Reign of the Hunters

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Meeting in the narrow road

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Next is around 19 o'clock ~~~


After 2 weeks of intensive copy training, the equipment of more than 50 members of the guild has been completely renewed. If other guild benefits are issued by DKP, then every day, you can say that you can directly send a copy of the experience, send equipment, plus someone carefully teaches them various operations, although there is no money, but these are not the best The welfare that comes. The rest of the people are considered through layers. Although it cannot be said that 100% is a good character, from now on, each one is trustworthy.

Not only that, on the day that everyone's 15th-level copy of Blue Pack graduated, Ye Ci opened the guild warehouse, which contained the results of her recent 20-level copy. The warehouse of the guild was met with inhumane onlookers. It contained various 20-level blue equipment and various materials to keep all the people flowing. The players who were very loyal to every day, saw these equipments, and finally understood why the leaf words rarely took copies. They all felt heartfelt and felt stronger about the sense of belonging every day.

Since you have decided to do a guild, you have to do it well. The word leaf is always a person who does not do it. If you do it, you must do the best. Therefore, she did not feel that it was not worth the effort in the previous period, but she was willing.

Ever since Ye Zi helped Oasis defeat the nameless monk, time has passed for nearly a month. In this month, the words that make the words that all players envy and hate have gradually faded out of the player's field of vision.

After all, watching the fun is just a gossip, and all the players are more interested in their own strength. Many guilds have already played cold ruins, and even a number of guilds have begun to open up a copy of the team in the back of the cold ruins.

The highest ranking person on the ranking list has reached level 22, and the members of the guild every day have basically reached the level of 18 or above, although everyone wants to go to the team copy. But everyone understands that the high-level first-class pressure on the dead, according to their level, it is still relatively stubborn to go to a large copy.

The leaf word of this matter is also understandable. She thought about it and thought that the heroic medal of Oasis City would be a bit wasteful if it was not used. Therefore, this day, Ye Ci resolutely organized the guild to go to the bones to level up.

Every day, the guild has never organized such a large-scale leveling, so every player is very much looking forward to it. Although they all know that the level of monsters in the bones is very high, they can't suppress the inner excitement.

Early the next morning, the guild had already been assembled, and more than 50 people formed a team, marching into the land of bones.

Although the bone-buried land is a level 30 map, but the marginal wandering mobs, there is no resistance to a team of more than 50 people, not to mention the leaf word wearer hero medal, It added a BUFF that added 20% of all attributes to the whole team - the hero's encouragement. Therefore, the mobs along the way basically did not fight back, and they were directly crushed by more than 50 people.

This road has been blamed, and has not yet reached the Behring Abbey, so many members have reached the level of 19, such a rapid upgrade, so that all people are hooked. Because there are more people, the leaf words did not take everyone to recruit, but went directly to the sacrifices with everyone. This time, all the members were excited.

The leaf word blamed a few times, throwing a cannonball, all players' level rushed to level 20, and a bean cake forced by the leaf word was even more stunned. He stood by the leaf and exclaimed: "God, what is this?"

"Engineering." Ye Zi turned to look at a bean cake, and the smile did not laugh. Although a bean cake chose engineering, but because the success rate of the finished product he produced is not high, he has been very frustrated. This time, the leaf word just came out to level up and brought him. Although the interest of a bean cake for leveling is not high, but can not erase the face of the word, can only barely follow, for a bean cake, out of leveling, it is not as good as he to do something.

After seeing the exaggerated results of the red iron bomb thrown away by the leaf words, a bean cake was so excited that even talking was unfavorable.

Because engineering can only do some parts that are of no use in the early stage, there are not many people who choose this subject. A bean cake also belongs to the body skills that he likes to play with mechanical parts, but he did not think of this skill. It’s really enough to waste wood.

But after seeing all this in front of me, a bean cake was excited, and a bean cake was boiling. He repeatedly asked the leaf words why the words used in engineering were not the same as the engineering things he learned. What are they learning from two different life skills?

"If you can stick to the intermediate level of engineering, I think, you should be very surprised." The metamorphosis of engineering is only beginning to appear in the middle level. In the players who are now generally apprentices in engineering, there is no natural People know the metamorphosis behind engineering.

A bean cake is boiling, and the original confusion disappears completely at this moment. If his level is too low, there is no way to rush out of the bones alone. Otherwise, he will return to the guild’s workshop to practice skills. It is.

Because the members are a bit more, the leaf words and several Ranger hunters have attracted a few blame, and bombing a few bombs has only raised the ranks of many members to level 23. However, this has already made all members excited. It is necessary to know that this half-day experience is comparable to their experience of one or two months of practice.

Every day, the collective level of members has been greatly reversed, and the original ranking has been subverted. This has caused doubts in the world and in the forum. Some people even began to doubt whether the guild will use the BUG brush level every day. The complaint call for a time of fate kept ringing, but the result was a no BUG reply.

Of course, this is something.

After a few more laps, most of the people have reached the level of 24, and Ye Zi intends to stop. It is very simple to go to the cold ruins at this level, but the whole team is still lacking cooperation. Therefore, it is important to decide the level to learn here first, so that everyone can go back and practice.

Everyone heard that the guild was going to take the cold ruins to the back of the city, all excited, one by one, and could not wait to fly into the copy now. However, the leaf words are not in a hurry, just divide the team into two groups, let the words and the deer lead.

The words of ink and deer stood out in this month's copy training. They had clear thinking and strong analytical ability. They examined several copies of two people in time and finally reported them to Ye Zi. They thought they were good men.

Ye Ye also personally followed the ten of them, although the command time is relatively tight, there are more nonsense, but in general, these two people belong to the talent. Although in the last world, the commander Li Ye has not seen the names of these two people, however, Ye Zi feels that as long as a person has basic qualities, plus appropriate training, and then give him a stage to develop, Can be a master. Since she has already changed the game, she doesn't mind letting the game change more.

At the moment, ink and deer are sitting on the ground and eating bread to restore their strength. When they heard the leaf words, they asked the two of them to take a copy of the team of twenty-five people, scared and shook their heads again and again: "President, bring 10 people to us. I feel very nervous. What if I bring a 25-member group to destroy the group?"

"Then climb up and continue. If the mission is due to the cooperation of everyone, then it will be extinguished until the skill is met. If the mission is because of your command, then it will be destroyed until your command is mature." Did not change: "Every time 25 people open the group, I only give the head of the 100 gold maintenance fee, after the maintenance cost of your mission is more than 100 gold..." She said, she raised her head and directed at two people. Open your mouth and reveal White's teeth: "You bear it yourself."

Everyone said that the pressure was great, and that the ink and the deer were even more stressful, and they immediately went to the copy of the data research.

After finishing the layout for the next few days, the leaf words assembled a good team and prepared to take people out.

Although the pressure on the cold ruins is very high, everyone still talks and laughs along the way.

Just out of the gourd mouth, the leaf word that led the way suddenly stopped, she raised her hand, and everyone behind it was silent. The thieves drifted away from the half-worldly pale ears and listened to and then whispered: "Someone has come, and there are many people."

In this level, people who come to blame, in addition to people like Ye Zi, she is very curious, there are people.

Soon, she knew the answer. In the square square across the holy pool, Ye Zi saw the opposite person.

The opposite person apparently did not think that there would be people here, so he also stayed there, and then, the leaf words clearly saw who the opposite person was.

This person is not the last person she met when she came to leveling here? She was very impressed by the three sets of hot robes in that team, but now it seems that they have to upgrade their equipment. In the entire 30-person team, there are more than eight people wearing hot law. Robe, it seems that this group of people has not been idle this month.

The red at sunset also recognized the leaf words, and suddenly gnashed his teeth. This is the female hunter! It’s a son, and they were leveling here last month. She actually commanded a few masters to take a group of 35 elites and rushed toward them, killing them all, and all the people didn’t practice. Instead, all fell off one level. And he even dropped two pieces of equipment in the hot suit.

Later, when they were resurrected to Oasis City and ready to go to the bones of the ground, she actually rushed into the city, and they were sent back to the resurrection point by the unknown monk who was chased later.

This is good, she played a thrilling heroic drama in Oasis City, and the main members of their guild because of this two levels, greatly affected the progress of the copy, so that the guild ranking fell by two within a month! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in, chapter more, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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