Ye Xiaran, who was standing in the distance, was also watching Wang Qian practice this set of sword moves seriously.

I don't know why, she always feels that this set of swordsmanship is particularly suitable for herself.

Because she's an ice-type ability, in addition to long-range range strikes, the power of melee combat will actually be more explosive.

I really couldn't understand him more and more, and other people learned to hide everything like a treasure, but he didn't hesitate to teach others.

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth unconsciously rose slightly.

Maybe that's the charisma.

In fact, how did she know that Wang Qian didn't care about these superficial things at all, and his real hole card was always the "Embodied Illustrated Manual".

Wang Qian, who had practiced the sword moves again, looked at the enthusiastic classmates and said with a smile: "Since some students are interested in this, you can practice more according to the video after you go back."

That's all there is to the basic sword moves, but it takes a thousand times of practice to master them. "

Those students who recorded the video are very grateful to Wang Qian, especially Long Fei.

He ran to Wang Qian with a spring face and thanked him repeatedly: "Sword God Idol, thank you so much, I just made a few random movements just now, and I feel that my sword skills have improved very much."

I used to wield the sword in my hand with brute force, but now I know that I can have so many power skills.

After I practice, I believe that I will definitely be able to get a good ranking in this year's military competition.

Wang Qian looked at him with a smile: "You really don't have to be so polite, it's all dragon instructors, you yourself have a high level of understanding, but I think you still don't need to practice with a wooden sword."

I suggest that you use a heavy sword when practicing, the heavier the better, and then use a light sword when you are actually fighting, it will have unexpected effects.

Long Fei nodded very seriously, saying that he would definitely practice hard according to Wang Qian's advice.

"Okay, then I'll withdraw first, Instructor Long, after two days of physical training, you must blow them up!"

Wang Qian waved his hand and quickly slipped away, leaving only a group of stunned classmates, and complaints were everywhere.

"Brother Qian, I hate you..."

The last sentence was shouted by Dong Shushu.


After leaving the school gate, Wang Qian rode a small electric donkey and whistled all the way to the Demon Hunting Guild, he planned to hand in a mission before going home.

But I don't know why, I'm always restless along the way.

Just as he was passing through an alley, a pickup truck suddenly rushed out from behind him and slammed into him.

Wang Qian didn't have time to think about it, he jumped up directly from the little electric donkey, and at the same time that the little electric donkey disappeared, Wang Qian was also rubbed by the pickup truck on his foot and neck and fell out.

Before he could scold, he suddenly felt alarmed, and his body turned sideways under extreme conditions.

The next second, he felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder, and a dagger pierced through his left shoulder and drove it several inches into the ground.

From the pitch-black blade, it can be seen that this dagger is quenched with poison.

If he hadn't dodged just now, this dagger would have pierced the heart

! Wang Qian suddenly felt bad: Someone wants to kill me!

He didn't hesitate to get up and turn around, and at this moment a masked man stood on the pickup truck that had flipped to the ground, staring at him with sharp eyes.

There was a 'tsk' sound in his mouth, and at the same time, a few wind blades in his hand forced Wang Qian to flee in all directions.

"Tut-tut, the reaction is so fast, it is worthy of being a genius who can easily take down a fourth-level ability, but it's a pity that someone bought your life at a price that made me happy!" Wang

Qian endured the sharp pain in his shoulder, shook his somewhat dizzy head, and dodged while his mind was running wildly.

'This kind of ability fluctuation, at least a fifth-level ability, who has such a big enmity with me

?Lu Kai? Impossible, their family has been bleeding heavily last time, and it is impossible to spend money to hire a fifth-level killer in a short period of time.

That is Jiang Tianlei! The only person who has offended in the past two days is Jiang Tianlei. "

Hahaha, run, I like to see you geniuses running around like rats!" The

masked killer's voice reached Wang Qian's ears from time to time, trying to make him more easily distracted.

"No! The speed of the wind type ability is too fast, with my current state, it is difficult to escape even with the use of exoskeleton armor, I must hurry up and find a way...

' As Wang Qian's violent movements accelerated the flow of blood, the poison on his shoulder also spread faster and faster, Wang Qian's whole person became more and more uncomfortable, and even his vision began to blur a little.

At this critical moment, Wang Qian pulled out a random prop experience card from the system inventory.

[Do you use a random prop experience card?]


'Yes yes, hurry up!' Wang Qian thought wildly silently in his heart.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Level 4 prop 'Mark3' experience card, the experience time is ten minutes, and all actions within ten minutes do not need to consume energy points. After

seeing this prop, Wang Qian suddenly felt desperate and immediately used it.

As a green light enveloped Wang Qian's whole body, in the killer's surprised eyes, a reddish-yellow armored warrior appeared in front of him.

Just as Wang Qian was about to activate the jet device to escape, an electronic synthesis sound came from inside the armor that was easy to hear.


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