Luffy is in jail, which means the plot has begun!


But Bucky is not in a hurry, even if the plot begins, he will not panic at all now, first master the skills of this newbie package, thinking that he has crushed the “Primary Armed Color Domineering Experience Book”.

After mastering the armed color domineering, he did not hesitate and immediately crushed the “Entry-level Six Style Experience Book”.

A few seconds later, Bucky suddenly felt a surge of energy pouring into his body, and his body seemed to become a little stronger, causing the powerlessness caused by the sea lou stone to be reduced.

Six styles, he also learned.

Although I am just getting started, at least there are no obstacles to using it.

The six styles are the same as the previous domineering, they all have levels, namely: beginner, proficient, proficient, and grandmaster.

Bucky received this information while obtaining the experience book.

The levels of the three-color domineering are divided into: beginner, intermediate, advanced, super and so on!

Among them, the representative of high-level insight and domineering is – predicting the future.

As for the super-level domineering representative, it is able to achieve the sight and smell killing, or more special seeing and hearing color.

The high-level armed color domineering is the armed color body represented by the flowing cherry blossoms.

As for the super armed color, it is an armed color called “Armed Tongshen”, and he has not seen it exactly.

Even if it does not appear in the original plot, it is only a stream of cherry blossoms at most.

And the advanced level of the overlord color is to reach the winding level.

As for the superclass, it is still unknown for the time being.

It has to be said that these two experience books have brought him a lot of hardcore knowledge that Bucky does not have in his head.

No way, who let Bucky’s head be full of ideas about how to hunt for treasure.

“Next is this template for [Kildas Smashing Magic]!”

Bucky’s eyes froze at the template derived from the fragmented fruit.

Whether he can get out of trouble or not, I am afraid that it all falls on this template now.

“Start loading!”

As Bucky’s voice fell, there was immediately movement on the other side of the system.

“Ding-dong ————”

After a prompt, Bucky felt a huge amount of energy pour into his body.

In the next second, Bucky was shocked to find that after the energy poured into his body, his body, which was originally only 192, was changing rapidly!

At the same time, information about the ability of [Kildas Smashing Magic] also flooded into his mind!

Not only is it as simple as smashing magic, but also the power and combat experience of the Fairy Tail Saint Ten Demon Mentor level are also injected into it, and then assimilated by the system panel into the battle system suitable for this world.

This time, it took a full five minutes for Bucky to slowly open his eyes.

Only this time he had a smile on his face.

Sure enough, everything was as he thought, and his hope of getting out of trouble fell on this loaded template.

Immediately, Bucky’s mind moved, and a blue virtual light curtain appeared in front of him, and a wooden board with Bucky’s personal information appeared on it.


Name: Bucky.

Codename: Joker.

Height: 258CM. (FORMERLY 192CM).

Physical skills: – Flying knife skills, proficient.

-Six Styles • Introduction.

Domineering: – See the domineering and elementary

– Armed color domineering elementary

-Lucky Color Domineering · Max!

Devil Fruit: Superman Broken Fruit.

Fruit Stage: Awakening. (First embrace, liberation, awakening, control).

Fruit ability: Initial possession, liberation level – [Basic Fragmentation Ability].

Awakening Level – [Kildas Smashing Magic Template + Fragmentation Ability].

– Liberate fruit abilities and fly in the air. (There is no longer a limit of 200 meters and feet that must be close to the ground – awakening skills).

-Decompose. (Breaking up the structure between the matter and rearranging it, no matter what attack move can be broken down, using it on the creature will cause it to split into many mini-doppelgangers to make the opponent lose the will to fight, so that its physical strength will decline rapidly, and it can be blocked by the armed color.) )

– Full decomposition. (Use mana traits for a wide range of powerful attacks.) – Range attack, can be blocked by armed color domineering.

-Smashing (casting type changeable and without any magic array, releasing a wide range of shock waves or flying lattices with one hand, no matter how hard the external structure is, since the definition of smashing magic is to break the atomic connection from the inside, as long as it is a tangible object (unless it is a dragon scale that is immune to most magic) or magic (except for nullification magic that has the essence of magic), it can be instantly shattered according to the will of the sorcerer, but creatures will splash blood when they touch this magic, so Kildas does not often use this magic to fight people, Instead, hand-to-hand combat. – Can be blocked by armed color domineering.

– Breaking the Evil Manifestation Day (Gather mana in your fist to knock your opponent off to accelerate (unless you encounter gravity magic, air obstacles), no matter what kind of magic can be shattered, its power can instantly knock the opponent to thousands of kilometers away to the hook punch, if the opponent flies too high because the speed is getting faster and faster, the body is severely pressed and will then shatter in the air. – Can be blocked by armed color domineering, damage still explodes! ———— awakening skills

-Breaking Evil Manifestation True Heaven (Broken Evil Manifestation Day Enhancement Version. Can be blocked by armed color domineering, still very high damage, directly damage the body, no matter what kind of fruit. – Awakening skills!


After seeing the information of his personal panel, the corners of Bucky’s mouth couldn’t help but rise slightly.

This feeling of getting stronger is amazing!

Compared to the [Kildas Smashing Magic Template], even the six styles of seeing and smelling color domineering and armed color domineering are too inferior!

Because this smashing magic he mastered, using it in this world is equivalent to the ability of the devil fruit, but it is not restricted by the sea water and sea floor stone!

What does this say?


As Bucky’s low drink sounded, a burst of white light flashed above his hands, and then, the Hailou stone handcuffs locked on his wrists directly “banged”, turning into small gravel and falling to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, the feeling of sourness and weakness disappeared instantly, and power suddenly emerged from the hundreds of limbs!



After feeling the changes in his body, Bucky suddenly raised his hand and pressed it on his face, raised his head and let out a hearty laugh!

From now on, the sea is wide with fish leaping, and the sky is high for birds to fly!

“World, I’m coming!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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