When Wang Qian saw Ye Xiaran coming over, he moved out of the way and motioned for her to sit between him and Yang Lin.

Ye Xiaran also nodded slightly to Wang Qian to say hello, and then sat directly in the position that Wang Qian had moved.

"Teacher Yang, the cultivation has been delayed a little, and I am a little late."

Yang Lin looked at Ye Xiaran with a pampering look and said, "It's okay, it's rare for classmates to get together, just have fun, don't care about that." "

Which teacher doesn't like such an excellent student, with good grades and good performance, he is a proper three-good student in the 21st century.

Then Ye Xiaran's eyes were on Wang Qian again, and he pursed his lips: "Classmate Wang Qian really can't be good-looking, I didn't expect that you would have cultivated to the second level in just a few days, I thought you didn't even have a meditation method."

Wang Qian was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself what this girl meant? Am I ugly? What does it mean to be unseemly? Lao Tzu's appearance is not worthy of this cultivation speed, or what's the matter?

However, remembering that there were still important things to remind her, he didn't bother with her, and said directly:

"Thousand Stars University has rewarded so many ability crystals, the early cultivation progress will definitely be faster, this is nothing, hasn't Ye Xiaran also reached the second level."

But one thing I want to say is that I joined a demon hunting team a few days ago and went out of the city to experience it.

Ye Xiaran and Yang Lin's pupils shrank at the same time when they heard Wang Qian's words, especially Yang Lin, who directly reprimanded in a reproachful tone:

"You just woke up and dared to run out of the city, what is the matter with you not dying, can this matter be joked?" When you go to college, you will have the opportunity to experience, and don't go out of town without permission.

Wang Qian said: "Yes, yes, I know, it's just an F-level task, go out to see the world, it's boring to lie at home, don't worry about the teacher, you listen to me first."

Wang Qian casually dealt with Yang Lin, and then said: "Our task is just to collect some supplies, and all we encounter are some first-level and second-level foreign beasts, and those old hunters will kill them casually, which is very safe."

However, we found traces of the blood-devouring vine nearby, and the captain felt that something was wrong, so he gave up the mission and rushed back.

The area we went to was south of the city, near the downstream, and that area happened to be under your father's jurisdiction, and I thought you could mention this to your father, and it would be better to explore it in advance.

Ye Xiaran's expression was a little solemn when he heard Wang Qian's words, the bloodthirsty vine is a fifth-level beast, if it really appears in the area near Qianxing City, the consequences will be unimaginable, it is indeed necessary to remind his father.

But she glanced at Wang Qian strangely: "How do you know that my father is in charge of that area?" "

'Uh... Oops.

Wang Qian immediately snorted: "I heard what the captain said, saying that this area is under the jurisdiction of Inspector Ye, and there are a few Inspector Ye in our Qianxing City, I must be thinking of your father."

Ye Xiaran raised his eyebrows, a little skeptical, but still replied: "Well, this matter is very important, I will remind my father." "


Wang Qian sighed, he was relieved to have this sentence, anyway, he did everything he could, if the final result still couldn't be changed, then he couldn't do it.

Seeing that Ye Xiaran was a little worried, Wang Qian no longer bothered, but just started the chatting mode with Dong Shushu on the side.

But what they didn't know was that Lu Kai, who was sitting in a corner, had been staring at them with gloomy eyes.


After a while, a few waiters came in with a few boxes of wine, saying that Lu Shao invited classmates, and everyone drank casually, which caused everyone to compliment Lu Kai again.

Lu Kai got up and picked up his wine glass, greeting his classmates one by one, and even Wang Qian and Dong Shushu toasted.

It seems that there is no contradiction between several people at all, and this makes Wang Qian feel that this guy must be making trouble.

Therefore, Wang Qian was always wary of Lu Kai, just pretended to take a sip, and quietly spit it out when people were not paying attention.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the classmates to seem to be drunk, and some people began to play drunken madness, and even Yang Lin and Ye Xiaran on the side had obviously wrong faces.

Wang Qian was shocked.

This grandson has put something in the wine, and I want to see what tricks you are going to play."

Wang Qian also pretended to be drunk, pulled Dong Shushu and began to sing and dance.

As soon as Lu Kai saw that the effect of the medicine was almost there, he immediately stood up and announced loudly: "Everyone is happy today, and the room is directly opened upstairs when you are drunk."

"Oh! Long live Lu Shao!

Many of the students were already a little drunk, so Lu Kai directly asked the waiter to take the students to the prepared rooms one by one.

Yang Lin and Ye Xiaran obviously drank very little, and they were quite sober at this time.

Ye Xiaran helped Yang Lin get up and prepare to go home, Lu Kai walked over directly and asked the two waitresses to help them and said, "The room has been opened, go up and rest for a while, and then have dinner together in the evening." I

don't know when a plate of aromatherapy was ordered in the box, it seemed to stimulate the medicinal effect of the wine, Ye Xiaran felt that her head was getting dizzy and dizzy, and she couldn't even stand steadily, so she had to let the waitress help her upstairs.


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