In the face of the overwhelming energy arrows, Wang Qian naturally would not be stupid enough to fight him.

It seemed that he had the upper hand just now, but in fact, only he knew the bitterness in his heart.

After the laser shield resisted that dark cyclone, its durability dropped by more than 400 points, leaving only a trace of durability, and it would definitely dissipate if it came again.

And the inconspicuous light bullet shot by the Elemental Pulse Cannon also consumed 400 points of energy.

However, the energy value of the fifth-level ability starts at 20,000, and the cost of this attack is much smaller than his.

So Wang Qian could only use the physical skills added by the exoskeleton armor to dodge back and forth in the field, trying to find an opportunity to get close to Jiang Tianlei and solve him with swordsmanship.

Jiang Tianlei was not surprised at all when he saw Wang Qian's figure on the field becoming erratic, he was not surprised at all when he was talking to a fifth-level strengthening system on weekdays, and the other party used this kind of trick, and he already had a way to deal with this set.

I saw him clasp his hands together, keep making seals, and muttering something in his mouth: "Balabala energy, Gunara Dark God-Molala-Stumble!"

(Apparently this incantation was translated by Wang Qian.)

After reciting the incantation, Jiang Tianlei put his hands forward, and in an instant, a large area of ground under Wang Qian's feet rose with black airflow.

These air currents seemed chaotic, but they were actually tracking Wang Qian's ability fluctuations.

Wang Qian knew that this kind of dark ability, once his feet touched these black air currents, he would definitely be restricted from moving, and he would be swallowed by the dark energy.

Wang Qian didn't dare to be careless, his body retreated again and again, trying his best to flash out of this airflow range, and at the same time, the laser shield on his left hand had already dispersed, and he grabbed the Gatling handle behind him.

Gatling followed Wang Qian's left hand, and the barrel of the gun rotated ninety degrees from behind him to the left, poked out the head of the gun, and fired frantically at Jiang Tianlei.

Jiang Tianlei and the doglegs behind him, only one second ago they saw blue fire spurting out from the black barrel, and the next second the battle instinct made them feel a violent sting pain in their scalp.

A thought flashed through everyone's hearts for a moment: 'I will die!

' They didn't have time to think about it at all, and all the colorful aura spread all over their bodies, turning into various defenses in front of them.


"Run! I can't stop it!" I don't

know which dogleg shouted a heart-rending roar, and all the doglegs rolled out of the door of the training room.

Jiang Tianlei is okay, his dark energy shield can devour the energy of other systems, although the dark shield he sacrificed has been beaten to a thousand holes, but Gatling's energy bullet has also been exhausted.

It's just that Jiang Tianlei also began to use his body skills to dodge in a wide range, because in the face of such a terrifying and dense shooting, he had no way to guarantee that the next bullet would not pass through the same place on the energy shield that had already been pierced.

Seeing Jiang Tianlei's movements, Wang Qian smiled, and his smile was so amiable.

Although I have to praise Jiang Tianlei's physical fitness is quite good, he can show this ultra-high-speed movement speed.

But compared to his mid-level physical skills, it is still more than a notch behind, not to mention that he now has the power propulsion assistance of exoskeleton armor.

So, the next second.


Wang Qian disappeared in the place before.

Jiang Tianlei locked on Wang Qian's breath at all times, but when Wang Qian disappeared, he panicked, and in his induction, he completely lost his goal.

At this moment, a sign of numbness appeared on the right side of his entire body, and his body had already thought one step ahead, and instinctively sacrificed a dark energy shield on the right side of his body again.

Sure enough, Wang Qian's sword-swinging posture had already appeared in mid-air on his right.

When his head turned to the right, he felt a chill behind him.

Wang Qian's figure who was still swinging his sword on the right side just now had already released a water bomb behind him.

Although the attack of the water bomb was not high, it was just the impact force that pushed him forward a few positions, but Jiang Tianlei was already panicking now.

At first, he didn't think about that aspect at all, but Wang Qian's sword-wielding feint just now stimulated the memory in his mind that he had watched a video.

'No, it can't be, it's absolutely impossible, I must have thought too much... How, how, could be, it was him...'Jiang

Tianlei's body, which was already in a big mess, could no longer make a correct response, and before he finished thinking, a heart-piercing pain came from his lower back, and then he lost his ability to think because of the paralysis of his whole body.

Because he was already soaking wet, he was knotted by Wang Qian's thunderbolt directly from behind.

Even Ye Xiaran, who was standing in the corner of the wall in the distance, felt his body numb, and the ponytail behind his head was electrocuted by the static electricity on the floor.


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