Wang Qian stood in the distance and watched the scene of Ye Xiangming and the Blood Devouring Vine fighting very nervously, he was afraid that Ye Xiangming would be seriously injured.

The system task required him to help Ye Xiangming defeat the Blooddevouring Vine, and he could not be seriously injured.

The other two people next to him weren't much better.

Shi Zhanpeng complained directly: "I'm Di Mayer, the fifth-level blood-devouring vine doesn't have this scale, this guy is at least sixth-level, I think we should run farther."

Tang Jing grabbed Wang Qian's arm and nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"This is not a place where little shrimp like us can come, and I'm always worried about whether a vine will suddenly come out of my feet and suck me into a dry corpse, woo woo, it's terrible!"


"Alright, alright, you two go find a safe place to stay. "

What about you, don't tell me that you want to exchange feelings with this monster?" Tang Jingmei looked at Wang Qian with round eyes and said.

Wang Qian said confidently: "Don't worry, I use long-range attacks to play with it, I won't joke with my life, I haven't started school yet, and I haven't even seen the beautiful senior sisters, how can I be willing to die."

Tang Jing was directly speechless by his nonsensical thinking, told him to be careful, and then retreated further away with Shi Zhanpeng.

Wang Qian looked at the large area that had been cleared in front of him, and suddenly had an idea.

There was a flash of green all around him, and he appeared directly in the driver's seat of the Bugatti tank, and the Gatling, who had never been shown before, also protruded from the sunroof of the back seat, and the thermal homing missile launcher on the hood also raised its head.

As soon as the accelerator sounded, the tires grinded on the ground with a screeching sound, and the car ejected in the black smoke from the burning tires.

At this time, Ye Xiangming was standing inside the city wall, facing the city gate that was crawling with vines, and he struggled to use his water attack skills.

The sudden sound of a car engine behind him made him want to scold, but now he didn't have time to pay attention to his back, and the attacks of the blood-devouring vine kept coming, making him embarrassed.


Suddenly three missiles flew past him in a spiral in the air, flying straight towards the giant vines that were coming at him.

'Boom... Boom!'

Three explosions, one long and two short, caused the struck vines to burst into flames and smoke.

'Bang, bang, bang-'

followed by the sound of three massive vines that had been blown off and smashed to the ground.

"Good guy, which unit actually developed such a powerful rocket artillery!" Ye Xiangming took the time to look back.

What catches my eye is a cool sports car that has been speeding towards the other side where the vines are more concentrated, the streamlining of the body, the super cool color, that...

'That fart!now is the time to think about this?'

Ye Xiangming scolded secretly that he was distracted again, and then immediately came back to his senses and continued to deal with the Blood Devouring Vine.

Although I don't know where that guy came from, he can effectively injure the blood-devouring vine, which is a great help.

After Gatling 'suddenly' broke several vines, the Blooddevouring vine became furious, and in an instant, countless cracks began to appear in the ground, and countless vines began to emerge from the ground.

And it became denser and denser, and finally, in the open space inside the entire city gate, thousands of vines rose higher and higher, and with the vines came out a huge trunk with a diameter of at least more than twenty meters.

This was the body of the Blood Devouring Vine, and everyone looked at the trunk of the tree that seemed to be about to soar into the sky, including Wang Qian.

Three more thermal homing missiles hit the trunk, and there were three 'poofs' sounds, plus a little white smoke, except for three small black dots, there was no movement.

"How is this special mother going to fight?" Just

when Wang Qian was distracted, a vine emerged directly from under his car, rolling the entire car into the air, and he planned to crush the car in the next second.

Wang Qian didn't have time to think about it, so he directly took the car back, stepped on the vines with both feet a few times, and finally landed safely.

Ye Xiangming looked at Wang Qian, who was frowning, and only then did he realize that this person was not a soldier of the city defense army at all.

I couldn't help yelling: "Hey, little ghost, leave quickly, this is not a place for you to come, for the sake of your merit just now, I won't care about the matter of breaking into the war zone with you."

Wang Qian rolled his eyes at Ye Xiangming, and then set his gaze on the blood-devouring vine in front of him.

If it weren't for the fact that the system has a task, and you are Ye Xiaran's father, Lao Tzu wouldn't want to care about you.

Then he was covered in green, and directly embodied the exoskeleton armor and laser sword, and rushed towards the blood-devouring vine with a few jumps.

Ye Xiangming was so angry by Wang Qian's ignorant eyes that he blew his beard and glared.

"Wow, this little ghost is really angry with Lao Tzu! It doesn't matter if you die, Lao Tzu will be punished afterwards, what is this special thing!"

Ye Xiangming, who was helpless, had no choice but to rush forward.

The Blood Devouring Vine had just rolled up the car just now, but it suddenly disappeared, making the Blood Devouring Vine seem stunned for a moment, and then immediately found Wang Qian's breath.

'It's this nasty guy who actually hurt me, and I'm going to suck you dry.' The

dozen or so giant vines closest to Wang Qian all waved towards Wang Qian who was running with their teeth and claws open their teeth and claws.


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