For Dong Shushu's words, Wang Qian has a deep understanding.

At this time in his previous life, he was equally excited, nervous and excited.

As a result, he didn't expect that the talent he awakened at the end made him seem to fall into the endless abyss all of a sudden.

But what he can't forget the most is that Dong Shushu never disliked Wang Qian, who had F-level talent, in later days.

It was still Brother Qian's brother who called him, and in the end, because he wanted to help him get justice, he was directly abolished by the pair of dog men and women.

Thinking of this, Wang Qian's anger was a little uncontrollable.

"Brother Qian, your eyes are so scary, don't tell me you're nervous like this, haha."

Wang Qian was reminded of Dong Shushu's voice, grinned at him, and said jokingly:

"I'm not nervous, I was telling your fortune just now."

Dong Shushu had a speechless expression: "Come on, you are really a new trick every day, so what kind of fame do you have?"

"Hey, hey! I figured out you're a B-class talent with a fire elemental ability.

"Ouch! Then I'm really grateful to your eight-generation ancestors, if I really want to be a B-level elemental system, I'll cover your food expenses for the next ten years!

Wang Qian smiled evilly: "Then I'll wait." "

Cut! Two pencils who only daydream all day!

At this moment, an extremely disgusting voice came from in front of the two men.

Dong Shushu raised his head angrily and looked ahead.

"Lu Kai! Don't be weird all day long, let's chat with the two brothers and get in the way of you!

Isn't it just that when I was a freshman in high school, I lost a bet with Brother Qian, and I had to hold a grudge for three years? You're not an Avenger, are you?

Lu Kai looked at Wang Qian and Dong Shushu with a sneering expression.

"Dong Xiaozi, if you can awaken to become a B-level elemental ability, Lao Tzu will eat upside down today! If you can't, you TM give me a handstand to eat, dare not! Dong

Shushu: "I'm TM..."

"Oh! I don't think that's okay, right?

At this time, Wang Qian raised his head and looked at Lu Kai's eyes that suddenly became a little playful.

Lu Kai is a person who makes Wang Qian remember deeply, his family conditions are very good, and he has always been a person with a strong sense of presence in the class, and he especially likes to show off in front of female classmates.

Because of a very small incident in the first year of high school, he was lost face by the original owner, so he has hated the original owner since then, along with Dong Shushu, who was very close to him.

As soon as he finds an opportunity, he will stab the two of them in the back, but his trick is really useful, Wang Qian and Dong Shushu's high school career is not very happy.

At this time, Lu Kai was taken aback by Wang Qian's sudden eyes, but after thinking about it, this girl was scared, and suddenly became proud.

"What's wrong? Don't dare to brag and bet! Either you admit that you just bragged now, and then admit your mistake in front of the whole class, and forget it. "

The excitement here has attracted the attention of many students in the class, and now they are all looking at this side one by one.

Dong Shushu couldn't bear it, stood up, pointed his finger at Lu Kai and said angrily: "I chatted with Brother Qian about your, and I was really lenient in managing things."

Wang Qian stretched out his hand to stop Dong Shushu from continuing, looked at Lu Kai with a slight sneer and

said, "I mean, the bet you just said is not interesting, why don't you have something practical?"

Lu Kai was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"After today, everyone will be an ability, and they will definitely need to use the ability spar to cultivate next, so let's bet on ten primary ability spars."


A burst of gasping sounds came from the mouths of the surrounding classmates.

Even Lu Kai and Dong Shushu looked at Wang Qian incredulously.

You must know that the ability crystal is a kind of energy crystallization obtained by hunting alien beasts, and the ability can speed up cultivation through this object.

Not every beast that kills can get an ability crystal, and a primary ability crystal on the market costs at least 100,000 star coins.

Everyone knew Wang Qian's economic level, how could he possibly get ten primary ability crystals.

Dong Shushu looked at Wang Qian with some concern, but then thought that Brother Qian was also making this bet with someone for himself, gritted his teeth, and said directly to Lu Kai:

"Okay! Let's bet on ten primary ability crystals, in front of the whole class, do you dare to take it? Originally

, Lu Kai wanted to ridicule Wang Qian for not being able to take out ten primary ability crystals, but he didn't expect Dong Shushu to accept this straw bag.

With their family's strength, ten primary ability crystals are still very casual, but since this straw bag is willing to give it to him for free, then he definitely shouldn't give it to him for nothing.

So Lu Kai looked at the two of them with a mocking look and said

, "Okay, then bet, if Dong Shushu can awaken the B-level fire ability, I will pay you ten primary ability spars, and if it is other abilities, you will have to pay me ten yuan."

Just as Dong Shushu was about to say yes, Wang Qian shouted: "Slow!

Lu Kai suddenly sneered: "What? Regretted it? It's too late to regret -------------------------------------it."

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