After giving Zhan Xing a heavy punch, Wang Qian's figure reappeared.

He was already standing in front of Zhan Xing's left at this time, looking at him calmly.

Wang Qian's punch not only stunned Zhan Xing, but also all the classmates and instructors around him.

Even Xu Hongguang, who knew that Wang Qian was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, was a little confused.

He had already overestimated Wang Qian as much as possible, but that was when he embodied that set of armor.

What is this now? The speed of the explosion with his physical fitness alone can make him, a sixth-level ability, unable to see a human figure clearly.

The surprise of the people around him, of course Zhan Xing could feel it, at this time, he only felt that his face was a little unbearable, and he was actually beaten by a freshman punch.

In the next moment, he covered his whole body with qi, and a large amount of qi was collected in his legs, he had already regarded Wang Qian as a real opponent, and he was ready to show all his strength.


there was a sonic boom that sounded like electricity, and the dirt on the playground was trampled into a huge pit, and the turf and sand flew backwards.

The speed at which Zhan Xing erupted had even surpassed Wang Qian's intermediate physical skills in his usual state.

Just in an instant, Zhan Xing's big fist appeared in Wang Qian's sight.

I saw Wang Qian's body lightly on one side, a sword flower rolled up in his wrist, and the small iron sword directly parried the iron fist attacked by Zhan Xing.


A slightly echoing sword roar made Wang Qian's iron sword tremble violently.

Wang Qian turned around, and the small iron sword in his hand stabbed out again with the rotating body, but was grabbed by Zhan Xing with his bare hands.


Qian sighed in his heart, and the hand holding the sword did not let go, but directly dispersed the small iron sword in his hand and turned it into a huge bracelet.

As the green light on the front of the bracelet lit up, Zhan Xing's sixth sense immediately sent out a strong alarm.

'Oh no!'

Sensing the threat from the bracelet, Zhan Xing rolled sideways, dodging the front of the bracelet.

But before Zhan Xing could complete the sideways roll, Wang Qian's body disappeared again, appearing on the way Zhan Xing rolled.


A beautiful cannon roar, and a cannon shell hit Zhan Xing's right cheek solidly.

Zhan Xing was hit by this impact and flew back directly, and came to the air for three and a half weeks, but unfortunately the end of the action was not perfect, and he fell heavily to the ground.

"Bah, bah!" Zhan

Xing spat out the dirt from his mouth and got up with an angry face.

At this time, half of his face was blackened, and there were a lot of blood stains, the entire right side of his hair was curled for free, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

How embarrassed and embarrassed he looked, at this time he had completely lost the majesty he had when he first lined up, only a hideous expression and red eyes.


The enraged enhancement system was terrifying, and at this time, the figures of him and Wang Qian had almost disappeared on the field, leaving only the sound of breaking through the air.

Of course, only these students can't see it, and other teachers, instructors, and principals can still catch it.

But Zhan Xing is only level four, and no matter how explosive his speed is, it is impossible to be faster than Wang Qian, who can use it.

Wang Qian just used physical skills to deal with him, and used shaving to distance himself at a critical moment.

can also give him a shot from time to time, so that he has to dodge or increase his anger to cover his arms and resist stubbornly.

Therefore, Zhan Xing couldn't last long for such an overload of consumption, although the momentum was huge, but he didn't even touch the corners of Wang Qian's clothes.

It didn't take long for his movements to get slower and slower, and his breath became more and more uneven, and Wang Qian didn't even need to use shaving anymore to trick him around.

Finally more than ten minutes later.

With a "bang", Zhan Xing directly lost his strength, facing the loess with his back to the sky and slammed on the grass.

If it weren't for Wang Qian going up and kicking him lightly in the head, it is estimated that he would be the first fourth-level ability to be suffocated to death by the mud.

Xu Hongguang glanced at Wang Qian helplessly: This kid is really a pervert, he doesn't even use his abilities much, and he directly explodes a fourth-level strengthening system with his physical skills alone.

"Okay, I announce that Wang Qian won this competition. "


As the headmaster's voice fell, the students jumped up and down as if they were going crazy.

What kind of immortal classmate is this! Before he started military training, he directly knocked down the instructor!

The principal raised his hand helplessly: "Be quiet, keep discipline!" Several

instructors next to him walked over directly and carried Zhan Xing down, all with awe-inspiring eyes when they passed by Wang Qian's side.

At this time, an instructor carrying Zhan Xing's right leg stared at Wang Qian twice and stopped directly.

He didn't care about his letting go, causing Zhan Xing's right foot to "Duang" directly, smashing to the ground, and even his boots bounced off.

He looked at Wang Qian with a look of disbelief and excitement.

"Mecha Sword God! You are actually a Mecha Sword God!

I am from the Southwest District City Defense Army, and I saw your heroic appearance that night with my own eyes on the city wall, and I still remember it vividly.

At the time, I thought you were very young, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect you to be just a freshman!" Wang

Qian quickly raised a finger and made a silent gesture towards him.




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