However, Wang Qian, who was inside the mecha, didn't have time to pay attention to the surprise of the others, because he was complaining frantically at this time.

"Hey, the system, why don't you have a lot of things

? What about the meteor ship? What about the cloak? There is no mechanism cannon, and there is no special destruction rifle, you are too pirated, right?" [

Ding! Are you a tiger, having a particle beam laser gun and a lightsaber is not enough for you to solve it

?Are you planning to blow up the entire Thousand Star City? This is a sixth-level prop, okay! Don't bother me anymore, make me make a mistake!"..."

Okay, you cow, you have a point, it's just a rare experience.

Wang Qian reined in his mind and directly fired the head Vulcan cannon, 'Da Da!' A series of explosions sounded, and all the oncoming vines within sight were shot into slag.

"Wuhu! it's so cool!" Wang

Qian in the mecha shouted excitedly.

Take control of the mecha and use your right hand to pull out the particle beam machine gun stuck in your left hand, which instantly turns into a particle beam lightsaber.

Putting on a running pose, Zeng' rushed out towards the main trunk of the blood-devouring vine.

Right now, the only focus on the entire battlefield is the battle between the Phoenix Winged Gundam and the Bloodthirsty Vine.

Except for a few warriors who were still fighting their way to the walls, all eyes were on the Phoenix Winged Gundam.

Have you ever seen a seemingly bulky mecha shuttling between countless vines with light steps? Have you ever seen a Gundam that can use the Wudang sword technique?

Today you have seen that everywhere the lightsaber goes, all the terrifying vines are invincible.

That graceful posture makes people unable to see the slightest disobedience between the turns.

In addition to the trajectory left by the sword light, the flash of the Vulcan cannon burst out of the entire field, and the countless stumps and fragments flying everywhere in the air.

Everyone seemed to hear the heart-rending screams of the Blood Devouring Vine.

In fact, the blood-devouring vine already had some faint signs of wanting to retreat.

How could Wang Qian let it run, the system task required to kill the blood-devouring vine, and once it got into the ground, it would be difficult to chase it.

I saw that the thruster behind the Phoenix Flying Wing Gundam suddenly erupted with terrifying flames, and its huge body actually burst out with incredible speed, disappearing in place in the blink of an eye, and the next second it actually appeared on the side of the Blood Devouring Vine.

However, at this time, everyone saw a huge red light, which crossed a graceful curve from where the mecha was just now, and gradually merged with the lightsaber in the mecha's hand.

This red light happened to pass through the main trunk of the Blood Devouring Vine, that is, after the red light disappeared, a diagonal line faintly appeared above the main trunk of the Blood Devouring Vine, and it gradually became obvious.

As a large amount of green juice shot out from the diagonal line, the entire upper part of the blood-devouring vine slowly slid down the diagonal line.


There was a loud bang and a violent vibration from the ground, and

the Blood Devouring Vine was actually cut off! With the system prompting the arrival of 1000 points, Wang Qian knew that the Blood Devouring Vine was completely hung up.

He looked at the time, only two minutes had passed, and regardless of the shock and sluggishness of everyone present, he flew directly over the city wall and swept towards the group of alien beasts outside the city.

The opportunity is rare, and seizing the time to brush up a little more points is the last word.

Insert the particle beam light sword into the left arm, and the end of the hilt directly becomes the muzzle of the particle beam laser gun, aiming at the larger alien beast is a strafing shot, and the alien beast that is hit can be described as having no bones.

With the sweep of the Vulcan cannon in the head, in just a moment, the menacing alien beast group that had been coming before was beaten to pieces, leaving countless corpses and then all retreating.

The shouts of the warriors on the city walls also heralded the beast raid, which ended perfectly with the success of the human defense.

When Wang Qian landed in the city again in the Phoenix Winged Gundam, the tall and powerful appearance made countless residents and warriors completely fascinated, and they all raised their hands and shouted heroes.

Wang Qian saw Ye Xiang under his feet, and he walked over and put away the mecha.

I saw that the entire mecha flashed green, turned into a card and fell into Wang Qian's hand, and then slowly disappeared.

Wang Qian secretly said pity, and then looked directly at Ye Xiangming who was walking towards him.

"Hello young man, on behalf of all the military and civilians in Qianxing City, I thank you for your help, please inform me of your name and address, and I will apply for a commendation from the superior leaders for you.

Also, this is something you get from the remains of the Blooddevouring Vine, and it belongs to you. As he

spoke, Ye Xiangming handed over the two shiny balls in his hand.

Wang Qian looked at one of the beads emitting orange light, and his pupils shrank: it was actually an intermediate advanced inner pill, it was really a big luck.

Ye Xiangming also seemed to see Wang Qian's expression, and said with a smile:

"This blood-devouring vine is a lord-level alien beast, different from ordinary sixth-level alien beasts, so the probability of being able to obtain an intermediate advanced inner pill is quite large, otherwise it would be impossible for so many A-level and S-level abilities to appear among human beings."

Wang Qian was very happy to take this Inner Dan, as for the other intermediate beast spar, it seemed dispensable.

"Then thank you Inspector Ye, as for the reward or something, there is no need for it, everyone has a responsibility to protect mankind. After

speaking, it was directly embodied in Bugatti, and with a throttle sound, only the taillights were left to the stunned Ye Xiangming.


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