, and was the first to stand up.

Wang Qian directly turned over and hid behind a collapsed floor slab, and slowly retreated into the darkness after avoiding everyone's attention.

He vaguely guessed that tonight might be the plot that Tang Jing described to him in her previous life that made her suffer all her life.

Now that the plan is all in order, the group may not have been killed by Dai Meng, but by this group of rabbits.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this group of people to watch Dai Meng kill them all one by one.

But...... If I had saved them, would Dai Meng not have dared to do it afterwards?

If Dai Meng didn't make a move, wouldn't Zhao Jiang be revealed in his true form...'Just

when Wang Qian was anxious, the battle had already begun, and everyone was desperate.

In particular, the fire snake and the glasses man, one spell attack after another smashed into the bunnies like they didn't want money.

"No, if these two people run out of energy, it will be like a waste, and then they will definitely be slaughtered by Dai Meng."

But what if I'm wrong? If Dai Meng hadn't gotten the treasure from this leader Iron Armored Rabbit, then I would have fled without a fight now, wouldn't I be dead for a while?

Mader! No matter what, let's pretend first, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge!

Thinking of this, he embodied AK and began to take advantage of the cover of the collapsed floor slab, hiding behind and starting to shoot.

When a few people heard the gunshots behind them, they also understood that it was Wang Qian's attack, and at the beginning, they thought that Wang Qian had escaped from the battle, but it turned out that they were looking for cover.


As the battle progressed, the development of the story became more and more like Wang Qian's speculation, because someone had already begun to be injured.

In addition to that leader, there are many third-level ironclad rabbits in the rabbit group, and those few third-level enhancement abilities can't handle it at all.

Wang Qian's bullet hit those third-level ironclad rabbits, and they didn't do anything except make a burst of sparks, and they couldn't even make the rabbits pause.

The rabbits are falling more and more, and the team members are falling more and more.

In the end, except for Zhao Jiang, who had been leaning on Tang Jing's side, almost all the strengthening systems had already fallen.

The fire snake and the man with glasses are also out of breath now, and they are obviously running out of energy.

"Boss, boss! Hurry up and get the leader, or you'll have to die! Hahu! Hahu..."

Wang Qian was shocked.

'It's over! These guys are useless... Wrong! What about the one who plays with drugs?

Wang Qian suddenly found that he didn't see the thin man in the crowd, and immediately began to look around.

Suddenly, a slight green light flashed in a pile of collapsed gravel slabs not far to his right, and the guy also spotted Wang Qian.

The two glanced at each other, and they hid their figures at the same time as they were very tacit.

Only Dai Meng was left on the field to fight with the leader Iron Rabbit, but in the end, Dai Meng's skills were superior.

The iron fist directly hit one of the eyes of the leader of the iron rabbit, and the leader of the iron rabbit immediately fell directly to the ground.

Dai Meng saw the opportunity to jump on the head of the Ironclad Rabbit Leader and blasted the hammer, and the dazzling white light followed his fists and smashed on the Ironclad Rabbit Leader's head again and again.

With the death of the leader of the ironclad rabbits, the rest of the rabbits scattered in a hurry, and they didn't dare to harden the thug in front of them.

Just as all the wounded lying on the ground were ecstatic, Dai Meng turned around with a glowing bead in his hand and a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

Strange look at his former teammates....


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